,6号就要走了,头脑一团糟。 一直希望最近刚登陆的前辈们能够出来具体说说出关、入关、landing的情况。 渴望ing…… 先问几个问题:1、GL和GF表到底要不要填?2、有几十张DVD和CD,能带出关吗?怎么带比较好?3、成人出入境不用健康卡了吧? 最好是(从福州到)北京到温哥华的新移民能说说出入境的过程,好让我们这些后来者有个好准备。先谢啦!
somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak…… ,6号就要走了,头脑一团糟。 一直希望最近刚登陆的前辈们能够出来具体说说出关、入关、landing的情况。 渴望ing…… 先问几个问题:1、GL和GF表到底要不要填?2、有几十张DVD和CD,能带出关吗?怎么带比较好?3、成人出入境不用健康卡了吧? 最好是(从福州到)北京到温哥华的新移民能说说出入境的过程,好让我们这些后来者有个好准备。先谢啦!点击展开...relax!出入境手续虽然是很多移民的话题,其实,真的是非常简单。以前的fujianseafood是走你这条线的,不过该他出力的时候,跑没影儿了。多留意其他最近登陆朋友的帖子吧,比如兔子等。。。算是帮你顶了吧。
Good LuckTake it easy.I have not landed yet, but according to the information I have collected, you donot need to produce GF untill you goods have actually arrived. Several people have prepared the GL, but it seems that nobody was interested when they landed. Just for you refernce really, like a seond-hand information.I would take with me the GL just incase the immigrations needs it. Finally, I am sorry that I cannot input Chinese in this computer and hope you all the best.
FCH 说:relax! 出入境手续虽然是很多移民的话题,其实,真的是非常简单。以前的fujianseafood是走你这条线的,不过该他出力的时候,跑没影儿了。多留意其他最近登陆朋友的帖子吧,比如兔子等。。。 算是帮你顶了吧。点击展开... 。谢谢。老大就是老大,该出手时就出手。 我到温后,也要参加你们的聚会。可以吗? 明天就要起程了。
somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak……Take it easy. I have not landed yet, but according to the information I have collected, you donot need to produce GF untill you goods have actually arrived. Several people have prepared the GL, but it seems that nobody was interested when they landed. Just for you refernce really, like a seond-hand information. I would take with me the GL just incase the immigrations needs it. Finally, I am sorry that I cannot input Chinese in this computer and hope you all the best. 点击展开... Thank you.Hope to see you in Vancouver.
somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak…… 。谢谢。老大就是老大,该出手时就出手。 我到温后,也要参加你们的聚会。可以吗? 明天就要起程了。 点击展开...温派又多了一位同志
温派又多了一位同志点击展开... 给版主敬礼了,加你声望。
somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak……给版主敬礼了,加你声望。点击展开...已回礼..请查收
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