加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee
请大家帮忙!2月14号通过担保资格的,今天终于收到体检通知了,里面要求办理无犯罪公证,(这个补料时已经办了现在只能重新办吧因为有效期是6个月的)但不明的地方是要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee,这个费用在补料时已经交过了,当时是在线交的,因为电脑重装了收据也没有存档,请问大家有什么办法能找回收据。谢谢!
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence FeeIf you remember which email you used to login CIC to pay at that time, I think you can retrive that PDF from CIC website. Not very sure how long they keep it.
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee谢谢!我知道是用那个邮箱付款的可是我刚才找了所有邮件都找不到他们给我发过任何收据!好像上次交款时他们并没有给我发邮件只是要求直接打印。还有其它方法吗?谢谢?!
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee奇怪,我体检的时候怎么没有要求交登录费呀
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence FeeDear Applicant: All applicants who are seeking permanent residence in Canada must satisfy Canada's medical admissibility criteria. In order to determine your medical admissibility to Canada, you and your spouse are required to undergo a medical examination. This examination is required whether or not your spouse will accompany you to Canada. Please take this letter and the enclosed Medical Report Form IMM1017 for yourself and your spouse to the medical doctor performing the examination. You and your spouse should be examined by the same doctor. NOTE: Medical examinations completed prior to this request is not acceptable for the purpose of immigration to Canada. The medical examination must be performed by one of the licensed doctors shown on the "List of Designated Medical Practitioners". To access this list, please refer to our website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx. If you and/or your spouse are outside of your home country for an extended period of time, you may see a ‘Designated Medical Practitioner’ in the country where you are presently residing. The Medical Report has five sections. You have only received Section A, "Client Identification and Summary." Sections B to E of the Medical Report form are for use by a medical doctor and are provided to the doctors by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Health Services. You should make arrangements to undergo the required medical examination immediately. Failure to do so within 30 days of this notice will result in unnecessary delays in the processing of your application. Your medical examiner will send your X-ray and results to the medical review office responsible for their territory. PLEASE NOTE: If your medical results are sent to Ottawa instead of the responsible medical office, the file will be forwarded to the responsible medical office, causing further delays. There are other important instructions listed on the back of this page. Please be sure to read them carefully. Please quote your application number in all your correspondence with us. Thank you for your cooperation. Citizenship and Immigration Canada PLEASE REFER TO THE FOLLOWING PAGE OF THIS LETTER FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. ALL APPLICANTS SHOULD NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Medical Examination 1. All expenses related to this medical examination are your responsibility. 2. Please bring the following to your medical appointment: Two recent passport-size photographs of you and your spouse. Refer to our website for photograph specification: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5445ETOC.asp#appendixB Eyeglasses, if applicable; list of prescription drugs taken, or any relevant medical report(s). Your passport. 3. All applicants must submit to a standard X-ray film of the chest. 4. It is possible that after the completion of your medical examination and submission of reports, further tests or reports may be requested. 5. The issuance of these medical instructions does not constitute acceptance of your application. You should not make any commitments related to the application until your case has been concluded. DO NOT SELL YOUR PROPERTY OR BELONGINGS, OR GIVE UP YOUR JOB OR HOME; DO NOT TAKE OTHER STEPS TO EMIGRATE OR COME TO CANADA UNTIL OUR OFFICE HAS NOTIFIED YOU THAT YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 6. It is recommended, and a decided advantage to all applicants, that routine immunization is initiated or completed before departure for Canada, and where available, immunization records should be brought to Canada. Some provinces in Canada may require you to show your record of immunization. Right of Permanent Residence Fee Sponsor must pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee. Payment can be made online by visiting the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5196ETOC.asp#pay-fee or by obtaining an original receipt of payment form IMM 5401(HPM). Once the payment has been made, the sponsor must send the receipt to the following address: CPC-Mississauga (Permanent Residence Fee Payment)P.O. Box 6100, Station AMississauga, Ontario, L5A 4H4 Keep a copy of the receipt for your records. Police Certificates You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities and apply for the required police certificate. Instructions and information on obtaining a police certificate from any country can be found on our Web site at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp. The original police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter. Failure to provide us with the original police certificate may result in your application being assessed on the information available on your file and may be refused. If the document is not in English or French, it must be accompanied by the original English or French translation completed by a certified translator and attached to the original police certificate. If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you are not required to resend it. Please send your police certificate(s) to our office at the following address, and quote your file number on all your correspondence with our office. Case Processing Pilot Ottawa219 Laurier Avenue WestOttawa, ON K1A 1L1Canada
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee以上是我收到信件的内容,请大家帮忙!谢谢
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee就从移民局网站交费的地方可以登录进去,所有网上交费的收据都有,我2007年交费的都在,按时间顺序排列.
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee就从移民局网站交费的地方可以登录进去,所有网上交费的收据都有,我2007年交费的都在,按时间顺序排列.点击展开...谢谢!我找不到请问可以提供连接吗?麻烦你了!谢谢!
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee找到那个连接了可是里面并没有交登陆费的记录只有申请入籍费用的交费记录!应该怎么办呢有交费电话吗?可以打电话去查询吗?记得当初收据单上有电话号码的希望有心人可以提供,谢谢!
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Feedid you submit the receipt to them before? just call them to check. maybe you don't have to resend it. good luck.
1)2008.3.5签收3.31-DM 4.11IP4.14FN14 4.22(12)5.7(13)5.13(17)2008.5.16Visa2)2009.6.30递交[email protected] 2012.3.30补料4.24@CPC 5.9pass担保FN转ottawa 7.16ME通知7.25体检8.13MER10.23通知寄护照2012.12.17Visa3)[email protected] 超赞 赏 Elephant 0$(VIP 0) 1,7592012-08-09#12 回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee你是用同一个帐号交费的吗?如果是这个帐号,那就是你记错了,没交.什么时候交的,找你的信用卡帐单看看.我们全家交费的记录都有,换枫叶卡的,申请入籍的,双方父母亲的担保,登陆费全有.无论用哪张卡交费的.
期权是毒药,以毒攻毒,毒药可治病救人,期权能发家致富.股市有风险,期权更危险,凡跟风者,后果自负.请问交完后收据寄到哪里去?我是渥太华case.点击展开... 无论全世界哪里的团聚移民,一律交密西沙加处理中心.
回复: 求助收到体检后要求交Right of Permanent Residence Fee你是用同一个帐号交费的吗?如果是这个帐号,那就是你记错了,没交.什么时候交的,找你的信用卡帐单看看.我们全家交费的记录都有,换枫叶卡的,申请入籍的,双方父母亲的担保,登陆费全有.无论用哪张卡交费的.点击展开...谢谢你!我查了银行记录的确交了980元昨天打电话去移民中心问了,他们说有我交钱记录,说这个信件只是例行的询问就像无犯罪公证一样如果交钱了可以不必理会。非常感激你们的帮助!
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