加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教 imm5768, 父母团聚, 问题3 (不好意思英语不行)
我的情况是这样的:2017年我和先生共同担保我妈妈一人移民,父亲过世, 我们有两个孩子1.问3A, current undertaking : 我母亲 填1 , B Previous undertakingi)Number of person included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect我们之前都没有担保过,应该填啥呢? 0ii)Number of person included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect.(persons who have not yet become permanent residents) 填 0?ii!)Number of person included in previous undertakings you co-signed, where these undertaking are still in effect . 0?ii!!)Number of person included in previous undertakings you co-signed, where these undertaking are not yet in effect . 0?问5,Your spouse or common-law partner if not included in question 3.-please provide details if your spouse is not co-signing the undertaking 啥意思?我先生是co-signer,问6: Every other family member not included above and dependent on you financially,whether they are living with you or not. enter their number in the box otn the right and provide details on the back of this page. 填2 我的两孩子?
你老公是co signer一起和你担保你母亲,如果不是,在后面写出解释。
谢谢annie66 给予的答复。 5.填1, 结果是5人。在此还有问题继续请教,问题10, details of you family members and persons included in undertakings in effect or not yet in effect signed by you and if applicable, your co-signer.persons included in previous undertaking you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect(see 3.Bi)on page 1关于 我们都没有Previous undertaking(之前我和我先生都没有担保过 )所以这些名字都没有(就是3 B 里问的)就每个小格子都填 N/A?问题11 因为也是问Co-signer 的previous undertaking, 我们都没有 就都填N/A?
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