加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问父母visitor签证如何打疫苗?


貌似还需要要一个residency document?

kitty888 说:貌似还需要要一个residency document?点击展开...具体的要求要看你所在的省,下面是NS 省的要求,我想应该是大同小异的:NS省有关没有健康卡,但仍可以打疫苗时所需要的证明文件:Appointments for non-residents​If you’re not a permanent resident of Nova Scotia (you don’t have a Nova Scotia Health Card), you can still receive the vaccine while you’re in Nova Scotia if you’re staying in the province for an extended period.You’ll be able to book an appointment at a community clinic when your age group becomes eligible based on Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 immunization plan. Non-residents can only book an appointment by phone. When you book your appointment, 1st and 2nd dose appointments are booked together.Right now, if you’ve already received your first dose in another province, territory or country, you’re not able to book an appointment for your second dose. Nova Scotia is looking at a process for non-residents who only need to receive their second dose in Nova Scotia and will share information on the process when available.Required documentation​When you arrive at your appointment you need to provide government-issued identification from your home province, territory or country and 1 additional piece of supporting documentation.Required supporting documentation includes:utility bill that shows the address of where you’re staying in Nova Scotialong stay invoice for your accommodation in Nova Scotia (for example, Airbnb)letter from an occupant of the residence where you’re staying in Nova Scotia confirming your stayproof of work in Nova Scotia (for example, letter from employer or pay stub)work permit (showing location by province or territory and your name and date of birth)student ID cardletter showing proof you’re attending a school in Nova Scotialetter of acceptance from a designated learning institution in Nova Scotiaport of entry letter of introduction that shows you were approved for a study permitletter from a faith-based institution, healthcare provider or other registered organization or agency confirming that you’re living in Nova Scotia

Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 超赞 赏 S SLS 1$(VIP 0,#422) 3,9841 小时前#3 朋友没有医疗卡,我打电话过去,没有任何问题。只要有证明年龄的证件,如护照就可以。外国人也没问题。


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