Forms for the sponsor to complete
The sponsor must fill out the following PDF forms below and;
- print them and sign by hand
- give electronic copies of the signed forms to the person you’re sponsoring
- the person you’re sponsoring (principal applicant) will
- upload them to their online application
- electronically sign for the entire application, including those of any other family members
- upload them to their online application
- Document Checklist [IMM 5771] (PDF, 4.09 MB)
- Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking [IMM 1344] (PDF, 0.56 MB)
- Note: To be signed by you (the sponsor), your co-signer (if applicable) and the person you are sponsoring.
- Note: To be signed by you (the sponsor), your co-signer (if applicable) and the person you are sponsoring.
- Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship [IMM 5768] (PDF, 1.74 MB)
意思是 5771 也要签名吗?
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