加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名投资移民 - NB PNP被暂停了!


Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Province temporarily pauses the business applicant category of the Provincial Nominee Program06 September 2013Media Contact(s)Tyler Campbell, communications, Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, 506-444-3194.FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is temporarily pausing the business applicant category of the Provincial Nominee Program. Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy made the announcement today.“We need to pause this category of the program to effectively manage the current inventory of applications and to ensure we are providing high quality service standards to those already in the queue,” said Soucy. “This pause will not affect the skilled workers stream of the Provincial Nominee Program.”Due to changes in federal, provincial and territorial immigration programs, New Brunswick has been receiving an unusually large volume of applications to the business applicant category. Other jurisdictions, including the federal government, have taken measures to manage their inventories.“Immigrant entrepreneurs are a key building block in our plan to rebuild New Brunswick,” said Soucy. “They create jobs and their families increase our population while enriching our culture and society.”During the pause, new business applicants will not be accepted. All prior applications will be evaluated according to current eligibility requirements. The total number of applications currently under review is more than 1,500, which represents more than two years worth of potential program nominations. The federal government currently caps New Brunswick at 625 nominations per year.The pause will remain in effect until further notice.06-09-13

回复: NB PNP被暂停了!貌似这么大个消息无人关注阿?何解?

回复: NB PNP被暂停了!可能大家都关注其他省份的PNP项目吧

回复: NB PNP被暂停了!之前正常申请的不受影响,后面的不行了!

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