加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecti
Posted by Michael Gibson on Wed, Dec 28, 2011 @ 09:17 PM Well known and respected Miami Immigration attorney Roger Bernstein has published an article Tips on Selecting an EB-5 Regional Center which illustrates the dramatic change in the EB-5 visa program that we have all witnessed over the past few years and offers great advice for attorneys who counsel their clients on the selection of an EB-5 visa investment. Roger then offers his advice on factors which should be considered by potential EB-5 visa investors, and their attorneys, when trying to evaluate an EB-5 Regional Center project offering. Here is a brief summation of his points:Choose experience: A substantial record of I-526 and I-829 approvals is one of the best indications of success.(CANAM区域中心的项目?)Velocity: Be wary of overly ambitious projects if there is no track record of raising funds expeditiously. (100人以上的巨无霸项目?)Management Team: Ensure that the Regional Center has a familiarity with the EB5 program and understands its responsibility to complete the project and create the requisite jobs.(胜利谷区域中心? 挪用EB-5资金的公寓酒店项目?)Job creation: The central focus needs to be on whether the economic methodology used to make these job forecasts is reasonable. (这类项目太多了。。。)Is the Regional Center invested: Does the developer have skin in the game? Is the regional center’s success tied to the investor and the performance of the asset? Often times they are not, but they should be. If a loan-based model, ensure the project is sufficiently collateralized and that the investor’s interest is not subordinated to a massive bank loan (马里兰项目,芝加哥项目?。。。). Above all, seek qualified help to evaluate the investment.
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment你到底是同意还是不同意此人的观点? 是应该选择有经验的区域中心呢?还是选择好项目? canam以往的成绩不错,但看来你也同意,记录不能算什么东西。
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 InvestmentRoger Bernstein 大律师将在三月二十日第二届EB-5融资和投资论坛(迈阿密)上开讲!
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment不靠历史记录 难道就靠一张嘴和那些包装袋文件吗? 真可笑,任何时候历史记录都是相对最可靠的。上来就搞个499人的项目,明显就是一锤子买卖。你到底是同意还是不同意此人的观点? 是应该选择有经验的区域中心呢?还是选择好项目? canam以往的成绩不错,但看来你也同意,记录不能算什么东西。点击展开...
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment看出来了,你不是中介的卧底,实际上是区域中心的卧底。我收集这些不利消息刺激到神经了。 我呢,是直接就业的项目的卧底。无间道。卧底才知道区域中心的居心叵测的圈钱游戏! 区域中心给美国搞不出几个真正的就业,最多也就出来象海南岛的烂尾楼项目。 这样的悲惨世界里的角色是谁来演,大家都心里明白。
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.连这都被你看出来。看来我得跟区域中心多收点钱才行。 好在比起不忠不义信口开河连对缝都找不准切入点的大姐,我这也算是尽人事了。 就算区域中心最后出来的都是烂尾楼,你以为烂尾楼是像爬山虎一样自己长出来的吗? 对了,有便宜不占是傻子,这是你的生活信条吗?你这样的伪基督徒让上帝同志情何以堪啊。点击展开... 看你这样为区域中心抱不平,把英雄雷锋的称号授给你了!
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.只是看不惯你而已。点击展开...彼此彼此!
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我现在不必理你。我养老院项目的成功只会让你无地自容,没“脸”了! 我们投资人的申请再有一两个月见分晓。我养老院开业大吉的时候,你去找老鼠洞里喝酒去吧!
回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment我去帮外星人发电去了,你们玩吧。
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.回复: Miami Attorney publishes tips on selecting an EB-5 Investment说老实话,我觉得区域中心跟个人投资企业基本差不多都属于赌博性质的.都没那么容易成功.
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