加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2015年父母团聚己更新部分表格,也有了2013年的收入要求。
Tableau fédéral du revenu pour le parrainage de parents et grands-parentsTaille de l’unité familial Revenu minimum2013Revenu minimum2012Revenu minimum20112 personnes $38,272$36,637 $35,976 3 personnes$47,051$45,040 $44,229 4 personnes $57,125$54,685 $53,699 5 personnes$64,791$62,023 $60,905 6 personnes $73,072$69,950 $68,689 7 personnes$81,355$77,879 $76,475 Si plus de 7 personnes, pour chaque personne additionnelle, ajoutez
jenny1299 说:财务评估的表格己更新。改正去年的表格设计问题。点击展开...是改进了,但是第8项minimum necessary income不清楚填其中一年的income要求,还是3年income总和的要求
青山依旧在,几度夕阳红 超赞 赏 L lihailin118 0$(VIP 0) 6782014-11-19#6 谢谢分享。
到加拿大留学,工作,移民,Tableau fédéral du revenu pour le parrainage de parents et grands-parentsTaille de l’unité familial Revenu minimum2013Revenu minimum2012Revenu minimum20112 personnes$38,272$36,637$35,9763 personnes$47,051$45,040$44,2294 personnes$57,125$54,685$53,6995 personnes$64,791$62,023$60,9056 personnes$73,072$69,950$68,6897 personnes$81,355$77,879$76,475Si plus de 7 personnes, pour chaque personne additionnelle, ajoutez点击展开...这是法语的吧?英文原件咋说的?
到加拿大留学,工作,移民, 超赞 赏 海 海静云动 0$(VIP 0) 852014-11-19#8 奥。
xz_beijing 说:是改进了,但是第8项minimum necessary income不清楚填其中一年的income要求,还是3年income总和的要求点击展开...是呀,第8应该填2013还是三年的总和呢?
好像它们算错了。 以前都是按当年的 lico plus 30% 算 MNI, 结果2015的表格, 直接把2014的拿来当2013的要求了, 一下子提高了很大多喔。是故意的吗?6 persons 2013 = $73,072 ?55378 * (1+30%) = 71992for 2014: 56209* (1+30%) = 73072.看2013 6个人的要求,查到了2013政府文档, 文档(Footnote 11)说“SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php·Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.所以命名2013 ,6人家庭应该时 71992Tableau fédéral du revenu pour le parrainage de parents et grands-parentsTaille de l’unité familial Revenu minimum2013Revenu minimum2012Revenu minimum20112 personnes$38,272$36,637$35,9763 personnes$47,051$45,040$44,2294 personnes$57,125$54,685$53,6995 personnes$64,791$62,023$60,9056 personnes$73,072$69,950$68,6897 personnes$81,355$77,879$76,475Si plus de 7 personnes, pour chaque personne additionnelle, ajoutez点击展开...
CIC太黑了。故意把2013年的收入提高了。金额早就定好了,怎么随便改呢。 这还有法吗?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.asp#completeApplicationFederal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family Unit Minimum Income-----------------2013--------2012------20112 persons $38,272 $36,637 $35,9763 persons $47,051 $45,040 $44,2294 persons $57,125 $54,685 $53,6995 persons $64,791 $62,023 $60,9056 persons $73,072 $69,950 $68,6897 persons $81,355 $77,879 $76,475不明白为什么2013年 6人家庭 收入要求是 73072。本来应是 55378 (1+30%) = 71,992MNI = LICO * (1+30%)Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209$55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30% +30%---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072$71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,2752013 year, 备案已经明确提了2013 6口人应该是: $71,992.refer to the government document: “SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.每年的 super visa 的guide 里都写了当年的 LICO,effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 201*cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就神不知鬼不觉的涨了真黑啊。Tableau fédéral du revenu pour le parrainage de parents et grands-parentsTaille de l’unité familial Revenu minimum2013Revenu minimum2012Revenu minimum20112 personnes$38,272$36,637$35,9763 personnes$47,051$45,040$44,2294 personnes$57,125$54,685$53,6995 personnes$64,791$62,023$60,9056 personnes$73,072$69,950$68,6897 personnes$81,355$77,879$76,475Si plus de 7 personnes, pour chaque personne additionnelle, ajoutez点击展开...
