加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 只投资不做生意的纯投资移民时
直到今天加拿大正式宣告停止投资移民(Investor)以前,加拿大是主要西方移民国家中唯一的一个采纳申请人只须投资而不冒商业风险的(商业)纯投资移民的国家,随着今天加拿大移民部正式宣布停止接收并全面改革,这个时代彻底结束了。 代表加美商务专家(另一个马甲)特发帖纪念。
回复: 只投资不做生意的纯投资移民时代彻底结束!Calgary, June 28, 2012 Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney today announced the latest step in re-designing Canada’s economic immigration system. Effective July 1st, 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada will place a temporary pause on new applications to the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and federal Immigrant Investor Program (IIP). “We have been making lots of changes to our economic immigration system,” said Minister Kenney. “We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting to get us closer to a fast and flexible immigration system.” The pause will allow CIC to make important changes to its economic immigration programs before accepting more applications. This is an important step in moving towards a faster, more flexible immigration system, while immigration levels are at a historic high. Since the launch of Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2012, Minister Kenney has announced a series of changes to CIC’s economic immigration programs. They include:eliminating the backlog of old FSWP applications;improving the selection of FSWs;creating a new Federal Skilled Trades Program;modifying the Canadian Experience Class to help transition successful skilled temporary workers to permanent residence;changing business immigration programs to target more active investment in Canadian growth companies and more innovative entrepreneurs; andmoving towards a new application management system, to develop a pool of skilled workers who arrive in Canada ready to begin employment.“This temporary pause on new Federal Skilled Worker applications will allow us to set the program on a new course as we intend to launch revised selection criteria soon,” said Minister Kenney. “The pause has no impact on the number of workers Canada admits into the country, as CIC continues to process applications already received. Current immigration remains at historically high levels.” Application intake is expected to resume in January 2013, when the proposed FSWP regulatory changes which will be published in the Canada Gazette in the coming months are expected to come into force. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act allows the Minister to issue special instructions to immigration officers to enable the Government of Canada to best attain its immigration goals. Since the 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration, four sets of “Ministerial Instructions” have been issued relating to Economic Class applications. Under this fifth set of Ministerial Instructions, CIC will also introduce a pause on new federal IIP applications. This pause will remain in place until further notice, allowing the Department to make progress on processing its existing inventory. As Minister Kenney announced earlier in April, CIC will be consulting with provinces, territories and stakeholders on ways to reform the current IIP in order to maximize the economic benefit to Canada. The Department is also consulting on whether to create a new investor program on a short-term basis, to promote growth in the Canadian economy. The temporary pause on FSWP applications does not apply to candidates with offers of arranged employment or those applying under the PhD eligibility stream. The full set of Ministerial Instructions will be available online in the Canada Gazette tomorrow.
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 只投资不做生意的纯投资移民时代彻底结束!要有风险,风险才是王道。
美国投资移民回复: 只投资不做生意的纯投资移民时代彻底结束!早就该这样了。过来太多的假投资移民了,脏污纳垢。
[转贴] 加拿大出重手 技术、投资移民全部冻结联邦移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)28日重申要对联邦移民制度进行改革,并宣布自今年7月1日起,暂时停止接受两个移民项目的新申请。 康尼28日在卡加利表示,政府将暂时停止接受冻结联邦技术移民( Federal Skilled Worker Program,FSWP)和联邦投资移民计画(Immigrant Investor Program,IIP),预计到2013年1月才会重新接收新的申请。 康尼指出,这些变革并不意味着减少加拿大移民的数量,而是减少排队等候和积压的案例,这项变革的初衷,是为了建立更加快捷的移民系统。所谓快捷的移民制度,是指已经在加拿大找到工作并与加拿大社会有较好融合的人士,这些移民有较高水平适合雇用并且有着较高的收入。 康尼表示,加拿大移民水平正创下历史新高,通过暂停接收以上两个移民项目的申请,可以允许联邦移民部关于经济类移民项目作出重要改革。联邦政府将在未来半年致力于建立更新、更快、更灵活的移民制度。 康尼还表示,暂停以上两个移民项目的申请,对于现行的移民配额没有影响,移民部仍将继续审理已经递交的申请。 联邦政府在今年预算案期间,宣布把2008年2月27日前送件的28万联邦技术移民积案作废,并表示这是使加拿大移民系统走向现代化的一部分。 康尼28日还表示,尽管作废了一些联邦技术移民积案,目前还有11万申请人在等待审理。 联邦投资移民计画的积案目前也约有2万5000例。联邦移民部表示,允许外国民众通过用钱买到身分而移民加拿大,长远看来对于加拿大经济没有益处。因此,康尼在今年春季便表示有改革投资移民计画的想法,并谘询各省和各地区的利益相关者的意见。
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