加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民园友国外体检经验交流汇总
关于加拿大体检后体检报告究竟应该寄渥太华还是北京的问题,是许多园友关心和纠结的问题,查找了相关的权威网站,供园友参考,更希望有经验的园友提供指教。加拿大公民及移民部网站:Sending immigration medical exam reportsDMPs must forward all immigration medical reports to the regional medical office in their area by mail. Do not send immigration medical reports to the visa office processing the applicant’s file. This will only increase the processing time.Medical records must be sent within five days of the receipt of all required information. In urgent situations, DMPs may request that medical records be expedited. DMPs may forward these records by commercial courier, at the applicant’s expense.Applicants are responsible for all shipping costs.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/departm...r/dmp/exam.aspRegional medical office locationsAll immigration medical exam documents are sent to the regional medical office in theDMP’s area. The regional medical office will then transfer the information to the appropriate immigration office either in North America or overseas.For example, a DMP in Montréal would send the medical report for an applicant applying from China to the Ottawa regional medical office, which would then send the medical report to the Beijing immigration office, where the application is being processed.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/departm.../dmp/tools.asp加拿大驻华大使馆网站:2. 我居住在海外,我是否需要回到中国进行体检?不需要。你可以让加拿大公民身份与移民部指定的任意医生进行体检,但你需要让该指定医生将体检结果寄到北京签证处。http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca...g=zh-cn&view=d
回复: 园友国外体检经验交流汇总很有用,多谢了!!!
回复: 园友国外体检经验交流汇总ZAO看到此贴就好了,我 在这里体检了2个月了,体检完啥都没有,就让走人, 现在也不知道报告寄了没,寄哪儿了,查都没地查,别人在国内检的半个月就在CIC的网上变态了。唉, 没话说
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