2000年11月的FN; 2002-5-烤鸭-- --没拿成绩 2003-8补料- -2 , 2004-1-20 ---体检 ;2004-3-30 签证到手了 2004.12.16日到了卡城 赏 2004-09-21#2 L 539 $0.00 在申请指引中有:The Government of Canada does not provide financial support to new skilled worker immigrants.You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants after youarrive in Canada. You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to usethis money to support your family. You will need to provide proof of your funds when you submityour application for immigration. The amount of money that you need to have to support yourfamily is determined by the size of your family.Number of Funds RequiredFamily (in Canadian dollars)Members1 $9,1862 $11,4823 $14,2804 $17,2865 $19,3236 $21,360ND Kit (01/2003) 67 or more $23,397
欢迎在论坛分类广告栏目中发布广告、提出需求 赏 2004-09-21#3

2000年11月的FN; 2002-5-烤鸭-- --没拿成绩 2003-8补料- -2 , 2004-1-20 ---体检 ;2004-3-30 签证到手了 2004.12.16日到了卡城 赏 2005-05-20#4

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