加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 专升本,算几分?清华认证上面这段话什么意思?
This is to certify Ms.xxx's(DOB:xx,xx,197x)Diploma.Ms.xxx has completed her self-taught undergraduate program of xx(所学专业的名称),and she is hereby granted graduation in 2010.In PRChina,this diploma holder can apply for a Bachelor's Degree in accordance with Regulations on Academic Degrees of PRChina,and/or be directly admitted to study in a Master's Degree Program after psaaing the National Graduate Entrance Examination.
回复: 专升本,算几分?清华认证上面这段话什么意思?意思是说楼主的学历真实有效,可以申请学士学位,或者是参加相应的入学考试,获取硕士学位!
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