加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教首次登陆一些问题!
看到cic网页上登陆入关需提供资料,请教如下:1.“ ”Two (2) copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you (Reference to Form B4 as PDF attached)”Q1:就是每人带的行李物品清单对不?只填Form B4就行了吧?还用填Form B4a吗?手写可以吧? 2.“Other documents you may need (translated them into English):Letters of reference from former employers;Driver’s license, including an International Driver’s Permit and a reference from your auto insurance company”Q2:每人还要求带原雇主推荐信吗?我们登温哥华,除中国驾照原件,还需带什么呢? 3.“First interviewAn officer from the Canada Border Service Agency will greet you...The officer will find out about your health (Are you healthy?)”Q3:我只需回答 healty就行,还是需要提供什么证明呢?ms没什么证明撒? 4.CLB测评英语级别时,http://www.language.ca/display_page.asp?page_id=631 上说,“able to prove your status with original documents (Documents: At some point, you will be asked to show your documents. Remember, they have to be originals, not copies)”Q4:测评前还需要交雅思之类的原件成绩?我副申,没考过雅思之类的东东,咋办? Q5:海关有带现金限制,我们是在加拿大银行上海办事处开了账户,主要资金通过这个账户汇入。这个不算现金范畴,没限制吧?谢谢大家赐教!
回复: 请教首次登陆一些问题!1 填B4,项目太多不够写,用B4A做附件2 雇主信一般无用3 嘴上说说就可以了。不会把你拉到小黑屋子里面隔离的4 去了以后,现场大概考一下,就给你个评级5 随身携带的现金,汇票超过1万需要申报。要看是不是随身携带。如果是在你之前或之后寄的钱,显然不是随身携带
回复: 请教首次登陆一些问题!明白啦!谢谢cbitmap!:)
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