加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名投资移民 - 加拿大本地新闻:华人社区对
http://dailygleaner.canadaeast.com/search/article/1454066 Chinese community disappointed immigrant program was cancelled A senior member of Fredericton's Chinese community says the ethnic group is disappointed the provincial government has eliminated an economic immigration program targeting that country.Chaoho Meng, a retired University of New Brunswick professor, said the province should have tried to fix the controversial Chinese escrow pilot project rather than announcing it was ending."The government's sudden announcement of cancelling all applications under the former Chinese escrow pilot project will have significant impact on the ability of the New Brunswick government to attract future Chinese immigrants to this province," he said Friday."Such irresponsible policy change causes huge difficulty to many families that were in the process for years."Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe said last week that all remaining applications under the project, part of the provincial nominee program, are being withdrawn following an internal review of New Brunswick's immigration programs.The program was criticized by New Brunswick auditor general Kim MacPherson for not tracking the number of immigrants that use the program and there has been complaints about how the program was funded.Meng said the Chinese immigrant community here is industrious and hardworking, and the provincial government is underestimating the potential negative impact of the policy change on both applicants in China and the Chinese community here.There are an estimated 1,000 people of Chinese decent living in Fredericton, he said, adding the province's decision seems to point a finger at Chinese immigrants as a whole without providing a good explanation which may cause public confusion about blame."Does the New Brunswick government really want to set a bad precedent of taking action against one ethnic group in our celebrated multi-cultural society?" Meng said."Let's not forget our painful history of levying a head tax on Chinese immigrants."He said some families who have applied to come to New Brunswick have been waiting for years."We were told by those who managed to go through the process that it took an enormous amount of effort and investment on their part," said Meng."They have closed their businesses, quit schools for their kids and some of them even sold their houses and assets."There have even been reports of families in China damaging an office there in frustration when they were told the New Brunswick program was cancelled, he said.Coulombe said applicants in the pilot project can shift their requests to the business applicant category of the provincial nominee program, which requires a deposit of $75,000 and provides full reimbursement for candidates who settle in New Brunswick and meet all the criteria.The province is promising such applications will be given priority processing by the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.Meng also said the Chinese community here should have been consulted about the change.Krista Ross, CEO of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, said the chamber welcomes and encourages population growth through immigration."It is one of the key ways in which our province can grow our population, increase our skilled labour force," she said Friday."Any program that encourages immigration I don't like to see it end."There's still an entrepreneurial provincial immigrant program, although it does not target China specifically, said Ross.Doug Motty, president and CEO of Enterprise Fredericton, said the thing to remember is that the Chinese escrow project was a pilot program."It was designed to connect the immigrants coming from China with the communities in New Brunswick ... in business activities," he said."That particular piece of the program has been updated."Really that is what has happened."
回复: 加拿大本地新闻:华人社区对移民项目取消非常失望。感谢当地华人对此事的关注。引进了五千多人还是pilot项目?这样的出尔反尔还真的应该进一步思考其深层原因。为什么只有中国人有这项?
回复: 加拿大本地新闻:华人社区对移民项目取消非常失望。其实pilot这个词,除了实验的意思之外,还可以被称为导向的、领航的。所以说这个项目,在当时是很受推崇的。就好比在这个文章里Doug Motty(这个人是福来的企业发展署的CEO)所说,“这个项目的设计是为了增强中国企业家和加拿大企业家在商业上的联系的”,“这个项目是客观存在的”。 [FONT=宋体]所以,[/FONT]NB[FONT=宋体]移民局是否认历史看问题,是非常片面的。早期的NBPNP项目[/FONT][FONT=宋体]几乎没有中国申请人,很多来自其他国家的新移民不做任何投资就通过这个[/FONT]NB PNP[FONT=宋体]计划登陆了。[/FONT]Chinese Pilot Project[FONT=宋体]从没有任何定金要求到由政府下属机构[/FONT]Enterprise Fredericton[FONT=宋体]托管[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]万定金是一大进步,这是一个客观存在的事实;[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]即使是在[/FONT]2010[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]春季开始[FONT=宋体]实施的纽省新政(需要由省政府直接监管[/FONT]7.5[FONT=宋体]万定金)也是在[/FONT]Chinese Pilot Project[FONT=宋体]基础上发展起来的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]现在被移民局粗暴拒绝的中国申请人是在新政实施前申请的,比起新政实施前,来自其他国家的申请人不需要支付任何定金,他们是实实在在为[/FONT]NB省的[FONT=宋体]经济做了贡献。而且,在他们没有登陆之前,就武断的认为他们不会居住,不会继续投资,也是毫无道理的,做出法律判断,需要依据的是事实,而不是推断![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]这批申请人完全遵守了[/FONT]NB[FONT=宋体]政府当时的项目要求,是没有任何过错的。法律不应该有追溯力,所以[/FONT]NB[FONT=宋体]政府拒签这批申请人是在脱离历史做决定,也完全缺乏法律依据,。[/FONT]
回复: 加拿大本地新闻:华人社区对移民项目取消非常失望。关注。。。
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