加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012


Ottawa, November 3, 2011 ? The Government of Canada is planning to welcome more federal skilled workers in 2012, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) remains the principal avenue for permanent immigration to Canada. In 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) plans to welcome 55,000?57,000 federal skilled workers, up from 47,000?47,400 in the 2011 Immigration Levels Plan. “The government’s number one priority remains the economy. We recognize the importance of immigration to our labour market and we value the contributions of skilled immigrants who add to our international competitiveness,” said Minister Kenney. “We are committed to facilitating the arrival of the best and the brightest to our country.”An important milestone was reached this year when the backlog of FSW applications prior to the launch of the 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration was reduced by more than 50 percent ? two years ahead of schedule. The higher range in 2012 will support labour market responsiveness and sustain progress on backlog reduction.CIC completed an extensive evaluation of the FSWP in 2010, showing that the program is working well and selecting immigrants who perform well economically. The report found that 89 percent of FSWs were employed or self-employed three years after landing. Moreover, 95 percent of the employers surveyed indicated that FSWs were meeting or exceeding their expectations. The evaluation indicated a strong continuing need for skilled immigrants in Canada.“CIC will continue to ramp up efforts to modernize our immigration system to make it more nimble and responsive to labour market needs,” said Minister Kenney. “Following nationwide consultations this past spring on proposals to improve the Federal Skilled Worker Program, we are actively exploring policy options on the way forward.”A summary report of the consultations is being finalized and will soon be available on the CIC website. Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/CitImmCanada.

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回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012都看见了吗? CA怕咱集体撩挑子,害怕了, 所以丫赶紧增加名额了, 造化造化啊

回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012兄弟们,这个是没有意义的。还以为2012的配额下来了呢。这个就是屁话,比天朝的官样文章也不差。2012他们欢迎55000-57000移民的意思是,2011年的技术移民配额下签发的签证会在 2012登陆。并没有提到2012年技术移民的配额的问题。对于我们最深恶痛绝的插队的问题, 他们完全是拿着不是当理说,所谓的满足就业市场云云。这里面透漏了一个非常恐怖的信息, 他们认为积案的合理的水平就是227降低50%,根本就没提91的茬,也就意味着,目前技术移民,尤其是91政策下33万人中绝大多数可能永无天日的了。尤其像我是200711月的 FN,恐怕是没有希望了。

回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012200711月的 FN !?!?!

回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012好消息 谢谢分享

回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012同情91的前辈们

-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。兄弟们,这个是没有意义的。还以为2012的配额下来了呢。这个就是屁话,比天朝的官样文章也不差。2012他们欢迎55000-57000移民的意思是,2011年的技术移民配额下签发的签证会在 2012登陆。并没有提到2012年技术移民的配额的问题。对于我们最深恶痛绝的插队的问题, 他们完全是拿着不是当理说,所谓的满足就业市场云云。这里面透漏了一个非常恐怖的信息, 他们认为积案的合理的水平就是227降低50%,根本就没提91的茬,也就意味着,目前技术移民,尤其是91政策下33万人中绝大多数可能永无天日的了。尤其像我是200711月的 FN,恐怕是没有希望了。点击展开...人家说的是91的积案降低了50%吧 你再看一遍~

回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012An important milestone was reached this year when the backlog of FSW applications prior to the launch of the 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration was reduced by more than 50 percent 意思是227之前申请的积压减少了一半多.别太灰心了.是不是气糊涂了?

北京2007.8.29FN,08.12.6考雅思,7,6.5,6.5,6。2009.8.21S2,2009.10.25递料,2009.10.29变12,2009.12.2变6,2010.2.8变12,2011.7.5日地址栏第一次消失,7月23日地址栏恢复。参加TIM的诉讼了,2012-8-31ME 超赞 赏 yuantangling 0$(VIP 0) 2,2382011-11-03#10 回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012总之不是坏消息!

2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了! 超赞 赏 recrem 0$(VIP 0) 2422011-11-04#11 回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012Kenney holds immigration levels steady, increases white-collar workers718 words 2 November 201107:02 pm GMTThe Canadian PressEnglish(c) 2011 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. OTTAWA _ Immigration Minister Jason Kenney plans to hold immigration levels steady next year, but the mix of immigrants will change.There will be more skilled workers _ especially white-collar workers _ as will as higher numbers of refugees, parents and grandparents, Kenney told reporters after tabling his 2011 annual report.But there will be fewer spouses and dependent children, and fewer live-in caregivers, Kenney added _ not because Ottawa doesn't want them, but because they are not coming in numbers as large as in the past.``It's a projection,'' he explained.Kenney tabled his 2011 annual report and it shows Ottawa wants to accept between 240,000 and 265,000 newcomers in 2012 _ despite pressure from the opposition NDP to gradually raise the levels in order to deal with expected labour shortages in five years' time.It's the same range as this year and in keeping with the annual average of 254,000 over the past few years, Kenney said.But within that pool, the number of so-called ``Canadian-experience class'' immigrants will rise to about 7,000, Kenney said That's up from 6,500 in 2011, and is the highest number ever in that category.The class targets white-collar workers in certain occupations, many already with experience or education in Canada. It was created in 2008 and the Conservative government believes it has been very successful in attracting immigrants who adapt quickly to Canadian life, find jobs and add to economic growth soon after settling here.He is also creating a new class of immigrants that will allow up to 1,000 international PhD students a year become permanent residents through the Federal Skilled Workers Program, as long as they have completed at least two years of schooling toward a doctoral degree.``For immigration to continue to support our economy's development, it is crucial that we maintain an immigration system that responds to Canada's economic needs in a timely manner,'' Kenney said in the introduction to the 2011 annual report.But he didn't raise the level of immigrants because the Canadian public _ and the public purse _ are not able to digest a higher flow, he said.``We don't want to end up with an immigration policy that diverges dramatically with the public's practical sense of our capacity to integrate folks,'' Kenney said.``We already have very high levels. We just want to make sure that the folks who are coming get and keep good jobs, and they have the capacity to integrate, and that we have the resources to pay for the infrastructure and support required for new immigrants.''But NDP immigration critic Don Davies said Kenney is being short-sighted by limiting the number of immigrants at a time when the waiting list to get into Canada is growing, and the demand by employers is poised to soar.``How do we meet that new labour challenge if we are using numbers that are the same as the last five years?'' Davies said.The government could manage to integrate a higher number of immigrants if it put its mind and its money toward such a goal, he added.Plus, Kenney is also letting down many Canadian families who depend on live-in caregivers to take care of their children, said one group representing families.The only reason fewer nannies are applying to come to Canada is because families here are finding the immigration program dysfunctional, said Manuela Gruber Hersch of the Association of Caregiver and Nanny Agencies Canada.She said families are shying away from hiring foreign nannies because recent rule changes mean families pay out thousands of dollars to hire the caregivers, but have no guarantee they will stay at their jobs.``Canadian families are getting turned off because of the risk factor,'' she said.Kenney is expected to release more details about the mix of immigrants throughout this week, likely focusing on the provincial nominee program that allows provinces to manage inflows of skilled labour to suit their needs.Kenney said he also plans changes to Canada's foreign credentials recognition regime.Ottawa already has fast-tracking systems for eight occupations and will add another six occupations next year, he said.

好事总多磨,明天更美好! 超赞 赏 U uhosam 0$(VIP 0) 5312011-11-04#12 回复: News Release ? More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012不减少配额已经是谢天谢地了。感谢同学们的信息。

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