加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民准备登陆:需要准备的文件有哪些?
看了移民局的网页,只有下面的提示:・ a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you; ・ a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you; ・ two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and ・ two copies of a list of items that are arriving later. 以前看过网友的帖子,关于准备照片等好像有很多事情,现在找不着我看过的帖子了。知情人能给一点意见吗?另外,随身带的物品中,什么样的东西需要填入物品清单呢?其实除了日常用品,衣服等物,也就笔记本电脑,数码相机等价值高一点,需要填写物品清单吗?谢谢大家给一点意见。
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