加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民和田美玉的北京补料经


[FONT=宋体]泡在家园这个版块的日子很快乐,独乐乐不如众乐乐。虽然我的状态才刚变成[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体],但是总也证明了我的补料没有什么大问题,所以敢把自己的补料经拿上来跟大家分享了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]不过,美玉毕竟不是中介,只接触过自己的[/FONT]CASE[FONT=宋体]而已,职业[/FONT]0632[FONT=宋体]和大家也都不同,所以仅供大家参考一下了,希望能对大家的[/FONT]DIY[FONT=宋体]之路有所帮助。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]助人为快乐之本,希望永远快乐着。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]和田美玉:学历[/FONT] 20[FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]经验[/FONT] 21[FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]雅思[/FONT] 14[FONT=宋体],年龄[/FONT] 10[FONT=宋体],适应力[/FONT] 4[FONT=宋体],总分[/FONT]69[FONT=宋体]分[/FONT][FONT=宋体]刚过及格线。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]具体进程看我签名吧。[/FONT]

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到赞反馈:melindalee, yuantangling, leesabrina 和 123 其他人 2009-09-10#2 和田美玉 1,554 $0.00 回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经先从补料信开始:建议把这个邮箱地址先收藏一下,就不会被当做垃圾邮件了。另外,不要给这个邮箱写信,不会回信的。FSW-Centralized-Intake-Office<[email protected]>2009年8月29日 00:50:29Application for Permanent Residence in CanadaFEDERAL SKILLED WORKERCENTRALIZED INTAKE OFFICEP.O. BOX 7500SYDNEY, NS B1P 0A9名姓你的邮寄地址28 August 2009(RN日期)*BXXXXXXXXX *( 9个数字)Dear Sir/Madam(看主申性别了): This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on November 28, 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an offer of Arranged Employment, applicants who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or applicants who have work experience in certain listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. Based on a review of the information you have provided, your application is being recommended to the visa office for a final determination of eligibility for processing on the basis of:X Work experience in an occupation specified in the Instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. Arranged Employment in CanadaPlease note: The requirements for Arranged Employment are outlined on: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/informa...72.asp#factor5Legal residence in Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker or Legal residence in Canada as an International Student for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of application.You are therefore requested to submit a complete application to the following visa office:The Canadian EmbassyImmigration Section19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600The People’s Republic of ChinaAny future correspondence should be sent to this visa office. Your reference number is located below the date of this letter. You must quote this reference number in any future correspondence. If you submitted original supporting documents, these are being returned to you by mail as you may be required to submit these with your full application.This correspondence also acknowledges receipt of your payment dated 31 July 2009 (解付日期哦)in the amount of 1,250.00 Canadian dollars. Your Payment Receipt No. is xxxxxxxxxx(汇票号码). Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and quote this number on all correspondence relating to application fees or refunds. Submitting your Complete ApplicationGo to http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp to download the Federal Skilled Worker guide and application forms. Your complete application must consist of the following:A copy of this letter with the reference number above Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (if applicable) Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] You must submit all documents required by the visa office. Visa office-specific forms and a list of all supporting documents required by the visa office are available at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-mission.asp When submitting your complete application to the visa office, you must advise them of any changes in your application (e.g. birth of a child, marriage, new occupation or employer, submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, change of address, change of e-mail address, change of immigration representative, etc). Please include a letter identifying what the changes are. NOTE: Until the visa office has received your completed application, it will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, EXCEPT: Change of address, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; The Federal Skilled Worker application kit states (page 18), “Consult the Visa Office specific requirements now to determine what documents you will need to provide once your application is recommended for processing at a Visa Office. If you are not prepared to submit full documentation to the Visa Office within 120 days do not apply now. Visa Offices are strictly enforcing the 120 day rule and will not provide extensions.”Note: Once the 120 days has elapsed, a final eligibility of determination will be made based on the information on file. A negative determination of eligibility for processing is final and will result in the closure of your file. Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package.Once the visa office has received your complete application, it will send you an acknowledgement of receipt letter which will inform you of the next steps in the review of your application.Thank you for your interest in Canada.DFMService Delivery AgentCitizenship and ImmigrationFederal Skilled Worker Centralized Intake OfficeSydney, Nova ScotiaThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.This e-mail address is solely for the purpose of communicating to clients and/or their representative’s further instructions regarding their application. This e-mail box is not being monitored. Any future communication/queries to this e-mail address will therefore not be answered.

