加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢


抬头是不是和寄到加拿大使馆一样的吗? 是"receiver general for canada" ? 另外体检完后,除了寄汇票还要寄什么?谢谢

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢抬头是:Canadian Consulate General

入籍,策划回流中。。 超赞 赏 W wyhzp 0$(VIP 0) 1462011-08-15#3 回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢登陆费不是要在VISA下来后再交的吗?请问ME信里有要求交登陆费吗?

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢抬头是:Canadian Consulate General点击展开... 谢谢,请问哪有出处啊.

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢登陆费不是要在VISA下来后再交的吗?请问ME信里有要求交登陆费吗?点击展开... 内容很简单,但要求了.

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢谢谢,请问哪有出处啊.点击展开...在你的ME信里有。

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢谢谢,请问哪有出处啊.点击展开...里面应该有[SIZE=-1]payable to "Canadian Consulate General",也可能是:[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]payable to Canadian Consulate General。[/SIZE][SIZE=-1][/SIZE]

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢直接填上[SIZE=-1]Canadian Consulate General就可以了。[/SIZE]

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢抬头是不是和寄到加拿大使馆一样的吗? 是"receiver general for canada" ? 另外体检完后,除了寄汇票还要寄什么?谢谢点击展开...你的ME信里应该有列出的内容啊,香港的话还应该有无刑。

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢直接填上[SIZE=-1]Canadian Consulate General就可以了。[/SIZE]点击展开... 谢谢,我仔细瞧了好几遍,是电子ME, 除了说交费一句以外,全部都是体检的内容啊.所以才这么困惑,可能他们忘了写了?

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢你的ME信里应该有列出的内容啊,香港的话还应该有无刑。点击展开... 列出的内容,只有这2句Please provide the following within 45 days:1) Right of Permanent Residence Fee for you and your family members2) undergo medical exam (see below instruction). 其他的就是​ [FONT=微软雅黑]INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑][FONT=微软雅黑]A medical examination is required to establish that you and your family members, if any, whether accompanying you or not, are able to meet Canadian health requirements. This is a routine part of the processing of your application and does notimply in any way that your application has been approved.[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑][FONT=微软雅黑]​ You must go to one of the CIC-approved clinics. To find your nearest CIC-approved clinic, please see the list of clinics at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx. A Canadian physician will review the results. Results are received at our office between 3 - 5 weeks after the date of your visit to the clinic. We cannot expedite these procedures.​ You may be required to undergo additional medical tests at our request. Costs for any additional tests or examinations are also your responsibility.​ Medical clearance is valid for one year after the examination. Medical reports and X-rays become the property of the Canadian medical authorities and will NOT be returned.​ STEPONE:You must go to the clinic within 45days after you receive this letter. ​ Before you go, print a copy of this email message and bring the printed copy of this e-mail message with you to the medical examination. Failure to do so may lead to the refusal of your application.​ For each person taking the medical examination, please present to the examining doctor:An original passport4 passport-sized photos​ When attending the examination, you and each person to be examined must:a)if you wear glasses, take them with you,b)if you have had tuberculosis, bring along all of your previous X-rays and reports,c)tell the doctor about past illness, operations or any treatments you are receiving.​ Failure to reveal a past medical condition will cause considerable delay in processing your case.​ Upon completion of the examination the clinic will provide you with a copy of your medical form (IMM1017) with your photo affixed, showing that you have taken the medical examination. ​ NOTES:1 We will not accept any medical results that have not been done at one of the CIC-approved clinics.2 We will not respond to messages sent in reply to this email. Inquiries must be sent to our case-specific inquiry mailbox by following the prompts at this address:https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=hong kong​ PLEASE NOTE:Medical examinations are part of the application process. They do not guarantee the issuance of a visa. All costs for the medical examination and for mailing the results are your responsibility and are to be paid by you. We will contact you to advise you of the next steps in your application.​ Visa Section​ [/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢我的me信里没有要求交登陆费这项

招homestay,qq:65337159; email: [email protected]我的me信里没有要求交登陆费这项点击展开... 我也没有

入籍,策划回流中。。 超赞 赏 长 长桥书生 0$(VIP 0) 872011-08-15#14 回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢应该是同时会收到HK发来的2封电子邮件,一封是通知你体检,另外一封则要求交登陆费。

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢应该是同时会收到HK发来的2封电子邮件,一封是通知你体检,另外一封则要求交登陆费。点击展开... 可是我的信是写在一起的,但是又没写汇票抬头,我看HOPE说可以在网站上找到,但也没找到,有哪位朋友给个链接,我再确认下汇票抬头啊.

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢我也没有点击展开... 好像有TX说如果没有,就要写信去问,然后香港会给你重发.请教你在哪查到的汇票抬头啊

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢我的me信里没有要求交登陆费这项点击展开...我也没有,我的ME信不是电子的!

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢Upon completion of the examination the clinic will provide you with a copy of your medical form (IMM1017) with your photo affixed, showing that you have taken the medical examination.体检完后医院也没有给我一份体检结果的COPY件啊!

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢Upon completion of the examination the clinic will provide you with a copy of your medical form (IMM1017) with your photo affixed, showing that you have taken the medical examination. 体检完后医院也没有给我一份体检结果的COPY件啊!点击展开... 你贴照片的那个表,听说有的人没有给这张表,只有收据.体检后,医生给你啥,你寄给香港时都装了啥?

回复: 请教办理香港登陆费汇票的抬头,谢谢我体检完后医生啥都没给,只在我的要求下给了发票。体检结果(在那个贴照片的表上的)是医院直接寄北京的啊

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