加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说


6. USCIS is denying almost one-third of I-829s. (看来区域中心被拒绝的829的比例也不少啊)As a prospective investor in the EB-5 Program, if I knew there was a one in three chance that I would not get my permanent green card, I would not invest。 全文如下: http://eb5greencard.blogspot.com/2011/04/bakers-dozen.html Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Baker's Dozen Robert Divine (partner with Baker Donelson, Chattanooga, former Acting Director of USCIS, fellow member of the EB-5 Investors Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and a personal friend) asked me to prove what USCIS has said and done to show its hostility toward the EB-5 Program. It was too easy. All of the following issues below come from my file of USCIS misinterpretations of the law or regulations, from official USCIS memos, official requests for additional evidence, or from USCIS stakeholder conference calls and USCIS reports on those calls. Here's my baker's dirty dozen list. 1. The two-year rule on full investment and creation of jobs for purposes of removal of conditions, which USCIS snatched out of the marriage fraud amendments, without any apparent basis in reality. Why two years? Could have been four or five, if the goal is job creation. Done. 2. First USCIS said constructions jobs did count (2007) then said they didn't (2009), then said construction jobs must last two years (another two-year rule pulled out of the marriage fraud amendments, without any apparent basis in reality). Why not five years? Why not six months? Said. 3. First USCIS said we could have "rural areas" within MSAs, then it said we couldn't. Said. 4. Capital from sole proprietorships is not "personal assets" for purposes of investment. Said and Done. 5. First USCIS examined regional center applications based upon the business plan and the industries and geographic areas requested. Now it is "project-centric" and requires real or exemplar investment projects for each industry or economic sector and each geographic area (looks like county level, not sure). USCIS analyzes and "adjudicates" or "pre-approves" exemplar projects that do not exist and when they are not even asked to adjudicate them, which is very strange. In short, ACFI's application for designation as a regional center would not be approved today because the agency fails to apply its own laws, regulations and official guidance in a manner in keeping with the congressional intent of this job-creation program. Done. 6. USCIS is denying almost one-third of I-829s. As a prospective investor in the EB-5 Program, if I knew there was a one in three chance that I would not get my permanent green card, I would not invest. Done. 7. Given a choice of allowing an amended I-526 or a new I-526 upon the event of a "material change" in an EB-5 investment project, USCIS chose "new petition". Done. 8. The California Service Center (CSC) adjudicates I-526 petitions with the presumption that the applicant is either a terrorist or a drug dealer. CSC adjudicates I-829s without giving weight to or recognizing the "reasonable time" regulatory standard for job creation. Done. 9. First USCIS said we couldn't count indirect jobs outside the boundaries of the regional center. Then it said we could (Mayorkas letter to Sen. Leahy). Then it said we couldn't count indirect or induced jobs outside a TEA (targeted employment area). Then it said we could. Said and who knows? 10. First USCIS said we couldn't gerrymander TEAs, then it said we could, but most recently said we couldn't. Said. 11. CSC immigration service officers are over-relying on the four Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) "precedent decisions" and under-relying on the law and regulations. Requests for additional evidence coming out of the CSC strongly indicate that CSC officers are not using the preponderance of the evidence standard that statute law and case law require them to apply. Instead, CSC officers are imposing the beyond a reasonable doubt evidentiary standard. 12. USCIS's stated goal is 90 days processing time for an I-526 petition. Current processing time often exceeds nine months or more. While the I-526 petitions are pending, in most cases the investment capital sits in escrow. EB-5 investment project developers cannot wait on the capital that long. Many good job-creating investment projects are dying on the vine. Said and Done. 13. In a "troubled business" scenario, in which jobs are preserved rather than created, USCIS has stated that indirect jobs are not considered preserved, then they said they were. Said. I could have added four or five more issues to this Baker's Dozen, proving that USCIS is confusing the hell out of foreign investors, their lawyers, investment project developers, and people who run regional centers. I hope it is not viewed as hyper-critical of USCIS, which it is not meant to be. I hope it is viewed for what it is: A list of evidence that the agency has mismanaged the EB-5 Program for a very long time to the everlasting detriment of the people the agency's employees are sworn to serve. In my view, the trend will continue. I have lost hope that this trend will reverse itself. Boyd CampbellVice President and General Counsel America's Center for Foreign Investment, LLC100 North Union St., Suite 682PO Box 11032Montgomery AL 36111-0032Direct +334.832.9090Office +334.954.3111

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说1/3的拒签率, 9个月的I-526等待, 混乱的标准, 我也快失去希望了.

