加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问境内团聚申请可以选择北京或者香港的immigration office吗?
我看Application Guide for inside Canada对这个问题的解释有冲突,如下1 在Things to remember说: Applications in this category cannot be transferred to immigration offices outside Canada2 在IMM0008填表说明里:Immigration Office requested for the processing of your applicationIndicate the name of the Immigration Office which serves:your country of nationality, orthe country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one (1) year.请问大家都怎么填的?我填了北京,已经交上去了,没消息,挺忐忑,是不是填错了
BJ case, 2014.6.23签收,2014.8.18AR1和DM1;8.25 Medical results received;9.29 AR2; 10.09 IP;10.16补护 超赞 赏 minne_kei 0$(VIP 0) 4152014-04-09#2 imm0008填表说明里有这么一段,就在你写的那段话下面Note:If you are applying for refugee protection from within Canada or being sponsored from within Canada, this question does not apply to you. Go to Question 5.
HK Case:2013.11.29 ME -- 2014.01.09 签收-- 2014.02.06 AR1-- 2014.02.06 DM1 -- 2014.02.19 AR2 --2014.08.19 IP -- 2014.10.07 PPR -- 2014.10.28 DM2 -- 2014.11.03大信封 -- 2014.11.04 登陆imm0008填表说明里有这么一段,就在你写的那段话下面Note:If you are applying for refugee protection from within Canada or being sponsored from within Canada, this question does not apply to you. Go to Question 5.点击展开...泪奔泪奔啊
BJ case, 2014.6.23签收,2014.8.18AR1和DM1;8.25 Medical results received;9.29 AR2; 10.09 IP;10.16补护泪奔泪奔啊点击展开...没关系的,这些小错误不会影响进度,我想比起这个犯大错误的人多了去了,只要没有原则性的错误都OK的。
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