加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍测试题
Citizenship Test QuestionsSection I: Questions about CanadaAboriginal peoples1.Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?They are the first people to live in Canada.2.What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?The First Nations, the Inuit and the Metis.3.From whom are the Metis descended?Many early French fur traders and some English traders married First Nations women. Their descendants are called the Metis people.4.Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut?Inuit.5.Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government?To keep their culture and language alive and to regain control over decisions that affect their lives.History (answers can be found in the sections on regions of Canada)1.Where did the first European settlers in Canada come from?France2.Why did the early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada?To fish and trade with Aboriginal Peoples.3.What three industries helped the early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?Farming, fishing and shipbuilding4.Who were the United Empire Loyalists?People who left the U.S. during and after the American Revolution5.When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River?Early 1600s.6.Which trade spread across Canada, making it important to the economy for over 300 years?Fur trade7.What form of transportation did aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?Canoes on the Great lakes8.What important trade did the Hudson’s Bay Company control?Fur trade9.What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easier?Build a railwayConfederation/Government1.What does Confederation mean?Join together, unite.2.What is the Canadian constitution?The system of laws and conventions that we Canadians use to govern ourselves.3.What year was Confederation?18674.When did the British North America Act come into effect?July 1, 18675.Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?It made Confederation legal6.Which four provinces first formed Confederation?Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia7.Which was the last province to join Canada?Nunavut in 19998.When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?July 1, anniversary of confederation.9.Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?Sir John A. Macdonald10.Why is the Constitution Act, 1982 important in Canadian history?Gave Canada power to change the Constitution without British approvalRights and Responsibilities1.What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?The Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms2.When did the Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?In 19823.Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms.Freedom of religion, thought, belief, opinion and expression4.Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms.Right to life, liberty and security of the person5.List three ways in which you can protect the environment.Throw waste paper or other garbage in designated public garbage containers.Compost, recycle and re-use as many products as possible, such as paper , glass and cans.Conserve energy and water by turning off lights and taps when they are not being used.Walk, join a car pool, or use a bicycle or public transit whenever possible.6.Who has the right to apply for Canadian passport?A Canadian citizen7.What does equality under the law mean?Every Canadian has an equal right to the protection and services of the police and the courts.8.Name six responsibilities of citizenship.Vote in elections;Help others in the community;Care for and protect our heritage and environment;Obey Canada’s laws;Express opinions freely while respecting the rights and freedoms of others; andEliminate discrimination and injustice.9.Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.Work with others to solve problems in your community.10.List four rights Canadian citizens have.Be candidates in federal, provincial and territorial elections;Be educated in either official language;Apply for a Canadian passport;Vote in federal and provincial or territorial elections; andEnter and leave Canada freely.11.What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?To be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Queen and faithfully observe the laws of Canada.Languages1.What are the two official languages of Canada?English and French2.Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.Parliament of Canada, in federal courts and in all federal institutions3.Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?Quebec4.Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?Quebec5.Which province is the only officially bilingual province?New BrunswwickSymbols1.What does the Canadian flag look like?Red maple leaf on white background in between two bars of red2.What song is Canada’s national anthem?O Canada3.Give the first two lines of Canada’s national anthem.O Canada! Our home and native land!, True patriot love in all thy sons command4.Where does the name “ Canada” come from?Huron-Iroquois for village or settlement5.Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?Beaver6.What is the tower in the centre of the Parliament buildings called?Peace TowerGeography1.What is the population of Canada?31 million2.What three oceans border on Canada?Atlantic, pacific, arctic3.What is the capital city of Canada?Ottawa4.Name all the provinces and territories and their capital cities.Page 175.Name the five regions of Canada.Atlantic, central, Prairies, West coast and north6.Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?The north7.In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?Southern Quebec and Ontario8.One-third of all Canadians live in which province?Ontario9.Where are the Canadian Rockies?Alberta and British Columbia10.Where are the Great lakes?Ontario11.Which mountain range is on the border between Alberta and British Columbia?Rocky Mountains12.Where are the Parliament buildings located?Ottawa13.Which country borders Canada on the south?United States14.What are the Prairie Provinces?Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta15.Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?Prince Edward Island16.What is a major river in Quebec?St. Lawrence river17.On what date did Nunavut become a territory?April 1, 1999.Economy1.What are the three main types of industries in Canada?Natural resources, manufacturing, services2.In what industry do most Canadians work?Service industries3.What country is Canada’s largest trading partner?United States4.Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?Central Canada5.Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?PrairiesFederal Government1.Who is Canada’s head of State?Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II2.Who is the Queen’s representative in Canada?The Governor general,3.What is the name of the Governor General?Adrienne Clarkson4.What do you call the Queen’s representative in the provinces?Lieutenant governor5.What is Canada’s system of government called?Parliamentary democracy6.What are the three parts of parliament?The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate7.Explain how the levels of government are different.The federal government takes major responsibility for matters that affect all of Canada.Provincial and territorial governments look after such matters as education, health care and highways. They share responsibilities with the federal government in some areas.The municipal (or local) governments of each city or community are responsible for maters such as policing, firefighting, snow removal and recycling programs.8.What do you call a law before it is passed?A bill9.How are members of Parliament chosen?Federal election10.Who do members of Parliament represent?Everyone who lives in their electoral district11.How does a bill become law?Approved by majorities in the House of Commons and Senate, and then the Governor General gives final approval and the bill becomes law.12.What are the three levels of government in Canada?Federal, provincial and municipal13.Name two responsibilities for each level of government.Federal: national defence, foreign policy and citizenship;Provincial: education, health care and highways;Municipal: policing firefighting, snow removal, recycling programs.14.What is the government of all Canada called?FederalFederal Elections1.How many electoral districts are there in Canada?3082.In what electoral district do you live?Ottawa south3.Who has the right to vote in federal elections?Canadian citizens aged 18 or older4.What three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?Be a Canadian citizen;At least 18 years old on voting day;On the voters list5.What is written on a federal election ballot?The names of the candidates in alphabetical order6.What do you mark on a federal election ballot?An ‘X’ in the circle beside the name of your chosen candidate7.How is the government formed after an election?The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power.8.How is the Prime Minister chosen?The leader of party in power becomes the prime minister9.When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?An election must be held within five years of the last election.10.Name all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders.Liberals: Paul Martin;Conservative: Stephen HarperBloc Quebecois: Gilles DuceppeNew Democrat: Jack Layton11.Which party becomes the official opposition?The party with the second largest number of representatives12.What is the role of the opposition parties?To oppose or try to improve government proposals13.Which party is the official opposition at the federal level?Conservative party of Canada14.Name the Prime Minister of Canada and his party.Paul Martin, liberal15.Name your Member of Parliament and the party he or she belongs to.Manley, John Paul, liberal16.What is a voter information card?The card tells you when and where to vote.17.Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?Canadian citizens aged 18 or older18.Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?Members of Parliament19.What do political parties do?A political party is a group of people who share ideas about how the government should work. Members of political parties help to decide on the party platform; choose the party leader; choose the party’s candidates; and campaign for party candidates in elections;20.Which federal political party is in power?liberal21.How are senators chosen?They are chosen by the prime minister and appointed by the governor general22.What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?You can still be added to the voters list right up to Election Day.23.After a federal election, which party forms the new government?The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power.Section II. Questions about your region1.What is the capital city of the province or territory in which you live?Toronto, Ontario2.List three natural resources important to your region’s economy today.Wood: forestry: Ottawa river-Rideau Canal; Gatineau Park: tourism-recreation3.Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor?4.What is the name of your mayor?Bob chiarelli5.What is the name of your provincial representative (member of the Legislative Assembly, member of the provincial Parliament, member of the National Assembly or member of the House of Assembly)?Jim Watson6.What is the name of the premier of your province or territory?Dalton McGuinty7.Which political party is in power in your province or territory?liberal8.What is the name of the leader of the opposition in your province?Ernie Eves, conservative party of Canada9.What is the name of your lieutenant governor or commissioner?James K. Bartleman
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