加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声音
议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声音。回信如下:Hi,We are doing a program on the new immigration laws on Tuesday, April 10 between 12 - 1 Atlantic Time on Maritime Noon on CBC Radio in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This is a phone in program. If you would like to call in and voice your opinion or share your story, the number is 1-902-420-9336.Best,Norma Lee另外一个议员也回信了,回信内容好象和其他人贴出的内容一致,也贴一下吧:Good Morning, Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns about the decision to return all Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications that were made prior to February 27, 2007.I agree that this approach is grossly unfair to people who have been planning to make a new home in Canada. The people who are affected have followed all the rules, done everything we have asked of them and waited patiently, for up to 8 years, for us to uphold our part of the bargain. Legislating away the backlog in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the Government. Instead of addressing the backlog, the Government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who applied since early 2008 to queue jump ahead those who applied before. This is not fair.Recently, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration conducted a study and made several recommendations on how to reduce the backlog of applications. We proposed several prudent and sensible ways to address the massive backlog. The Minister has chosen to ignore all of these proposals and proceed with a scheme that will destroy the plans and dreams of thousands of people who have prepared make Canada their home.Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns. If you have not already, I strongly suggest you write to Minster Jason Kenney and the Prime Minister to let them know your objections.Warm regards, DonDon Davies, M.P. Vancouver KingswayOfficial Opposition Critic for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalismph: (613) 943-0267www.dondavies.cawww.facebook.com/DonDaviesNDPwww.twitter.com/DonDavies
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation. 超赞 赏 星星点点 0$(VIP 0) 7442012-04-05#2 回复: 议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声支持。让加拿大从上到下都知道康尼是个骗子。
visa:2013-01-23:说不出的感觉,5年了啊landing了,还飘浮在空中的感觉,没有了根,也落不下地 超赞 赏 V vivien81 0$(VIP 0) 662012-04-05#3 回复: 议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声这是个很好的机会啊,可以让在加拿大的朋友忙帮控诉下
回复: 议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声非native speaker做电话访谈会没有信心,参与度就不高。与其这样不如找英语好的预先拟一篇简短声明或口语性质的小文,立意高一点,思路整理好,措辞斟酌好,计算好篇幅时间。然后把电子文档分发在加和在华的朋友亲戚们,约定好在那个时点都打电话,谁打进去就把声明读一遍。有人读了,后面的人就不要再读同一篇了。这样读预先好好编写过的文档估计很多人就没心理压力了。有时间精力的也可以预先准备多篇文稿。北京论坛里以前有不少91申请者写过批驳康尼暴政的逻辑性很强的文章都可以作为内容。
回复: 议员回信,得到可以在加拿大主流媒体的发出声音的机会,英语好的同学务必要去发出我们的声非native speaker做电话访谈会没有信心,参与度就不高。与其这样不如找英语好的预先拟一篇简短声明或口语性质的小文,立意高一点,思路整理好,措辞斟酌好,计算好篇幅时间。然后把电子文档分发在加和在华的朋友亲戚们,约定好在那个时点都打电话,谁打进去就把声明读一遍。有人读了,后面的人就不要再读同一篇了。这样读预先好好编写过的文档估计很多人就没心理压力了。有时间精力的也可以预先准备多篇文稿。北京论坛里以前有不少91申请者写过批驳康尼暴政的逻辑性很强的文章都可以作为内容。点击展开...此方法可行,可以提前准备稿子,到时念就可以。
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