加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM5490E表16题,急寻答案!if your sponsor had to travel to your country for the marriage.
同志们,16题问 if your sponsor had to travel to your country for the marriage.问题是我老公和我都在中国,也在这里结婚,是不是选“no”?有遇到类似疑问的吗?多谢多谢!
2012.4递料/2013.11长登密西沙加 超赞 赏 palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542012-02-29#2 回复: IMM5490E表16题,急寻答案!if your sponsor had to travel to your country for the marr我想置顶的帖子已经说过这个问题了如果是你说的那样, 就回答 不需要travel
麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 竹山2 8$(VIP 0,#131) 3712012-03-05#3 回复: IMM5490E表16题,急寻答案!if your sponsor had to travel to your country for the marr谢谢PALMER。已经通读过您最全面的那个无敌帖子!竟然没看清这个的答案,想必我还得精读几遍!多谢!
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