加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民A letter to Kenney
Mr. Kenney, I heard some rumors about the latest immigration policy and I would rather believe it is just a rumor. If the rumor is true, you are really ruining Canada. Canada has been enjoying a good international reputation not only for its developed economy and beautiful natural scenery but also for its respect to human rights, its willingness to take responsibility, its core value to honesty, fairness and justice and its democratic social environment. A kind and righteous country like Canada even couldn’t bear the people in other countries brutally governed by their own dictators and sent troops to protect them, how could it bear to make a beautiful promise to the people who really loved it and then abandon them ruthlessly after their best five or six years’ or even longer time’s wait and devotion? To you, just another new immigration policy is on the way. 300,000 is just a cold number. And your memory might be fading with timing going by. But to me and the people like me, it is real life and the hurt will be carved in heart for the rest of our life. If seven innocent people being killed by force is called massacre, what it would be if 300,000 people’s dreams are murdered? It is neither legal nor righteous. If you really think the policy is not beneficial or fair for both the Canada and the applicants, what you should do is trying to admit and correct your own mistake by working out a better immigration policy instead of making the innocent applicants pay for your poor policy, which is not what a righteous and responsible person or a nation should do. Please be brave to take your responsiblity and let us work together to make things better and to the best but not abandon us using your power. That will be shame. A heartbroken applicant
回复: A letter to Kenney写得好!楼主发给Kenney了吗?
回复: A letter to Kenney手头还有一些内容在准备.准备弄好了一起发.而且知道的媒体按个儿发.
回复: A letter to Kenney很感人,说出了我们的心声。
2007年2月8日HK签收;7月17日FN发出,VO:KTA;------------------------------------得之,我幸;不得,我命;如此而已! 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-04-02#5 回复: A letter to Kenney写的很好。只是如果信能写的言简意赅更好。就怕这个猪头不看这信。
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 M mike533 0$(VIP 0) 282012-04-02#6 回复: A letter to Kenney如能做到,还应给其他国会议员发送邮件,表达对移民部的抗议。有一些反对党的议员已经发出了对此提议的不满。
回复: A letter to Kenney建议以文明应对野蛮,去掉结尾人身攻击部分,增加有理、有力、有节的申诉,这样效果更好,否则只会导致相反效果!例如增加:We didn't say anything but waited in great patience with the belief of justice and fairness which has always been the universal value in Canada. Until several days earlier, the minister decided to slap on our face and scratch all the files waiting in the queue. Applicants feel they are being teased by CIC.One particulaly salient example of the absurdity of CIC is that some of them just received FSW-SAP request letters which is sent out in February or March 2012 from Hongkong office requiring them to submit the supporting documents within 120 days and promising to begin assessment of their application, at the same time CIC plans to eliminate their application retrospectively on March 29,2012 in unexpected ways without mercy on their hardship and high cost in preparing and notarizing the documents. All applicats are really in fury on the unfaithfulness of this policy and the false announcement about backlog roadblock which actually is the sacrifice of the queue-jumping policy adopted by CIC.
回复: A letter to Kenney建议以文明应对野蛮,去掉结尾人身攻击部分,增加有理、有力、有节的申诉,这样效果更好,否则只会导致相反效果!例如增加:We didn't say anything but waited in great patience with the belief of justice and fairness which has always been the universal value in Canada. Until several days earlier, the minister decided to slap on our face and scratch all the files waiting in the queue. Applicants feel they are being teased by CIC.One particulaly salient example of the absurdity of CIC is that some of them just received FSW-SAP request letters which is sent out in February or March 2012 from Hongkong office requiring them to submit the supporting documents within 120 days and promising to begin assessment of their application, at the same time CIC plans to eliminate their application retrospectively on March 29,2012 in unexpected ways without mercy on their hardship and high cost in preparing and notarizing the documents. All applicats are really in fury on the unfaithfulness of this policy and the false announcement about backlog roadblock which actually is the sacrifice of the queue-jumping policy adopted by CIC.点击展开... 谢谢提点和建议.我还在完善准备材料.我会把这一段加上去.谢谢了.
