加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在渥太华处理中心苦苦等待的让我们行动起来! 请加入 QQ或者微信


渥太华诡异和有失公平的举动让我们很多人感到无助和愤怒,很多申请者在苦苦等待了将近5年之后还在遥遥无期的等待这体检通知,而与此同时,一些晚很多的申请者已经顺利的拿到了护照。如果您有和我相同的处境,如果您不想就这么毫无希望任人摆布的等待下去,那就请和我们联合起来!也许我们的努力是徒劳的,但是,我们要让这些毫无作为的政府官员听到我们的愤怒的声音,要让他们知道,诚信,这个促使我们大多数为什么来到加拿大这个伟大的国家的优秀品质,正受这严重的摧残!我门不会也不能放弃养育了我们几十年白发苍苍的父母。也许我们这行动会以失败告终,但是我们大声的要告诉所有人我们曾经为了正义和良心而努力过!!以下是我们的具体计划1。 请加入452777199或者微信 2。 完成并且完善请愿书。(已完成)3。 给相关的官员发出请愿书,打开突破口。信和相关地址就在下面请大家积极参与发信4。 在群里随时通知大家最新情况5. 需要尽一步行动我们大家在群里随时讨论。6。 God blesses us all请愿书请到qq文件夹下载,(如果您下载有问题请悄悄话我)。并且尽快以平信的方式邮寄给自己的mp和移民部长。另外还有几个email地址,我们可以同时发出。请您在寄信之前注意以下事项。1.请在信有星号的地方填写相关自己真实的信息。2.请在信的右上方换上自己所在地的省的省旗。如果您有问题请随时悄悄话我3.请在信的右下方签上自己的姓名和日期。4.请保持信的原来的格式和风格,这样会使对方感觉到是一群人遇到了相同的问题。5.请自行修改您认为不妥的地方。但是请尽量保持信的原有大意和风格。6.请您在1到2个星期之内将信寄出。7.寄出后请通知大家。大家共同努力使成功的基础,期待着您的支持!! 如果您刚刚看到这个帖子也想加入的话,请您悄悄话我 谢谢!以下是邮寄及电子邮件地址(感谢denisyu提供的以下信息):CIC Minister: The Honourable Chris [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]://www.chrisalexander.ca/contact/ 可以网页发信通信地址:The Honourable Chris Alexander, P.C., M.P.Minister of Citizenship and Immigration365 Laurier Avenue WestOttawa, ON K1A 1L1(以上是CIC的地址)-----------------The Honourable Chris AlexanderHouse of CommonsOttawa, Ontario K1A 0A6(以上是国会山的地址)----------------The Honourable Chris Alexander100 Westney Road South (Main Office)Unit E101Ajax, Ontario L1S 7H3(以上是所在选区的地址)------------------------------------------------------------Director at CIC Case Processing Centre - Ottawa: Patricia Nicoll (网上有说她是移民部OTTAWA办公室的主任,最大的那个,但是不确定现在是否换了人)邮件地址:[email protected]通讯地址:Director (我觉得鉴于不确定这位女士还是不是ottawa office director,如果邮寄信件就不要署名了比较好,直接写Dear Director,信封就写Director)CIC Case Processing Centre - Ottawa219 Laurier Ave W.Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1------------------------------------------------------------Ottawa Office:[email protected]; [email protected](有觉得需要的,也可以给渥太华办公室写邮件,虽然他们不回,但是如果有很多人质询,他们可能会赶到压力------------------------------------------------------------下面这个网址可以通过你家的邮编找到你的MP:http://www.parl.gc.ca/ParlInfo/compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC(注意:所有邮寄给国会山的MP的书信邮件都可以不用贴邮票,包括给部长国会山的地址,都是免费的)