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到赞反馈:snowy671 2009-09-10#3 和田美玉 1,554 $0.00 回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经以下是我按照SW清单,按照自己情况做的补料清单,供大家参考的。我在每一栏后面打了个空心五角星,完成一项就填满一个星星,呵呵北京大使馆补料清单(和田美玉)项目主申请副申请子女备注1 表格1.1 aIMM 0008 加拿大永居申请 (填完并签名日期)☆IMM 0008 加拿大永居申请 (填完并签名日期)☆――注:你提供的邮寄地址必须是有邮编的个人住址或公司地址;中国的地址和人名必须用中文写;邮寄地址有效是你的责任,必须及时告知变更情况。bSchedule 1 背景声明 (填完并签名日期)☆Schedule 1 背景声明 (填完并签名日期)☆―――c家属表、教育和就业细节表 (填完并签名日期)☆家属表、教育和就业细节表 (填完并签名日期)☆――学校和工作单位的名字和地址必须写中文dSchedule 3 经济类-联邦技术人员 (填完并签名日期)☆―――――2 身份2.1 a出生公证☆出生公证☆出生公证及出生证复印翻译件☆―b结婚公证☆f全家户口公证☆2.4护照复印件(包括延期页)☆护照复印件☆护照复印件☆―身份证复印件及翻译☆身份证复印件机翻译☆无身份证解释信☆无刑公证☆无刑公证☆4张照片☆4张照片☆4张照片☆照片后写名字,放在信封内3 资金3.1银行证明原件 CAD 16,580(三口之家)☆――――银行中英文证明4 教育4.1学位证明(大学英文证明)☆―――――学历证明(大学英文证明)☆成绩单证明(大学英文密封件)☆学位清华认证☆5 英语5.1雅思成绩单原件☆―――――6 经验6.1 a主申请推荐信原件,包括目前职位和10年内职位。必须有公司抬头和联系信息,并包括☆―――――・ 在公司的明确时段・ 每个职位的职位和时段・ 每个职位的主要职责・ 主申请的收入,如果可能,解释奖金计算方式・ 签署推荐信人员的名片、主申请名片 证明必须用公司信纸并盖章。必须显示公司的地址、电话、传真、区号和网址。b主申请签名的10年内劳动合同☆―――――c10年税单☆―――――10年社保☆―――――d简历☆简历☆――不能提供上述证明,需要详细解释,可能的话提供其他文件信息。☆―――――9 适应性9.1―学历证明(大学英文证明)☆―――a―成绩单证明(大学英文密封件)☆―――b―学历清华认证☆――――学时证明(大学英文证明,非全日制需要)☆―――总项目2313440附上SW清单,老有同学问在哪里能找到。这里可以下载了。

