加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 829改项目


本来要坚持在中文网站用中文,但是移民局文件是英文,而且发现这里的活跃分子居然不知道829可以改创造就业的方案。。。Material Change​The process of establishing a new business and creating jobs depends on a wide array ofvariables over which an investor or the creator of a new business may not have any control. Thevery best of business plans may be thrown off, for example, because of a sudden lack of supplyin required merchandise or an unexpected hurricane that devastates an area in which the newbusiness was to be built.The effect of changed business plans on a regional center or an individual investor’s immigrationstatus may differ depending on when the change is made relative to the various petitions theregional center or the individual investor have filed.It is well established that in visa petition proceedings, a petitioner must establish eligibility at thetime of filing and that a petition cannot be approved if, after filing, the petitioner becomeseligible under a new set of facts or circumstances.​​​​Matter of Katigbak, 14 I&N Dec. 45, 49(Comm. 1971); Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 175 (“a petitioner may not make materialchanges to a petition that has already been filed in an effort to make an apparently deficient​petition conform to Service requirements”).

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!本来要坚持在中文网站用中文,但是移民局文件是英文,而且发现这里的活跃分子居然不知道829可以改创造就业的方案。。。​ Material ChangeThe process of establishing a new business and creating jobs depends on a wide array ofvariables over which an investor or the creator of a new business may not have any control. Thevery best of business plans may be thrown off, for example, because of a sudden lack of supplyin required merchandise or an unexpected hurricane that devastates an area in which the newbusiness was to be built.The effect of changed business plans on a regional center or an individual investor’s immigrationstatus may differ depending on when the change is made relative to the various petitions theregional center or the individual investor have filed.It is well established that in visa petition proceedings, a petitioner must establish eligibility at thetime of filing and that a petition cannot be approved if, after filing, the petitioner becomes​ eligible under a new set of facts or circumstances. ​​Matter of Katigbak, 14 I&N Dec. 45, 49​ (Comm. 1971); ​ Matter of Izummi, 22 I&N Dec. at 175 (“a petitioner may not make material​ changes to a petition that has already been filed in an effort to make an apparently deficient​ petition conform to Service requirements”).​点击展开...移民局原文在这,第20页。​ http://ebfive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/eb5_coverandmemo-01-11-12.pdf​ 注意这句话:It is well established that in visa petition proceedings, a petitioner must establish eligibility at the time of filing and that a petition cannot be approved if, after filing, the petitioner becomes eligible under a new set of facts or circumstances. 申请人的移民资格是在申请的时候要符合。如果申请提交后,申请人在新情况下才符合, 申请不会被批准。投资人要跟移民局玩火,一定要是EB-5界的武林高手。不然小心被烧着。同样,移民局没有特别允许独立EB-5项目的申请人可以随便在526后更改商业计划。商业计划的改变是在不可控制的情况下出现,移民局可能具体情况,具体分析。

回复: 829改项目移民局原文在这,第20页。​ http://ebfive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/eb5_coverandmemo-01-11-12.pdf​ 注意这句话:It is well established that in visa petition proceedings, a petitioner must establish eligibility at the time of filing and that a petition cannot be approved if, after filing, the petitioner becomes eligible under a new set of facts or circumstances. 申请人的移民资格是在申请的时候要符合。如果申请提交后,申请人在新情况下才符合, 申请不会被批准。投资人要跟移民局玩火,一定要是EB-5界的武林高手。不然小心被烧着。同样,移民局没有特别允许独立EB-5项目的申请人可以随便在526后更改商业计划。商业计划的改变是在不可控制的情况下出现,移民局可能具体情况,具体分析。​点击展开...还是不教你这个了,股权概念就被你山寨了。。。。

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!回复: 829改项目自己做生意难免遇到预料之外的事。 移民局现在的规定目前仍然是,给发生这种情况的投资者两个选择: 1[FONT=宋体])看着生意失败,继续坚持下去,直到拿到正式绿卡(可能还没等到拿到正式绿卡,生意就亏完了,正式绿卡还是拿不到);----项目天天滴血,血流干之前要活着拿到绿卡,可能要不断输血。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体][/FONT]2[FONT=宋体])调头走,继续做生意,还是继续创造就业,但是没用,调头就等于放弃绿卡。重新来过吧。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]再说的直白一点,如果当初的生意计划没选对,要么生意败完,要么绿卡泡汤。[/FONT]

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关自己做生意难免遇到预料之外的事。 移民局现在的规定目前仍然是,给发生这种情况的投资者两个选择: 1[FONT=宋体])看着生意失败,继续坚持下去,直到拿到正式绿卡(可能还没等到拿到正式绿卡,生意就亏完了,正式绿卡还是拿不到);----项目天天滴血,血流干之前要活着拿到绿卡,可能要不断输血。[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体])调头走,继续做生意,还是继续创造就业,但是没用,调头就等于放弃绿卡。重新来过吧。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]再说的直白一点,如果当初的生意计划没选对,要么生意败完,要么绿卡泡汤。[/FONT]点击展开...你倒是终于说出EB-5的真谛了 做生意!这就对了,带着投资到美国做生意,创造10个就业,这就是EB5!!!

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