您也可以请加入qq并在qq文件夹内下载请愿信,谢谢家!!RE: Parents and Grandparents Case Processing Issue at Ottawa Case Processing CenterDear ***,My name is *** from ***. I am writing this letter not just for me but also for a group of people who are currently experiencing great case processing delay on parent and grandparent applications at Ottawa case processing center.I submitted my application on ***. *** Month later, on ***, CIC started reviewing my sponsorship. After submitted all required supplementary documentations along with another five month of review, I finally got the confirmation letter from CIC on ***, saying”You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative(s) has been forwarded to Ottawa case processing center for further processing”I was very happy at the moment, believed that although it was going slow, it was on schedule. However, four month after my case transferred to Ottawa, I suddenly realized that Ottawa case processing center may not have touched my application at all. Even worse, email, the only way we can communicated with the case center for this issue, replies nothing but the meaningless template letter saying “Our office confirms that your application is being processed as per our regulatory timeline….”. The whole center seems to be completely frozen,leaving many people like me helpless and endlessly waiting. In the meanwhile, other case processing centers, like Mississauga, Hong Kong, Beijing, are progressing forward in promised timeline.I don’t know what is going on at Ottawa case processing center, but what I do know is that many people like me are suffering the great unfairness and ridiculous delay for some unknown reasons or maybe just by mistake. Such thing continues without any explanations and answers, we really don’t know what we can do. This is a very serious concern. Please help us to make Ottawa case processing center fair, transparent and accessible.Thank you very much for your time! I am in my deepest appreciation for you kind help and looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.The following is my application information:UCI: ***File number : ***First Name: ***Last Name: ***D.O.B. : ***Address: ***Sincerely Yours.

谢谢JEGG为大家所做的一切。我不知道我的想法对不对,我们还可以将这封信发给移民部长和大家各自的MP。他们不一定都会处理,但是只要一个人认真了,我们就有希望了。移民部长在CIC的电子邮件应该是[email protected][email protected]他其他的电子邮件地址是 [email protected] 传真号码是Fax Number: 613-996-1289 和 Fax Number: 905-426-9564也可以在网页发信件给他: http://www.chrisalexander.ca/contact/我加了QQ群了我们那里讨论吧。告诉我需要我做什么。谢谢!以下是我要给相关官员发的信,请大家踊跃修改,等确定最终版本后我就发! 谢谢!!Dear Patricia,This is Jegg , I am writing this letter on behalf of a group of people who have the same issue regarding case processing disorder for parent and grandparent sponsorship applications currently being processed in Ottawa case processing centre.As time being, more and more people like us realized that Ottawa case processing center treats cases differently for some untold reasons or maybe by mistake. Things are even worse when the only way, email which we can use to get the hold of its attention, replies nothing but the useless template email saying “your case is currently being processed please be patient”. Ottawa case processing centre seems to be completely sealed from the outside the world left the hundreds of people helpless behind.---------------------------------Jegg.点击展开...

denisyu 说:谢谢JEGG为大家所做的一切。我不知道我的想法对不对,我们还可以将这封信发给移民部长和大家各自的MP。他们不一定都会处理,但是只要一个人认真了,我们就有希望了。移民部长在CIC的电子邮件应该是[email protected][email protected]他其他的电子邮件地址是 [email protected] 传真号码是Fax Number: 613-996-1289 和 Fax Number: 905-426-9564也可以在网页发信件给他: http://www.chrisalexander.ca/contact/我加了QQ群了我们那里讨论吧。告诉我需要我做什么。谢谢!点击展开...我觉得您的主意非常的好!现在我们要收集签名,然后统一由一个人发给移民部长。然后在各自以各自的名义发给自己的MP.

考虑媒体吧。以亲身经历而言,和Minister, Processing Center, MP沟通最后都是浪费时间和精力。

MP一般会做些什么,特别由于马上临近的大选。JEGG, 可以考虑在信里加入作为加拿大的citizen,对于现在的政府非常失望。 如果能够提到upcoming 的大选就更好了。借用政客最爱说的 :Every vote counts!

greatfreshman 说:MP一般会做些什么,特别由于马上临近的大选。JEGG, 可以考虑在信里加入作为加拿大的citizen,对于现在的政府非常失望。 如果能够提到upcoming 的大选就更好了。借用政客最爱说的 :Every vote counts!点击展开...好的! 收到! 非常感谢!


silencelake2007 说:可不可以建微信群,这样比较方便。算我一个点击展开...恩好的,我会尽快建立。不好意思,我比较out,平时手机都不怎么用,这个qq群也是拜托我老婆给 我建立的。今天回去我尽快研究一下建立微信,不过您先加入这个qq群一边信息及时互通。谢谢支持!!


