加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到体检邮件,有人知道在国内做upfront 体检需要带什么吗?
my parents just did upfront, they will need the email CIC sent you to attach to the file they will upload to CIC if they work with e-medical system, would be better if you can print out the letter or forward the email to the clinic.
NiuJun 说:如果是移民体检,收到体检通知后,给体检中心先电话预约,在体检信里有个附件,上面有您的IME号码,预约的时候会要这个号码,体检中心会查到您的信息在数据库里,预约好时间,他们会告诉您注意事项和需要带的证件。这个不属于upfront。希望下面的文章能对您有点帮助:1. 移民体检必看:我在上海进行移民体检的经历分享!2. 国内体检,CIC指定医院的地址3. 体检前准备及注意事项 --- 给申请探亲签证需要体检父母的一点建议祝顺利!点击展开...谢谢您!
monuow 说:my parents just did upfront, they will need the email CIC sent you to attach to the file they will upload to CIC if they work with e-medical system, would be better if you can print out the letter or forward the email to the clinic.点击展开...Thank you!
monuow 说:my parents just did upfront, they will need the email CIC sent you to attach to the file they will upload to CIC if they work with e-medical system, would be better if you can print out the letter or forward the email to the clinic.点击展开...这个不叫upfront
请问北京有推荐的体检医生么 最好是E medical的,大概价格多少 多谢
NiuJun 说:接到移民体检通知,内含的表是IMM 1017 E,上面已有体检人的信息,如果做upfront 体检表是 IMM 1017B,两个不同的表格。点击展开...我收到的通知是做upfront 体检,没有表格给我,说是体检完医生会给我IMM1017B,然后和补的材料一起寄去香港领馆。
NiuJun 说:CIC又有新变化,移民体检也可以upfront,这是要加快速度吗点击展开...希望是加快吧,大家都不容易啊,等了这么多年。
辛拉面 说:这个不叫upfront点击展开...那upfront 要怎么做啊?
Tracy Chan 说:那upfront 要怎么做啊?[同问?点击展开...
辛拉面 说:这个不叫upfront点击展开...define however you want, just follow the flow......
Tracy Chan 说:那upfront 要怎么做啊?点击展开...i believe you got this from CIC too¨If you have not yet undergone an immigration medical exam or your immigration medical exam results will expire within the next 120 days, you are required to undergo an Upfront Medical exam and include a copy of the Upfront Medical Report form (IMM 1017B) from your panel physician. For instructions on how to undergo an upfront medical exam, visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/medexams-perm.asp and review the section “Undergo your exam before you submit your application.” Separate medical instruction forms will not be sent to you.According to CIC, Undergo your exam before you submit your application (Required for certain categories: see your application guide)This is called an up front medical exam.You can contact a panel physician directly to get your medical exam.Once your medical exam has been completed, the doctor will give you a document confirming that you underwent a medical exam. You must include a copy of that document with your application.If the doctor works with the eMedical electronic system:they will give you an up-front medical notification printout.If the doctor works with a paper system:they will give you a copy of the IMM 1017B Upfront Medical Report form.You must attach that form to your application before you submit it to the visa office. If you apply online, you must upload that form before you can submit your application.Talk to the physician they know how to proceed, doctor we worked with advised that they will include the email to the upload and generate a new UMI #
As mentioned below, if eMedical, there will be no IMM1017B given to you, right?
ivyaurora 说:As mentioned below, if eMedical, there will be no IMM1017B given to you, right?点击展开...yup, they will just give you a printout and you will submit that as proof medical has been done together with other docs.
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