加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民和印度人的邮件来往以及Facebook消息
We need to make a write up to invite the press to cover our protests.- We will then make a press note along with photos of the protest and the cuttings from the coverage of our protests in the local media and send it to the Canadian media and the Canadian MPs. 抗议活动让媒体报道,发送给加拿大的媒体和议员 - Copies of the C-50 bill to be burnt as part of the protest. 焚烧C50法律的文本拷贝 - Copy of the budget and the speach of Kenney to be burnt as part of the protest.焚烧康尼讲话和budget的拷贝 - Kenney's potrait to be thrown in a trash bin, symbolising his trashing of our applications.康尼的画像扔到垃圾桶 - Our slogans would not only be for our pre 2008 applicants. But also to tarnish Canada's image so that people do not make Canada their choice destination. (this will ring alarm bells for the Candian govt, who need immigrants, leading to them reversing their decision to scrap the pre 2008 applications) 口号不仅为Pre-C50而作,还要玷污加拿大的形象,让未来的移民者知道加拿大无信无耻 - Placards with "Canada not able to process applications for 7 years" "Waited 7 years for your decision" "Canadian Immigration Process worst in the world" "NO trust in Canada" "You can't dump us after 7 years"- Announce our action of moving couts and Human rights aplications to the media on the day of protest.- Announcing our decision to claim damages for millions of dollors for our time lost and harrasment.- All protesters to be in suit and ties as we represent Skilled professionals.- One protester to be our ambassador who should be the most qualified and experienced, young and fluent in English, preferebely wife also a professional, for media to write on what quality of applicants Canada has decided to scrap. We will share more including email ids of Canadian media once we have a list
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通They could be: "Give our 7 years back""Reject or Select us, don't Trash us""You are dealing not with files but with lifes" "Canada not able to process applications for 7 years" "Waited 7 years for your decision" "Canadian Immigration Process worst in the world" "NO trust in Canada" "don't dump us after 7 years" We are also drafting a press note which we will share with you when finalized.If you have prepared any such draft, please share with us so that we could include some of your points in our press note too. 他们给的标语建议
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通声明一点,我很反感阿三这个词,我从来没有把印度人叫阿三,如果你们不信,可以去看我发的所有的帖子有没有这二个字,我以前的帐号jesuimajeur是在09年注册的,也从来没有用这二个字。
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通我在facebook上发言后,马上受到很热情的响应。看到印度人都在干实事,贴出来的观点都那么有新意,很少废话,没有哗众取宠,我从内心深处佩服他们!!!
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通Manoj Sharawat CIC is agency of canadian government to collect money like processing fees- upfront,landing fees,settlement fund etc.from prospective immigrants.This alone generates billion of dollars for canada.Use their money and throw them.Now they have found students-cash cows, for their fraud immigration business.We should unite and expose them in every possible way. CIC是加拿大政府的赚钱机器,从准移民哪里圈各种花样的资金,处理费,登录费,安家费等等。 这一点每年为加拿大带来数十亿的收入。 把准移民的钱用完了再把他们扔掉。 现在他们打起了留学生的主意,做他们的骗人的移民生意。 我们要联合起来曝光CIC所有可能的丑恶行径。
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通支持记录,一定要发出并留下我们五年来的心声!
只要凡事籍着祷告、祈求和感谢,将所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念! 超赞 赏 F Freedog 0$(VIP 0) 3782012-04-10#7 回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通人家经验丰富胆子大啊最赞的是人家团结
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通杰森.康尼口口声声说:“不卖加拿大身份”,但是他在40万加元联邦投资移民申请还没有处理完的时候搞出一个让80万加元联邦投资移民申请插队。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-04-10#9 回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通多做些讽刺CIC和肥康的漫画,在全世界传阅,搞臭它的名声。
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通印度人知道我们要在4月30号在香港抗议,他们正在积极协调活动的时间,争取在同一天,如果协调成功了,4月30号香港,新德里,伦敦还有印度巴基斯坦的其他各大城市(总共10多个)将同步发生抗议活动。 他们现在觉得这个时间有点紧促,我的回复是不必要同一天发生,前后几天举行问题也不大
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通准备参加4月30号香港活动的,请给我私信(悄悄话),告知以下项目: QQ id,城市,性别,名(英文名),电话,邮箱 已经给我资料的就不要再给了,我已经记录好了
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键http://www.canadameet.co/news/calgary/2012/0409/128437.html
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]杰森.康尼口口声声说:“不卖加拿大身份”,但是他在40万加元联邦投资移民申请还没有处理完的时候搞出一个让80万加元联邦投资移民申请插队。点击展开... 他在团聚移民那篇新闻里说,绝对不容忍插队,投资和技术却不断插队,搞双重标准。 他在评价Pre-C50的表现时说,那些人登录三年后工作稳定,95%的雇主满意,为了作废Pre-C50,马上说这些人是加拿大不需要的,前后相隔4个月。 他的错乱言语和逻辑不通的谎言,我将在CIC官网中全部查出来,写在抗议信里,传送给媒体,传送给印度人,再扩散到全世界。
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通肥康十足是个骗子!
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通康肥好像是刚从疯人院里面跑出来的,要不怎么这样做事不合常理呢
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通Facebook上的91群已经知道我们论坛了,那里主要是印度人,还有埃及人,他们会用google翻译来看我们的贴子!
