加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民即将住满3年准备入籍,请教是否需要证明有意向在加拿大居住和工作?




11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 超赞 赏 H happy canadian 0$(VIP 0) 1,4032021-03-30#3 在见法官之前,你最好保持比较正常的状态,因为入籍的时候法官会翻看你的护照,仔细记录每次的的出入境并且询问每次出境时间过长是为什么, 如果你的回答令他不满意,很可能就过不了。父母身体不好是个理由,但要看法官是否采纳。

happy canadian 说:在见法官之前,你最好保持比较正常的状态,因为入籍的时候法官会翻看你的护照,仔细记录每次的的出入境并且询问每次出境时间过长是为什么, 如果你的回答令他不满意,很可能就过不了。父母身体不好是个理由,但要看法官是否采纳。点击展开...按照官网的说法是可以离开加拿大的,但我不清楚会否要证明有意愿在加拿大长期居住工作生活Leaving Canada after you submit your applicationYou can leave Canada after we receive your application as long as you:keep your permanent resident (PR) statuscan receive any letter mail, parcels and emails we send you after you submit your applicationcan reply to our letters and emails within the specified time, usually within 30 daysare available in person in Canada to attend your citizenship test (if you’re between 18 and 54 years of age), interview, and ceremonyLet us know if you plan to leave Canada for more than two weeks in a row.点击展开...

luf_7_6 说:记得和枫叶卡一样,3年是从开始审核起算,不是从你递交之日起计算。刚住满就回流,等开始审核,有可能达不到居住要求。点击展开...请问申请到审核一般要多久啊?我看到官网写的是:You (and some minors, if applicable) must have been physically in Canada for at least 1,095 days (3 years) during the 5 years before the date you sign your application.是签署日呢。来源:Apply for citizenship: Who can apply - Canada.caApply for citizenship: Who can applywww.canada.ca


略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel. 超赞 赏 反馈:宇航员 0.00 sunny98 0$(VIP 0,#465) 6,0912021-03-30#8 不需要。但自你申请之日起到批准之日止,一直需要满足入籍居住的要求,即倒推5年内住满3年,否则可能有被拒的可能性。

dezmond 说:按照官网的说法是可以离开加拿大的,但我不清楚会否要证明有意愿在加拿大长期居住工作生活点击展开...我就是递交了入籍申请就回中国了,那时候办的很快,我3月递交,7月在中国就收到邮件说9月份考试, 那我就赶紧回来准备考试,考试完当场见法官,他把我护照出入境章一个一个检查看看和我申请材料是否一致,有差一两天的他还帮我改了,也的确问我为啥一递交就走了,我肯定有理由啊,我前面三年没回国,递交后回家看父母也很合理啊。反正这些他会问,你要给个合理解释就行。

宇航员 说:你现在在国内吗?点击展开...没有,一直在加拿大,回国就是看父母的外加吃吃喝喝,住长了也烦。

happy canadian 说:在见法官之前,你最好保持比较正常的状态,因为入籍的时候法官会翻看你的护照,仔细记录每次的的出入境并且询问每次出境时间过长是为什么, 如果你的回答令他不满意,很可能就过不了。父母身体不好是个理由,但要看法官是否采纳。点击展开...现在考试和宣誓全是网上进行,面试的事暂时无需担心

宇航员 说:一点不假没有人管你入籍后干什么尽管放心你去哪里都是你的自由加拿大不是中国在这里你绝对自由我头一天入籍第二天就离开了加拿大我们都是越走越远的人自从考上大学我就离开了家乡先是去了一线城市念大学然后去了准一线省会城市生活再移民加拿大在加拿大所有主要城市生活过再南下美国然后在美国一个州一个州地过日子至今 我生活过的城市数量讲出来吓你们一跳标准的流浪一族点击展开...我在加拿大待过五个省,长住和短居的有20来个城镇。

