加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民把催出DM的邮件贴出来给大家分享
个人建议:催信不能太频繁,否则会招致VO的厌烦!催的理由要写得与众不同,切合实际,才能打动VO的心 Dear Sir or Madam: I am the applicant of immigration to Canada and I am writing this letter to enquire my application status. My name is *****. We are Shanghai residents of People's Republic of China. Our application File Number is **********, which was issued in March 2005. Upon the request, our family performed medical examination on February 22nd, 2006. Relevant document was also submitted. On March 2nd, we wired the landing fee. After the medical examination, we carefully investigated the weather condition in Canada. In general, Canada is a beautiful ice & snow kingdom, which will enter snowy winter in November. The scene is pretty but to new immigrants it poses great challenge. New immigrants are not allowed to drive so commuting will be a big problem for us. To get us accustomed to the life in Canada we would appreciate landing at Canada by fall, which would enable us to have about two months to settle down, the go through all the immigrant procedures and to familiarize the peripherals. When winter comes, we shall be able to handle our life in a much easier way. Before immigrating to Canada, we would also need time to process everything in China accordingly. First is the resignation. My spouse and I are all responsible persons so it would take us about 1-2 months to quit our jobs in a professional manner. Secondly, we would also have to sell our apartment in China which could be a lengthy process. Thirdly, since we are moving to a very new location to our family, we have to prepare quite some grocery items before hands. Finally we have to book our tickets in the most appropriate and most economic way. The earlier you book the better price you have. In all, we would be very grateful that you offer the most favorable help so as to allow us to arrive in Canada with our smart and cute son soon. With best regards,
我的移民手记,从申办开始,包括申办技巧 经过黑暗的人,才知道阳光的明媚;有过苦难的经历,才倍感生命的珍贵 我们既然选择了这里,便会注定漂泊;既然选择了漂泊,便不会有任意歇脚的借口。那么何不让你的脚步轻盈起来呢,也许前方就是你靠泊的港湾。 赏 反馈:萤火虫 和 ldl 2006-06-05#2 685 $0.00 恭喜DM,谢谢分享!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]听老婆的话... 赏 2006-06-06#5 H 262 $0.00 thanks.
060607,DHL递料(HK)060619, 招商信用卡划款(其实是冻结了)060627, 意外收到退件,信用卡授权有误。060629,再次DHL递060714,扣款060929,收到FN(060922签发。060925寄出) 等待ME个人建议:催信不能太频繁,否则会招致VO的厌烦!催的理由要写得与众不同,切合实际,才能打动VO的心 Dear Sir or Madam:I am the applicant of immigration to Canada and I am writing this letter to enquire my application status. My name is *****. We are Shanghai residents of People's Republic of China. Our application File Number is **********, which was issued in March 2005. Upon the request, our family performed medical examination on February 22nd, 2006. Relevant document was also submitted. On March 2nd, we wired the landing fee.After the medical examination, we carefully investigated the weather condition in Canada. In general, Canada is a beautiful ice & snow kingdom, which will enter snowy winter in November. The scene is pretty but to new immigrants it poses great challenge. New immigrants are not allowed to drive so commuting will be a big problem for us. To get us accustomed to the life in Canada we would appreciate landing at Canada by fall, which would enable us to have about two months to settle down, the go through all the immigrant procedures and to familiarize the peripherals. When winter comes, we shall be able to handle our life in a much easier way.Before immigrating to Canada, we would also need time to process everything in China accordingly. First is the resignation. My spouse and I are all responsible persons so it would take us about 1-2 months to quit our jobs in a professional manner. Secondly, we would also have to sell our apartment in China which could be a lengthy process. Thirdly, since we are moving to a very new location to our family, we have to prepare quite some grocery items before hands. Finally we have to book our tickets in the most appropriate and most economic way. The earlier you book the better price you have.In all, we would be very grateful that you offer the most favorable help so as to allow us to arrive in Canada with our smart and cute son soon. With best regards,点击展开...
PERSON OF INTERST 赏 2006-06-06#8 B 149 $0.00 哈哈,我不催他,他老催我
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