加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有谁接到这样一封信
我体检8个月了,等来等去,等到这样一封信:Court aoorove legal notice frome citizenship and immigration canada,有谁接到这样一封信吗?
我也刚接到 Court aoorove legal notice frome citizenship and immigration canada.
globefan 说:我体检8个月了,等来等去,等到这样一封信:Court aoorove legal notice frome citizenship and immigration canada,有谁接到这样一封信吗?点击展开... 体检八个月了?还没变态?真是太奇怪了,要写信给使馆问问清楚了,别向有一位筒子似的,签证来了两年了自己还不知道呢 我老公也受到这样的来信了,看来是联邦法庭给每个申请移民的主申请人都来这封信的
11月体检, 现在等清华认证,其他材料包括护照以寄去,今天说到传说的那个2008的那个变态的信
第一次发表信息:如果有收到Notice of proposed Settlement...的申请人请注意,这是一个非常严肃的事情。我从曾未遇到如此无耻的事情,这个加拿大所谓的安排申诉纯粹是个陷阱,本已可以结案的事情又可以拖到2006之后了。而这些律师是加移民部付他们律师费。我希望所有相关申请人以一切手段在任何可以获得的网站和媒体揭露加拿大政府的无耻并要求其向所有受害者在有影响的世界媒体公开道歉。的确不知道加拿大政府想干什么?他们可以拒绝或接受我们,但不能这样折磨申请人。这样极其不人道而不仅仅是申请人的经济损失。
Do u think we have patience and time to play this ridiculous and endless game with u forever? Yes or no,taking 5 years to say. I really don't understand what u want. I say again: Be human! Only one example, the property in my hometown has been up to three times as that in 2001 when on ur website you promised estimated processing time was 12-16 months and for that I gave up managing to stay in America and buying a house in my hometown when I got back from US. I am not claimming a compensation or st else here but only simple facts.I just want to know what time u can make my case finalized anyway and whatever. I have never never me tsuch a government and experienced such a d..ed thing.And I don't understand if I wait, if I wish, until 2007 to get a still uncertain answer, what the meaning of this d..ed thing. RIDICULOUS! RIDICULOUS! RIDICULOUS! What a shame ur country! And ur former Minister(whose father was a carpenter) is really a pig with a double-face!We are raped up, ain't we? Fuck Canada!
写得好!解气!我也收到信了,我们是否应该写一封联合签名的信给律师进行抗议?!他们对我们太不尊重了,搞的我们至今无法对家庭和未来生活进行长远规划,总处于飘的状态. 其实不管行还是不行,使馆能尽快结案,好让我们安排自己的生活就可以了,是吧?
希望和各位在多伦多的移友们认识. 赏 2004-11-29#11 M 579 $0.00 恕我直言,此信代表啥?别给我也……
我会写的,希望你也写给那个Notice 提到的fucking 律师。
florida 说:Do u think we have patience and time to play this ridiculous and endless game with u forever? Yes or no,taking 5 years to say. I really don't understand what u want. I say again: Be human! Only one example, the property in my hometown has been up to three times as that in 2001 when on ur website you promised estimated processing time was 12-16 months and for that I gave up managing to stay in America and buying a house in my hometown when I got back from US. I am not claimming a compensation or st else here but only simple facts.I just want to know what time u can make my case finalized anyway and whatever. I have never never me tsuch a government and experienced such a d..ed thing.And I don't understand if I wait, if I wish, until 2007 to get a still uncertain answer, what the meaning of this d..ed thing. RIDICULOUS! RIDICULOUS! RIDICULOUS! What a shame ur country! And ur former Minister(whose father was a carpenter) is really a pig with a double-face!We are raped up, ain't we? Fuck Canada!点击展开...这英语咱自叹扉如了!看来在海外生活工作过就是不一样,期待早日登陆。
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