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说1/3的拒签率, 9个月的I-526等待, 混乱的标准, 我也快失去希望了.点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说mark

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说这篇文章说的三分之一的驳回率数据太老(是2008年以前)。而且,这个数据包含了自主移民和区域中心项目移民一起的829失败率,其中自主移民占绝大多数(08年以前区域中心也只有几家而已)。正确的829通过率,今年前两个季度86%,2009年至今没有低于83%的。而且我再强调一次,这个数据同样包括了自主移民和区域中心移民两个部分,随着区域中心移民的增多,大幅度的提高了829的通过率(从最早60%几通过率到现在80%,而区域中心绝大部分是最近两三年才成立的),退后腿的恰恰是自主移民的案子。移民局在区域中心的要求下,已经在研究对自主移民和区域中心移民分开统计,到时我想没人会再想自主移民了。6. USCIS is denying almost one-third of I-829s. (看来区域中心被拒绝的829的比例也不少啊)As a prospective investor in the EB-5 Program, if I knew there was a one in three chance that I would not get my permanent green card, I would not invest。 全文如下: http://eb5greencard.blogspot.com/2011/04/bakers-dozen.html Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Baker's Dozen Robert Divine (partner with Baker Donelson, Chattanooga, former Acting Director of USCIS, fellow member of the EB-5 Investors Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and a personal friend) asked me to prove what USCIS has said and done to show its hostility toward the EB-5 Program. It was too easy. All of the following issues below come from my file of USCIS misinterpretations of the law or regulations, from official USCIS memos, official requests for additional evidence, or from USCIS stakeholder conference calls and USCIS reports on those calls. Here's my baker's dirty dozen list. 1. The two-year rule on full investment and creation of jobs for purposes of removal of conditions, which USCIS snatched out of the marriage fraud amendments, without any apparent basis in reality. Why two years? Could have been four or five, if the goal is job creation. Done. 2. First USCIS said constructions jobs did count (2007) then said they didn't (2009), then said construction jobs must last two years (another two-year rule pulled out of the marriage fraud amendments, without any apparent basis in reality). Why not five years? Why not six months? Said. 3. First USCIS said we could have "rural areas" within MSAs, then it said we couldn't. Said. 4. Capital from sole proprietorships is not "personal assets" for purposes of investment. Said and Done. 5. First USCIS examined regional center applications based upon the business plan and the industries and geographic areas requested. Now it is "project-centric" and requires real or exemplar investment projects for each industry or economic sector and each geographic area (looks like county level, not sure). USCIS analyzes and "adjudicates" or "pre-approves" exemplar projects that do not exist and when they are not even asked to adjudicate them, which is very strange. In short, ACFI's application for designation as a regional center would not be approved today because the agency fails to apply its own laws, regulations and official guidance in a manner in keeping with the congressional intent of this job-creation program. Done. 6. USCIS is denying almost one-third of I-829s. As a prospective investor in the EB-5 Program, if I knew there was a one in three chance that I would not get my permanent green card, I would not invest. Done. 7. Given a choice of allowing an amended I-526 or a new I-526 upon the event of a "material change" in an EB-5 investment project, USCIS chose "new petition". Done. 8. The California Service Center (CSC) adjudicates I-526 petitions with the presumption that the applicant is either a terrorist or a drug dealer. CSC adjudicates I-829s without giving weight to or recognizing the "reasonable time" regulatory standard for job creation. Done. 9. First USCIS said we couldn't count indirect jobs outside the boundaries of the regional center. Then it said we could (Mayorkas letter to Sen. Leahy). Then it said we couldn't count indirect or induced jobs outside a TEA (targeted employment area). Then it said we could. Said and who knows? 10. First USCIS said we couldn't gerrymander TEAs, then it said we could, but most recently said we couldn't. Said. 11. CSC immigration service officers are over-relying on the four Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) "precedent decisions" and under-relying on the law and regulations. Requests for additional evidence coming out of the CSC strongly indicate that CSC officers are not using the preponderance of the evidence standard that statute law and case law require them to apply. Instead, CSC officers are imposing the beyond a reasonable doubt evidentiary standard. 12. USCIS's stated goal is 90 days processing time for an I-526 petition. Current processing time often exceeds nine months or more. While the I-526 petitions are pending, in most cases the investment capital sits in escrow. EB-5 investment project developers cannot wait on the capital that long. Many good job-creating investment projects are dying on the vine. Said and Done. 13. In a "troubled business" scenario, in which jobs are preserved rather than created, USCIS has stated that indirect jobs are not considered preserved, then they said they were. Said. I could have added four or five more issues to this Baker's Dozen, proving that USCIS is confusing the hell out of foreign investors, their lawyers, investment project developers, and people who run regional centers. I hope it is not viewed as hyper-critical of USCIS, which it is not meant to be. I hope it is viewed for what it is: A list of evidence that the agency has mismanaged the EB-5 Program for a very long time to the everlasting detriment of the people the agency's employees are sworn to serve. In my view, the trend will continue. I have lost hope that this trend will reverse itself. Boyd CampbellVice President and General Counsel America's Center for Foreign Investment, LLC100 North Union St., Suite 682PO Box 11032Montgomery AL 36111-0032Direct +334.832.9090Office +334.954.3111点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说LUCIDTEXT 博客列出http://blog.lucidtext.com/2011/06/30/fy-2011-q1q2-eb-5-statistics/ 这是最新的526和829的数据。看一看,真正多少526最后去申请829呢?如果按2-2 1/2年来计算临时绿卡的期限的话,2008年640个526被批准,2-2 1/2年半后就是2010年应该有640个要申请829。当年,274个829 被批准。640个526中只有274个得到829批准的,这是什么math啊? 如果被拒的都是个人直投的项目话,2008年640个526批准的10%是个人直投,那才是64个。就是这64个在2010年100%的被拒的话,还有200多个区域中心的829申请没有下文呢?

