加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助父母移民说查不到相关信息
之前联系IRCC 询问关于父母expired COPR 现在怎么入境。结果收到如下回复。是什么意思呢?
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
We have verified the sponsorship application and were unable to find information stating that you are the representative for the principal applicant.
The Privacy Act ensures that a person's identity and personal information are protected. For this reason, we cannot take action on your request since this file contains personal information about another person.
In order to respond to your inquiry, the principal applicant must provide written consent to IRCC by completing the Use of a Representative form and submitting it via the IRCC Web form. You may also contact the appropriate governing body to verify that you are a member in good standing.
A few useful tips
If your request is for an outside Canada application, we invite you contact the responsible Canadian Visa office directly in order to add a representative or designated individual.
A separate form is required for each individual you wish to represent, even if they are part of the same application.
If you already provided a Use of a Representative form, we may have not received it properly. Please resend the form and make sure to fill out all sections of the form correctly.
If needed, more information on immigration and citizenship representatives is available for you on our website.
We hope the information provided is helpful in assisting you with your enquiry.
We would also like to suggest the following online services that might be helpful to you with any immigration, refugee and/or citizenship future requests:
Download application forms and guides
Change of address
Check your application status
Help Centre - To find answers, you may consult the different sections or type keywords related to your question.
可以让父母填写一份IMM 5476授权你做representative,然后webform给移民局再询问一下。
签一份授权书, 便可以了。
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