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到赞反馈:橙瑟瑟 2009-09-10#4 和田美玉 1,554 $0.00 回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经我在补料中附的材料清单,跟大家分享。不过这是根据我自己的情况做的,同学们问我很多针对自己的问题,恕我不一一回答了,我真的不清楚。我的材料,如果你觉得能参考借鉴的,你就看看,针对你自身的问题,还是不要问我了,真的,别难为我哈,我不是中介,我就经手过自己这一个CASE而已。1.APPLICATION FORMS1.1(a) Application for permanent residence in Canada -the principal applicantP 1(a) Application for permanent residence in Canada-the spouseP 2(b) Schedule 1 Background declaration-the principal applicantP 3(b) Schedule 1 Background declaration-the spouseP 4(c) Additional family information and Details of education and employment -the principal applicantP 5(c) Additional family information and Details of education and employment -the spouseP 6(d) Schedule 3 Economic Classes,Federal skilled workers-the principal applicantP 72. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS2.1(a) Certificate of birth-the principal applicantP 8(a) Certificate of birth-the spouseP 9(a) Certificate of birth-dependent childP 10(b) Certificate of marriage P 11(f) Household registration (hukou) for the applicant, the spouse, and dependent childP 122.4Photocopy of passport pages -the principal applicantP 13Photocopy of passport pages -the spouseP 14Photocopy of passport pages -dependent childP 15Photocopy of national identity card -the principal applicantP 16Photocopy of national identity card -the spouseP 172.5Police certificate -the principal applicantP 18Police certificate -the spouseP 192.6Four photos -the principal applicantP 20Four photos -the spouseP 21Four photos -dependent childP 223. FUNDS Original bank statements as proof of unencumbered funds available for transfer to Canada P 234.EDUCATION4.1(a) Degree for post-secondary degree-the principal applicantP 24(a) Diploma for post-secondary degree -the principal applicantP 25(a) Transcripts for post-secondary degree-the principal applicantP 26(b) Verification of the highest post-secondary degree with CADGEDC-the principal applicantP 275. ABILITY IN ENGLISH 5.1Conclusive proof of her level of proficiency in English-the principal applicantP 286. EXPERIENCE6.1(a) Original letter of reference from each employment position in 10 years -the principal applicantP 29(b) Employment contracts for each employment position in 10 years(200X)-the principal applicantP 30(b) Employment contracts for each employment position in 10 years(200X)-the principal applicantP 31(b) Employment contracts for each employment position in 10 years(200X)-the principal applicantP 32(c) Proof of personal income taxes for each employment position in 10 years -the principal applicantP 33(c) Proof of social insurance for each employment position in 10 years-the principal applicantP 34(d) Resume -the principal applicantP 35(d) Resume -the spouseP 36Detailed explanation for not providing the documents listed above -the principal applicantP 37Other documents to substantiate the experience 1. Pay slips -the principal applicantP 38Other documents to substantiate the experience 2. Certificate for each positions-the principal applicantP 39Other documents to substantiate the experience 3. Company files on nomination of the positions -the principal applicantP 409.ADAPTABILITY9.1Proof of spouse's level of education (a)Diploma for post-secondary diploma -the spouseP 41Proof of spouse's level of education (a)Transcripts for post-secondarydiploma-the spouseP 42Proof of spouse's level of education (b)Verification of post-secondary diploma with CADGEDC -the spouseP 43Proof of spouse's level of education Certificate of Class Hours-the spouseP 44

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经第一个大项表格,其中家庭教育表从官网上下载的是不能填写的版本。这里美玉自己加入了填写框,需要的同学可以在这里下载。不过声明一下哈,请同学们自己下载官方最新版本对比一下,如果官方版本改动了,美玉可不知道啊,不要找我麻烦哦。顺便把后面要用到的简历可填写版本也上传了。2个附件哦,一个家庭教育表,一个简历。(晕死,第一页都没有楼给我剩下啦,看来我只能在后面占领阵地去了)9-12后记:因为有些同学RESUME填不下,现在再上传一个RESUME的WORD版本,有需要的同学可以下载,编辑比较方便了。10-9后记:家庭教育表前几天删掉了,RESUME表格填写框也修改了一下,大家可以去226楼和228楼下载。

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到赞反馈:skyrvr 2009-09-10#6 transfer 113 $0.00 回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经前4个坑都被你占了

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经期待着你来填坑

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经支持,谢谢

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经前排就座

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经给你加声望,鼓励一下!

Never give up,never stop believing!回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经我也找个位置旁听,虽然已经补过了。

2009-5-7 妥投悉尼->2009-6-8 RN->2009-7-11雅思->2009-8-17补料妥投BJ->2009-8-24 FN->2009-9-1 一次变6->2009-9-14 变12->2009-11-12 二次变6->2009-12-16 变2->2010-2-19 变12->2010-4-20 变5->2010-4-26 体检->2010-5-11 变8->2010-5-13 变12->2010-5-14 变13->2010-5-17 DM->2010-5-20 变17->2010-5-21大信封!回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经加不了啊,那就THAX吧

Never give up,never stop believing!回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经请教一下、CIC发补料信的时候,是不是不会把材料转到相应大使馆的?如果补料的有些具体材料,需要大使馆先发函,申请人才能去办理的话,是不是可以先提交不完整的申请(缺某些材料),然后使馆再发函,申请人再去办理呢?

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经虽然我是投HK,但还是要感谢美玉的热心!

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经等美玉继续填坑,我也学习。护照复印件(包括延期页),护照延期不是取消了吗?有效期到了就得换新的。

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经和田美玉是个好同学!加声望。

回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经谢谢各位捧场。我这个表写的是我自己的情况哦,只能给大家参考的。我的护照06年延期过,所以我提醒自己延期的那页也要复印好。

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到赞反馈:magping 2009-09-10#18 L 58 $0.00 回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经多谢分享,加油中.....................

2009.12.02RN回复: 和田美玉的北京补料经优秀生!呵呵


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