加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Any other document(s) supporting your physical presence in Canada
续枫叶卡,被要求提供 以下材料,第一,二很多人都提到过,第三条都需要提供什么document来证明physical presence in Canada?因为之前没有工作也没有上学,这些证明都没有。银行开户,购车,购房,translink记录,以前的translink月卡,出入境机票,信用卡消费记录。似乎有些也不是很能证明在加拿大,比如信用卡记录,因为别人可以替你刷卡。Please submit the following documents:Photocopies of ALL pages (including blank pages) of your passport(s)/travel document(s) held in the last five (5) years. Ensure all pages are in colour and are clearly legible;ANDPersonal immigration entry/exit record or movement certificate issued by your country of citizenship and the countries where you have travelled or resided;AND· Any other document(s) supporting your physical presence in Canada
·生活百科 单相5K限制网格。
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