你好,我班门弄斧做了一些修改,供大家参考。请多多指点:We are writing this letter on behalf of a group of people who have the same issue regarding case processing disorder for parent and grandparent sponsorship applications in Ottawa case processing centre.As time being, more and more people like us have realized that Ottawa case processing centre treats cases differently for some untold reasons or maybe by mistake. Things are even worse when the only way, email which we can use to communicate with the centre, replies nothing but the meaningless email template saying “your case is currently being processed please be patient”. Ottawa case processing centre seems to be completely shut down from the outside the world, leaving hundreds of helpless people unaware.We don’t know what is going on with Ottawa case processing centre, but we do know is that hundreds of people like us, are suffering great unfairness when some people, whose sponsorship has been approved at a much later time, have already reached the finish line, while we have been desperately waiting to hear any further information from the centre for more than 4 months. The situation continues without any explanations or answers. We really don’t know what else we can do.This is a very serious issue that most of us have been waiting for 5 years or even longer, which is 7% of our life time. When time goes by, it never comes back. It means even much more to our parents who are mostly over or close to70 years old. Please make the whole process more transparent and accessible and please let us wait no more!Thanks very much for listening to us. If you are not the right person to help, please forward this message to the right person or department.We are in our deepest appreciation for you kind help and looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience!我个人认为还是不要提we can't afford much more time until we have no chance to see our beloved parents,人家会说不是有超级签证吗?请高手进一步改进。

Arashi 说:你好,我班门弄斧做了一些修改,供大家参考。请多多指点:We are writing this letter on behalf of a group of people who have the same issue regarding case processing disorder for parent and grandparent sponsorship applications in Ottawa case processing centre.As time being, more and more people like us have realized that Ottawa case processing centre treats cases differently for some untold reasons or maybe by mistake. Things are even worse when the only way, email which we can use to communicate with the centre, replies nothing but the meaningless email template saying “your case is currently being processed please be patient”. Ottawa case processing centre seems to be completely shut down from the outside the world, leaving hundreds of helpless people unaware.We don’t know what is going on with Ottawa case processing centre, but we do know is that hundreds of people like us, are suffering great unfairness when some people, whose sponsorship has been approved at a much later time, have already reached the finish line, while we have been desperately waiting to hear any further information from the centre for more than 4 months. The situation continues without any explanations or answers. We really don’t know what else we can do.This is a very serious issue that most of us have been waiting for 5 years or even longer, which is 7% of our life time. When time goes by, it never comes back. It means even much more to our parents who are mostly over or close to70 years old. Please make the whole process more transparent and accessible and please let us wait no more!Thanks very much for listening to us. If you are not the right person to help, please forward this message to the right person or department.We are in our deepest appreciation for you kind help and looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience!我个人认为还是不要提we can't afford much more time until we have no chance to see our beloved parents,人家会说不是有超级签证吗?请高手进一步改进。点击展开...VERY GOOD! 您改的真不错,我更新一下!


2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new lifeVERY GOOD! 您改的真不错,我更新一下!点击展开...很好。可是我的case 转到密市,能不能在信里包含进去呢?转到哪里都有慢的,大家一起争取呗。

担保资料CIC-M收到日期:September 20, 2010; 补材料寄出时间:Aug 30, 2014, CIC Sep 3, 2014.; CIC确认材料完整信:Nov 26, 2014; Sponsorship DM 留密市: Mar 5, 2015 (平信); 体检通知: Apr 20, 2015 (email); 超赞 赏 T&W稀里糊涂 0$(VIP 0) 2,3772015-04-17#15 赞Denisyu!

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 D denisyu 0$(VIP 0) 3082015-04-17#16 我就觉得有一个地方需要修改:whose sponsorship has been approved at a much later time:whose "sponsorship step one - Assessment of Sponsor" has been approved at a much later time不修改好像会有误解,以为移民批准了。

jegg 说:恩好的,我会尽快建立。不好意思,我比较out,平时手机都不怎么用,这个qq群也是拜托我老婆给 我建立的。今天回去我尽快研究一下建立微信,不过您先加入这个qq群一边信息及时互通。谢谢支持!!点击展开...我看了一下微信建群。好像要有几个初始的微信好友一起入群,最少两个以上。我的微信你有了,你和你老婆一起可能可以建了。

denisyu 说:我看了一下微信建群。好像要有几个初始的微信好友一起入群,最少两个以上。我的微信你有了,你和你老婆一起可能可以建了。点击展开...微信已经建立完毕



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