回复: A letter to Kenney第一段,我觉得外国人不好面子,形象,他们还是比较实惠的。不像咱打肿脸充胖子。
超赞 赏 bobosong 0$(VIP 0) 2,5192012-04-02#10 回复: A letter to Kenney另外,这事儿就是康妮搞出来的,给他讲道理他道理更多,他既不会害怕恐吓控告,也不会心慈手软,不如写信给总督女王之类更高级的官员。 有上级的压力,有同僚的反对,比我们的控告或者求情我觉得有用的多。
超赞 赏 bobosong 0$(VIP 0) 2,5192012-04-02#11 回复: A letter to Kenney如果康妮给他的领导惹了麻烦,领导也会弃之如敝履。。。 恩,我觉得这个策略不错,嘿嘿~
超赞 Mr. Kenney, I heard some rumors about the latest immigration policy and I would rather believe it is just a rumor. If the rumor is true, you are really ruining Canada. Canada has been enjoying a good international reputation not only for its developed economy and beautiful natural scenery but also for its respect to human rights, its willingness to take responsibility, its core value to honesty, fairness and justice and its democratic social environment. A kind and righteous country like Canada even couldn’t bear the people in other countries brutally governed by their own dictators and sent troops to protect them, how could it bear to make a beautiful promise to the people who really loved it and then abandon them ruthlessly after their best five or six years’ or even longer time’s wait and devotion? To you, just another new immigration policy is on the way. 300,000 is just a cold number. And your memory might be fading with timing going by. But to me and the people like me, it is real life and the hurt will be carved in heart for the rest of our life. If seven innocent people being killed by force is called massacre, what it would be if 300,000 people’s dreams are murdered? It is neither legal nor righteous. If you really think the policy is not beneficial or fair for both the Canada and the applicants, what you should do is trying to admit and correct your own mistake by working out a better immigration policy instead of making the innocent applicants pay for your poor policy, which is not what a righteous and responsible person or a nation should do. If the rumor is true, you are a traitor to Canada because you are ruining the nation’s long reputation. If the rumor is true, you are a loser to your Party because you are such a coward who has no guts to take his responsibility or ability to deal with his working problems. Why don’t you hire more part-time staffs to handle the backlog cases?If the rumor is true, you are a shame to your parents because they have a cold-blood and uncredit child. A heartbroken applicant 点击展开...LZ英文功底不错.有小问题供分享:1. LZ用的"staffs"---请建议改为"staff members", 因为"staff"没有复数形式;2. LZ用的"cold-blood"--请建议改为"cold-blooded". "uncredit"---改为"uncredited"或者"untrustworthy" 谢谢
On the way to travel all the time... 超赞 赏 B Bobby6868 0$(VIP 0) 1602012-04-02#13 回复: A letter to Kenney说实在的,看完后我都觉得我们能赢!只要我们自己不放弃,我们一定能赢!给女王发,给哈珀发,给能发的人都发。。
回复: A letter to KenneyLZ英文功底不错.有小问题供分享:1. LZ用的"staffs"---请建议改为"staff members", 因为"staff"没有复数形式;2. LZ用的"cold-blood"--请建议改为"cold-blooded". "uncredit"---改为"uncredited"或者"untrustworthy" 谢谢点击展开... 谢谢建议.我再修改.
回复: A letter to Kenney光发信没什么用,要搞就要搞大的,我记得N年第一次从北京走的时候,有个天津的也是一批人一起去诉讼的,后来全都放过来了。
2005年7月6日登陆多伦多.Mr. Kenney,I heard some rumors about the latest immigration policy and I would rather believe it is just a rumor. If the rumor is true, you are really ruining Canada. Canada has been enjoying a good international reputation not only for its developed economy and beautiful natural scenery but also for its respect to human rights, its willingness to take responsibility, its core value to honesty, fairness and justice and its democratic social environment. A kind and righteous country like Canada even couldn’t bear the people in other countries brutally governed by their own dictators and sent troops to protect them, how could it bear to make a beautiful promise to the people who really loved it and then abandon them ruthlessly after their best five or six years’ or even longer time’s wait and devotion? To you, just another new immigration policy is on the way. 300,000 is just a cold number. And your memory might be fading with timing going by. But to me and the people like me, it is real life and the hurt will be carved in heart for the rest of our life. If seven innocent people being killed by force is called massacre, what it would be if 300,000 people’s dreams are murdered? It is neither legal nor righteous. If you really think the policy is not beneficial or fair for both the Canada and the applicants, what you should do is trying to admit and correct your own mistake by working out a better immigration policy instead of making the innocent applicants pay for your poor policy, which is not what a righteous and responsible person or a nation should do. If the rumor is true, you are a traitor to Canada because you are ruining the nation’s long reputation. If the rumor is true, you are a loser to your Party because you are such a coward who has no guts to take his responsibility or ability to deal with his working problems. Why don’t you hire more part-time staffs to handle the backlog cases?If the rumor is true, you are a shame to your parents because they have a cold-blood and uncredit child. A heartbroken applicant 点击展开...英文基础虽好,英文文章却不怎么样。通篇说理不足而怨妇情结过重,而人身攻击将是你的诉诸变得毫无道德优越感。
回复: A letter to Kenney另外,这事儿就是康妮搞出来的,给他讲道理他道理更多,他既不会害怕恐吓控告,也不会心慈手软,不如写信给总督女王之类更高级的官员(总督、女王不是官员。移民部长/总理也不是他们的部属。)。 有上级的压力,有同僚的反对,(想当然的说法)比我们的控告或者求情我觉得有用的多。点击展开...情愿信可以发给移民部长/哈珀总理,陈情书可以发给国会议员,也可以投书主流媒体。
回复: A letter to Kenney胖子不过是代表,决定是保守党做的,你让丫一个人担有点不公平。
回复: A letter to Kenney你的英文那么好,为什么不写呢,老拽那些中文对联有用吗?来几个英文对联哈点击展开...我早写了。我也写信了。信已发出了。我不光有中文对联,还有段子,打油诗、顺口溜、诗词歌赋、四六骈文……多了。好好顶贴吧,找我麻烦才真是眼睛长到屁股上了。
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