加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗担保人不同、申请人也不同。应该是两份申请,所以要付两份钱。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 迷 迷糊虫 0$(VIP 0) 3902009-09-03#3 回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗担保人相同啊,都是我。
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗担保人相同啊,都是我。点击展开... 你只能担保自己的父母。 你的配偶才有资格担保他/她的父母,你只能做co-sponsor。
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 迷 迷糊虫 0$(VIP 0) 3902009-09-04#5 回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗明白了,多谢MIC
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗你只能担保自己的父母。 你的配偶才有资格担保他/她的父母,你只能做co-sponsor。点击展开...From IMM1344EAI understand that I will not be allowed to sign or co-sign an additional application to sponsor another person under the immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations if I am in default of any sponsorship undertaking.假如要担保双方父母,根据上面这段话,一方一旦担保过自己的父母就不能再担保,甚至作为co-sign也不可以担保其他人。就是说对于担保双方父母,必须每方担保各自的父母,即个人的收入必须达3个人的最低标准。这样理解对吗?那么只要做过担保就不能再担保其他人了吗?(这个似乎与Guide里担保父母及祖母的例子有冲突。)还是说只要双方家庭收入达到六个人的最低标准(有一方没有达到3个人的最低标准),就可以递交两份申请,每份申请不是sign就是co-sign. 但是似乎跟以上引用的有冲突。
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗 From IMM1344EA I understand that I will not be allowed to sign or co-sign an additional application to sponsor another person under the immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations if I am in default of any sponsorship undertaking. 假如要担保双方父母,根据上面这段话,一方一旦担保过自己的父母就不能再担保,甚至作为co-sign也不可以担保其他人。就是说对于担保双方父母,必须每方担保各自的父母,即个人的收入必须达3个人的最低标准。这样理解对吗?那么只要做过担保就不能再担保其他人了吗?(这个似乎与Guide里担保父母及祖母的例子有冲突。) 还是说只要双方家庭收入达到六个人的最低标准(有一方没有达到3个人的最低标准),就可以递交两份申请,每份申请不是sign就是co-sign. 但是似乎跟以上引用的有冲突。点击展开... 楼上的理解错误。你没有看红色部分的内容。
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗红色部分可否这样理解,如果"我"正处于被担保其间,"我"不能担保其他人?点击展开... 表格里有一段间接解释了什么叫做in default,指南里也有具体的解释。处于担保期或者已经担保别人,都和in default没有关系。in default是指你担保的人在担保期内领取社会救济,你作为担保人还没有把这些钱还给政府。 I understand that, pursuant to section 135 of the Regulations to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, if I breach any of my sponsorship obligations I will be in default. I also understand that I will be in default if a government makes a payment that I have promised to repay in this undertaking. For example, if I fail to provide for the basic requirements of the sponsored person and his or her family members and they receive social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking, I will be in default. I understand that I will continue to be in default until the amount of benefits received are repaid in full or repaid to the satisfaction of the government concerned.
http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 反馈:alex_lz2005 polaroffer 0$(VIP 0) 6512009-10-11#10 回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗two
1)2008.3.5签收3.31-DM 4.11IP4.14FN14 4.22(12)5.7(13)5.13(17)2008.5.16Visa2)2009.6.30递交[email protected] 2012.3.30补料4.24@CPC 5.9pass担保FN转ottawa 7.16ME通知7.25体检8.13MER10.23通知寄护照2012.12.17Visa3)[email protected]表格里有一段间接解释了什么叫做in default,指南里也有具体的解释。处于担保期或者已经担保别人,都和in default没有关系。in default是指你担保的人在担保期内领取社会救济,你作为担保人还没有把这些钱还给政府。 I understand that, pursuant to section 135 of the Regulations to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, if I breach any of my sponsorship obligations I will be in default. I also understand that I will be in default if a government makes a payment that I have promised to repay in this undertaking. For example, if I fail to provide for the basic requirements of the sponsored person and his or her family members and they receive social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking, I will be in default. I understand that I will continue to be in default until the amount of benefits received are repaid in full or repaid to the satisfaction of the government concerned.点击展开...详细,多谢!
回复: 同时担保双方父母移民,需要提交两个sponsor担保申请吗:)
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