加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有没有Ottawa CASE,父母在加拿大,8月IP后,要求寄护照的?
回复: 有没有Ottawa CASE,父母在加拿大,8月IP后,要求寄护照的?IP都快一个月了,还没DM和寄护照。真烦!点击展开...My case only show MR in June, today got email to submit passport to Beijing ( my online status is still same, shows MR) AND also my online address is Canadian address, i thought would be request to Seattle, but still is asked to send Beijing. But who cares Beijing or Seattle, as long as is final step to submit the passport, all fine to me.yours should be soon too! good luck!
回复: 有没有Ottawa CASE,父母在加拿大,8月IP后,要求寄护照的?My case only show MR in June, today got email to submit passport to Beijing ( my online status is still same, shows MR) AND also my online address is Canadian address, i thought would be request to Seattle, but still is asked to send Beijing. But who cares Beijing or Seattle, as long as is final step to submit the passport, all fine to me.yours should be soon too! good luck!点击展开...谢谢鼓励,希望快点。
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