已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”CIC太黑了。故意把2013年的收入提高了。金额早就定好了,怎么随便改呢。 这还有法吗?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.asp#completeApplicationFederal Income Table for Parents and Grandparents SponsorshipSize of Family Unit Minimum Income-----------------2013--------2012------20112 persons $38,272 $36,637 $35,9763 persons $47,051 $45,040 $44,2294 persons $57,125 $54,685 $53,6995 persons $64,791 $62,023 $60,9056 persons $73,072 $69,950 $68,6897 persons $81,355 $77,879 $76,475不明白为什么2013年 6人家庭 收入要求是 73072。本来应是 55378 (1+30%) = 71,992MNI = LICO * (1+30%)Size of Family LICO LICO LICO LICO LICO---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $29,440 $29,004 $28,182 $27,674 $27,6013 p $36,193 $35,657 $34,646 $34,022 $33,9334 p $43,942 $43,292 $42,065 $41,307 $41,1985 p $49,839 $49,102 $47,710 $46,850 $46,7276 p $56,209$55,378 $53,808 $52,838 $52,6997 p $62,581 $61,656 $59,907 $58,827 $58,673Family Size LICO +30% +30% +30% +30%---------2014-------2013-----2012 ---2011-----20102 p $38,272 $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $47,051 $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $57,125 $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $64,791 $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $73,072$71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $81,355 $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,2752013 year, 备案已经明确提了2013 6口人应该是: $71,992.refer to the government document: “SOR/2013-246 December 13, 2013, IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT, Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations” at :http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2014/2014-01-01/html/sor-dors246-eng.php Footnote 11Current LICO thresholds for a family of six are $55,378: $55,378 plus 30% equals $71,992.每年的 super visa 的guide 里都写了当年的 LICO,effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 201*cic以为没人关注 往年的LICO, 就故意黑大家。直接把 2014的 安到2013年,这样incomne要求就神不知鬼不觉的涨了真黑啊。点击展开...
Lucy7777 说:已经搞定了, 跟Justin Trudeau 联系了,他们把信息转到了 负责policy的人。然后今天 cic 的表格已经更新了, 现在的收入要求才是对的, 减少了 一千多块钱呢。“to justin.trudeauThank you for your prompt help.This problem has just been solved.CIC has just updated the income form today, and corrected that mistake,so the new table looks all right now.Please see enclosure for detaills.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5772ETOC.aspMNI = LICO * (1+30%)--------2013----2012---2011---2010--2 p $37,705 $36,637 $35,976 $35,8813 p $46,354 $45,040 $44,229 $44,1134 p $56,280 $54,685 $53,699 $53,5575 p $63,833 $62,023 $60,905 $60,7456 p $71,992 $69,950 $68,689 $68,5097 p $80,153 $77,879 $76,475 $76,275”点击展开...你真牛。本来觉得咱就是平头百姓,cic就是法,人家怎么要求的咱就怎么准备,没有说理的地方。你这认真劲值得称赞。看来法都是人定的,就是需要大家伙一起监督改进的。
xz_beijing 说:你真牛。本来觉得咱就是平头百姓,cic就是法,人家怎么要求的咱就怎么准备,没有说理的地方。你这认真劲值得称赞。看来法都是人定的,就是需要大家伙一起监督改进的。点击展开...呵呵, 是多党制牛。
Lucy7777 说:呵呵, 是多党制牛。点击展开... 真的厉害啊你,我也注意到这个情况,觉得CIC霸王条款,想不到你还能扭转乾坤!
ShineMe~ 超赞 赏 晴晴★☆ 0$(VIP 0) 1172014-11-25#16 你怎么联系到justin trudeau的呀,牛!如果按回正常低收入表,2014年的收入要求就是57125啰!!
晴晴★☆ 说:真的厉害啊你,我也注意到这个情况,觉得CIC霸王条款,想不到你还能扭转乾坤!点击展开...主要是明年要联邦大选了, 保守党也不敢乱来,怕得罪五分之一人口的外来人口选民。花了2天,搜集了确凿的收入要求数据,以及政府的backgrounder背书后,把前前后后来龙去脉报告了自由党,让自由党抓住移民局那帮保守党的小辫子, 自由党管immigration policy的那帮critic (移民政策批评家)也不是吃素的。
对,4人就是57125你怎么联系到justin trudeau的呀,牛!如果按回正常低收入表,2014年的收入要求就是57125啰!!点击展开...
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