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One of the rarest qualities of national character is the capacity for applying and. working out the law, as such, at the cost of constant miscarriages of abstract justice, without at the jame time losing the hope or the wish that law may be conformed to a higher ideah The Greek intellect, with all its vibram five fingers kso nobility and elasticity, was qu te unable to confine itself within the strait waistcoat of a legal formula and, if we may judge them by the popular courts of Athens, of whose working we possess accurate knowledge, the Greek Jribunals exhibited the strongest tendency to confound law and fact. The remains of the Orators and the forensic commonplaces preserved by Aristotle in his Treatise on Rhetoric, show that questions of pure law were constantly argued on every consideration which could possibly influence the mind of the judges. No vibram five fingers durable system of jurisprudence could be produced in this five fingers way. A community which never hesitated to relax rules of YJliy-MJ.X whenever they stood in the way of an ideally perfect decision. on. the. facts. vibram five fingers cheap of particular . .Vases, would. only, if Jt bequeathed any body of judicial principles to posterityjjbequeath one consisting of the ideas of right and wrong which hap pened to be prevalent at the time. Such jurisprudence would contain no framework to which the more advanced conceptions of subsequent ages could be fitted. It would amount at best to a philosophy, marked with the imperfections of the civilisation under which it grew up. Few national societies have had their jurisprudence menaced by this peculiar danger of precocious maturity and untimely disintegration. It is certainly doubtful whether the Romans were ever seriously threatened by it, but at vibram fivefingers any rate they had adequate protection in their theory of Natural Law. For the Natural Law of the jurisconsults was distinctly conceived by the m as a system which ought gradually to absorb civil lawB, without superseding Jhem BO long as they remained vibram five fingers review unrepealed.
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