加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民夫妻团聚渥太华已经交了所有资料,还需要再交么
今年三月提交的夫妻团聚,妻子在中国,交渥太华的时候已经交了照片,护照、户口公证、无犯罪记录证明(复印件), IMM5406、5669等文件。夫妻审核已过,通知体检并已过,现已经转到香港签证中心处理,今天香港签证中心发了个邮件通知要补交材料,但是提到了if not submitted yet这个信息。各位达人,请问加拿大方面会把所有资料都转交香港签证中心么? 怎么确认香港方面是否接收到所有材料。先谢谢了。
I did it for my application, hope it is helpful to you. In order to make it clear, you can copy the email content and put your comment on each point.For example:If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdfI have already submitted 2 recent photos of myself with my PR application package. Then print out the content, sign it and mail to HK visa center.
CaraHuang 说:I did it for my application, hope it is helpful to you. In order to make it clear, you can copy the email content and put your comment on each point.For example:If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at:www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdfI have already submitted 2 recent photos of myself with my PR application package. Then print out the content, sign it and mail to HK visa center.点击展开...Thank you very much. Very useful information.
那你发了邮件以后,他怎么回复的?还让你再交了么?I did it for my application, hope it is helpful to you. In order to make it clear, you can copy the email content and put your comment on each point.For example:If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at:www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdfI have already submitted 2 recent photos of myself with my PR application package. Then print out the content, sign it and mail to HK visa center.点击展开...
lysraul 说:那你发了邮件以后,他怎么回复的?还让你再交了么?点击展开...没有了,还在等(已经交两个月了)
就我个人递交的情况来说, 如果你已经交了,你就写一个书面声明, 说明哪些你已经交了。把没交的也补充好,联通声明,打印下来的邮件,一起寄给香港领馆。 你收到的这封信,只是说明信,不是真正的补件信。如果是补件信,后面会有明确的说明你需要补充哪些内容的清单的。
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