秘密马 说:现在考试和宣誓全是网上进行,面试的事暂时无需担心点击展开...那真不错,我入籍的整个过程最担心的就是法官问东问西,我还记得他问我为啥老公没入籍,来了加拿大以后是不是只有这一个老公,这几年做什么工作,靠什么生活,然后就是用大量时间核对护照出入境章,就连我成为PR前的几本旧护照去欧洲的章都问我去欧洲干啥的,为啥去那么多次,简直是把我人生所有的出入境都捋了一遍。没面试真是轻松多了。

宇航员 说:握爪我觉得这种经历挺好的你觉得呢?你做合同工吗?点击展开...曾经做过

happy canadian 说:那真不错,我入籍的整个过程最担心的就是法官问东问西,我还记得他问我为啥老公没入籍,来了加拿大以后是不是只有这一个老公,这几年做什么工作,靠什么生活,然后就是用大量时间核对护照出入境章,就连我成为PR前的几本旧护照去欧洲的章都问我去欧洲干啥的,为啥去那么多次,简直是把我人生所有的出入境都捋了一遍。没面试真是轻松多了。点击展开...估计疫情能结束后就会恢复正常的考试

本来确实是由这个要求的。但是自由党执政后,2017年的Bill 6-C废除了这个要求。请看下面第6条:Applying for Citizenship? Here are the changes you need to know. – Stories from Hamilton's NewcomersChanges to Citizenship Requirements:​You must be physically present in Canada: 3 out of 5 yearsPreviously: you had to be physically present in Canada for 4 out of 6 years before applying for citizenship.You do not need to be physically present in Canada for a minimum number of days per year.Previously: you had to be physically present in Canada for 183 days in four out of the six years preceding your application.Days spent in Canada before becoming permanent resident (as temporary resident or protected person) count as 1/2 day.Previously: the time spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident did not count towards the physical presence requirement for citizenship.If you are 17 years old and younger or 56 years old and older you do not have to meet language (English or French) requirements nor take the citizenship test.Previously: if you are between 14 and 64 years, you had to meet the language and knowledge requirements for citizenship.You must file Canadian income taxes for 3 out of 5 years (matching the physical presence requirements).Previously: you had to file Canadian income taxes, if required to do so under the income tax act, for 4 out of 6 years, matching the physical presence requirement.*All the changes above are expected to take effect in Fall 2017 [October 11, 2017].You are not longer required to declare your intention to reside in Canada after becoming Canadian citizenship. (这句话有语法错误,但是是网站自己的措辞)Previously: you were required to intend to continue to live in Canada if granted citizenship.*This change is in effect since June 19, 2017

慢慢爱上加拿大??本来确实是由这个要求的。但是自由党执政后,2017年的Bill 6-C废除了这个要求。请看下面第6条:Applying for Citizenship? Here are the changes you need to know. – Stories from Hamilton's NewcomersChanges to Citizenship Requirements:​You must be physically present in Canada: 3 out of 5 yearsPreviously: you had to be physically present in Canada for 4 out of 6 years before applying for citizenship.You do not need to be physically present in Canada for a minimum number of days per year.Previously: you had to be physically present in Canada for 183 days in four out of the six years preceding your application.Days spent in Canada before becoming permanent resident (as temporary resident or protected person) count as 1/2 day.Previously: the time spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident did not count towards the physical presence requirement for citizenship.If you are 17 years old and younger or 56 years old and older you do not have to meet language (English or French) requirements nor take the citizenship test.Previously: if you are between 14 and 64 years, you had to meet the language and knowledge requirements for citizenship.You must file Canadian income taxes for 3 out of 5 years (matching the physical presence requirements).Previously: you had to file Canadian income taxes, if required to do so under the income tax act, for 4 out of 6 years, matching the physical presence requirement.*All the changes above are expected to take effect in Fall 2017 [October 11, 2017].You are not longer required to declare your intention to reside in Canada after becoming Canadian citizenship. (这句话有语法错误,但是是网站自己的措辞)Previously: you were required to intend to continue to live in Canada if granted citizenship.*This change is in effect since June 19, 2017点击展开...那是不是可以理解为入籍申请提交后就不需要证明,以后要在加拿大长呆的意愿?

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