Free AllowanceAir Canada and its regional carrier allow each customer to bring along two pieces of luggage which is carried in the baggage compartment of the aircraft at no charge. This is known as the 'free checked baggage allowance'. The overall measurement of each piece (L + W + H) must be less than 62 inches or 158 cm, and the weight less than 50 lbs. or 23 kgs. Don't exceed these limits or you'll have to pay an additional amount (effective for travel after October 12, 2005) at the airport prior to travel. Note that checked baggage weighing more than 70 lbs or 32 kgs. will not be accepted. Please contact the nearest Air Canada Cargo office.Infants not occupying a seat are allowed one smaller 50 lb. piece with an overall measurement of no more than 45 ins. or 115 cm. Air Canada also carries the following baby equipment in the baggage compartment, free of charge: car seat, baby seat, bassinet and stroller.
Excess Baggage FeesWhen traveling on Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz, the size and number of bags you may check is limited by the free baggage allowance. If your baggage exceeds this free allowance (too many pieces, too big or too heavy), you will be charged an excess baggage fee.
Excess Baggage When traveling on Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz, the size and number of bags you may check is limited by the free baggage allowance. If your baggage exceeds this free allowance (too many pieces, too big or too heavy), you will be charged an excess baggage fee.First and Second Bag: Charge per bag oversized (more than 158 cm) 1 X the basic excess rate overweight (more than 23 kg) 1 X the basic excess rate oversized & overweight 2 X the basic excess rate For each additional bag (beyond the first two):Third and Additional bags Charge per bag 1 extra piece, within size and weight 3 X the basic excess rate 1 extra piece, oversized ( more than 158 cm) 4 X the basic excess rate 1 overweight piece (more than 23 kg) 4 X the basic excess rate 1 oversized & overweight piece 5 X the basic excess rate Basic Excess Rate Table:Canada $35 CAD / $30 USD United States and Mexico(including Hawaii & Alaska) $35 CAD / $30 USD International $60 CAD / $50 USD Customers are advised to allow extra time at the airport to facilitate the handling of oversized or overweight baggage. Excess baggage acceptance is subject to space availability. Currency exchange may affect amount of fees to be paid.Applicable taxes are not included in the prices. This information is correct as of August 15th 2005 for travel booked on or after August 29, 2005 for travel on or after October 12, 2005. Subject to change without prior notice.
沃尔玛的包包可以用,就是只能带 23公斤了The overall measurement of each piece (L + W + H) must be less than 62 inches or 158 cm, and the weight less than 50 lbs. or 23 kgs.
(ZT)北京移友注意158包 北京沃尔玛知春路店有售(石景山点没有)沃尔玛知春路店电话:58733666
zqq 说:楼上的,我真是欲哭无泪啊,我前几天去北京,到处找沃尔玛最后坐了17站(地铁)到了沃尔玛居然还没有,累的够戗。另外那个我就没有去。不过还好,听说南京沃尔玛也有,才30元一个。我过几天去买。点击展开...价格好像全国都一样

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