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说你不能简单的加两年这么算的,2008的批准526的案子,算他2010年递829申请,移民局处理829也要大约3个月,如果RFE则时间更长,很有可能就要到2011年才能知道结果。看通过率就可以了,还是有很大的参考价值的。 LUCIDTEXT 博客列出http://blog.lucidtext.com/2011/06/30/fy-2011-q1q2-eb-5-statistics/ 这是最新的526和829的数据。看一看,真正多少526最后去申请829呢? 如果按2-2 1/2年来计算临时绿卡的期限的话,2008年640个526被批准,2-2 1/2年半后就是2010年应该有640个要申请829。当年,274个829 被批准。640个526中只有274个得到829批准的,这是什么math啊? 如果被拒的都是个人直投的项目话,2008年640个526批准的10%是个人直投,那才是64个。就是这64个在2010年100%的被拒的话,还有200多个区域中心的829申请没有下文呢?点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说你不能简单的加两年这么算的,2008的批准526的案子,算他2010年递829申请,移民局处理829也要大约3个月,如果RFE则时间更长,很有可能就要到2011年才能知道结果。看通过率就可以了,还是有很大的参考价值的。点击展开...2008年批准640个I-526申请。2010年有768个I-829申请。2010年批准I-829申请274个,一部分也可能是2009年的829申请。2011年的半年又批准166个。 如果2010-1011年度批准的829申请都算给2010年的申请的话,批准率只有57.29%. 说明接近一半829申请不是被拒,就是没有下文呢。这里328个829申请,大型区域中心的项目的出来的有多少呢?

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说没有下文是以下情况:一个是829还没有到期,二是申请了还在处理中,有的是RFE中,还有第三就是有些项目发生了实质性变更,申请人自己申请撤销CR状态,重新申请I-526。这些都不代表最终829通不过,真正没通过的就是明确被驳回的那些。2008年批准640个I-526申请。2010年有768个I-829申请。2010年批准I-829申请274个,一部分也可能是2009年的829申请。2011年的半年又批准166个。 如果2010-1011年度批准的829申请都算给2010年的申请的话,批准率只有57.29%. 说明接近一半829申请不是被拒,就是没有下文呢。这里328个829申请,大型区域中心的项目的出来的有多少呢?点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说没有下文是以下情况:一个是829还没有到期,二是申请了还在处理中,有的是RFE中,还有第三就是有些项目发生了实质性变更,申请人自己申请撤销CR状态,重新申请I-526。这些都不代表最终829通不过,真正没通过的就是明确被驳回的那些。点击展开...除了第一种情况外,都是可能的结局。这些是移民局收到的829申请,说明都是到期的申请。 不论是第二种情况,还是第三种情况,都是项目方本身的问题,操作过程或出现不可预见的变化,或者本来从头到尾就没把风险真实地告诉投资人,导致投资人的829申请不能顺利过关。2008年的项目,都会有一半的绿卡申请有问题。再想想后来的那些超级项目的成功几率了。 投资人要自主投资,不是没有缘由的。投资人能在申请区域中心资格,再自主投资,这样风险会降低。