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通Facebook上的91群已经知道我们论坛了,那里主要是印度人,还有埃及人,他们会用google翻译来看我们的贴子!点击展开...
回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通Manoj Sharawat CIC is agency of canadian government to collect money like processing fees- upfront,landing fees,settlement fund etc.from prospective immigrants.This alone generates billion of dollars for canada.Use their money and throw them.Now they have found students-cash cows, for their fraud immigration business.We should unite and expose them in every possible way. CIC是加拿大政府的赚钱机器,从准移民哪里圈各种花样的资金,处理费,登录费,安家费等等。 这一点每年为加拿大带来数十亿的收入。 把准移民的钱用完了再把他们扔掉。 现在他们打起了留学生的主意,做他们的骗人的移民生意。 我们要联合起来曝光CIC所有可能的丑恶行径。点击展开... 说到点子上了,一针见血!!!
2006年11月雅思(读7、说7、听6.5、写6)2006年12月1日递香港,2007年5月18日FN2008年10月生宝宝,未补材料2008年12月22日做清华认证VO是SKM,自评67分。等S2 。。。 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-04-11#19 回复: 和印度友人团结合作对抗CIC,开帖记录我们的沟通印度人最近在大规模对加拿大议员的邮箱发email狂轰滥炸, 这是最近收到的议员的回信: Rakesh Kumar GargI have just received a reply from Linda Duncan, Member Parliament from Edmonton-Strathcona, Official Opposition Critic for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Developmentwho has expressed her concern in these words "Legislating away the backlog of applications in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the government. Instead of addressing the backlog and the cause of the delays, the government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who have applied for immigration via this tract since early 2008 to jump ahead of those who applied before them. This is, simply said, unfair."
回复: 和印度人的邮件来往以及Facebook消息印度人2010年的新闻发布会的Press Note: PRESS NOTE / PRESS RELEASERef: Canadian Immigration Minister - Kenney's visit to IndiaFile it and Forget it!!Canadian Immigration makes applicants wait for 7 years* Illegal immigrants catch the next flight, Legal immigrants wait for 7 years.* Applicants of June 2003 still waiting for their visas.* Applications from India taking double the time from those of many othercountries.* Crores of Rupees collected as application fees from old applicant lying with DelhiEmbassy.* New Delhi Visa Officers not processing old applications, keep on increasing processingtimes. Is this a part of the undisclosed policy to discourage immigrants from India?Chandigarh, India, September 06, 2010: Applicants who had applied for immigration under FederalSkilled Workers (FSW) Class in June 2003 and onwards i.e. Pre-Feb 2008 have come togetheronline and have formed a forum to highlight their plight as they have been forced to wait for morethan 7 years, without any fixed time-line for a decision on their cases.Such long processing times dissuade legal immigration and creates a congenialatmosphere for crooked immigration Consultants and Agents to lure would-be immigrantsby promising them faster immigration, based on forged and fraudulent documents.Addressing this issue of backlog, would be a step towards taking anti-fraud initiativesagainst these scamsters and unlawful Agents.There is a huge disparity in the processing times of various countries. Does this imply that the processing inIndia is slow NOT because the Canadian embassy in India has to process more applications, butbecause Canada wishes to discourage immigration from India?The old applicants were given an impression that the future processing times would be more or lessthe same as of past, which were 33 months at the time of filing the applications. These have beenextended every now and then, and currently stand today at 90 months, an UNBELIEVABLE 200%increase!New priority processing rules like "Fast Track" are allowed to come and go without processing thelong waiting applications. This totally violates the promise made to old applicants that the"applications will be processed in order they are received" Why are the old applicants beingdiscriminated against for none of their fault? Is that what the Canadians mean by imparting justiceand being fair? Further, now that even the "Fast Track - 1" with 38 occupation list has been scrappedand there is a "New Fast track" with 29 occupation list, further increasing the backlog. Is this notplaying with the future of the applicants as it suits Canadian market demands? Does the CanadianImmigration Department not have any foresight? Can they not plan the intake of applications a yearor two in advance?For instance, lets take the case of December 2003 applicants. Canadian High Commission isprocessing December 2003 applicants since December 2009, and the latest 90 months time-linemeans that they will be finalized in June 2011 i.e. good 18 months to complete processing of just onemonth of applications. Is this an indication of the future processing time-lines of the backlog cases?Has the Canadian government taken into the fact that the applicants who were medically fit at thetime of application may not remain so after 7 to 10 years, and how does it intend to deal with suchcases? Will they be simply rejected because now after waiting all this time, they turn too old to meetthe strenuous medical standards?The two official websites of the Canadian Government give misleading information, giving twototally different processing times for the same application category. One showing 76 and the other90 months. On inquiry we get a automated generic reply that your application is in a queue.What is the real reason for the long processing times? Is it only because of lack of resources at theprocessing departments? If so the application fees should have the provision to employ more stafffor processing.We have urged Chief Minister of Punjab Mr. Parkash Singh Badal by submitting a memorandumyesterday, to take up the long delay of Processing time issues with the Canadian minister when hecalls on him.We will also urge Minister Kenny by submitting a memorandum to resolve our long pending issuerelated to the ever stretching visa application processing times and the long delay caused by theCanadian Embassy in Delhi.Only then will Kenny’s meeting with the Punjab government be useful if it redressedproblems faced by applicants who want to migrate to Canada legally.We have submitted an application to meet him in person.
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