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说区域中心有的缺点,自主一个也不会少,项目出现意料之外的不利变化并非区域中心独有。除了第一种情况外,都是可能的结局。这些是移民局收到的829申请,说明都是到期的申请。 不论是第二种情况,还是第三种情况,都是项目方本身的问题,操作过程或出现不可预见的变化,或者本来从头到尾就没把风险真实地告诉投资人,导致投资人的829申请不能顺利过关。2008年的项目,都会有一半的绿卡申请有问题。再想想后来的那些超级项目的成功几率了。 投资人要自主投资,不是没有缘由的。投资人能在申请区域中心资格,再自主投资,这样风险会降低。点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说区域中心有的缺点,自主一个也不会少,项目出现意料之外的不利变化并非区域中心独有。点击展开...如果是自主投资的话,没到829到期的时候,投资人自己会估计申请829的成功几率,事先就寻找补救措施。 区域中心的情况是,829到期的时候,投资人无法估计自己申请829的成功几率。一切都想蒙在鼓里。829申请出现意外,无法事先寻找补救措施。

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说如果是自主投资的话,没到829到期的时候,投资人自己会估计申请829的成功几率,事先就寻找补救措施。 --- 区域中心也会,没准会做得更好。 区域中心的情况是,829到期的时候,投资人无法估计自己申请829的成功几率。一切都想蒙在鼓里。829申请出现意外,无法事先寻找补救措施。 ----谈几率是不科学的自欺欺人,成就是成,不是撞大运。聚沙成塔,组织在一起的抗风险、抗意外的能力,远远超过单一的个体。点击展开...

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关如果是自主投资的话,没到829到期的时候,投资人自己会估计申请829的成功几率,事先就寻找补救措施。 区域中心的情况是,829到期的时候,投资人无法估计自己申请829的成功几率。一切都想蒙在鼓里。829申请出现意外,无法事先寻找补救措施。点击展开...

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说VISA--- 区域中心也会,没准会做得更好。 CANAM区域中心可以说是老牌的区域中心了,身经百战,可是他们的好多项目都有许多投资人的绿卡不是被拒,就是大批的RFE。那些新来乍到的区域中心的信誓旦旦又能证明什么呢?

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说所谓的弥补无他,就是继续投钱死撑就业。50万不够再来50万。许多自主投资人本来以为自己掌控没风险,结果该亏还是亏,对困难估计不足,当情况超出预期时,没有足够的资金去继续填窟窿,或者自己就直接放弃了,许多自主829的失败就是这样的情形。点击展开...同意。这个风险绝对是存在的。很多国内的投资人,觉得拿在国内的成功经验就可以在美国驰骋天下了。过于自信,对困难估计不足,又没有美国当地的投资伙伴帮助,也是风险的事。

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说同意。这个风险绝对是存在的。很多国内的投资人,觉得拿在国内的成功经验就可以在美国驰骋天下了。过于自信,对困难估计不足,又没有美国当地的投资伙伴帮助,也是风险的事。点击展开...请问马大姐认识了解或实质接触过多少想在美国驰骋的“很多”国内投资人?你是文革时期出国的吗?大姐,俺们这里已经改革开放很多年了~~现在是第四代领导人啦~~

You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说Wesley出场,介绍一下心得。当初你跟我说,纽约的朋友来帮你。我就先支持一下了。 首先朋友胜过中介,信任不是一朝一夕建立起来的。中介是短暂的,朋友是长久的。

回复: 829的实际通过率-移民律师如是说所谓的弥补无他,就是继续投钱死撑就业。50万不够再来50万。许多自主投资人本来以为自己掌控没风险,结果该亏还是亏,对困难估计不足,当情况超出预期时,没有足够的资金去继续填窟窿,或者自己就直接放弃了,许多自主829的失败就是这样的情形。点击展开...没看见“墙脸”在美国耍威风啊,你不还在国内对付中国人的吗?

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