加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。
自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。英语好的同学一直未现身,只好借签了部分印度兄弟的段落,草拟了一封信,准备发给媒体和在加拿大有话语权的人,揭露CIC的丑恶面目,发出我们91受害者的声音。仅是一个思路,还未及详细斟酌,权当模板,供大家修改吧。 This is a letter from one of 300000 applicants who applied immigration before Feb. 28,2007, to complain being unfairly treated and to seek an answer that Canada is still a country dominated by the values of justice, equality and a human rights or not. We applied immigration depending on the criteria of CIC. In these many years of waiting, we have sacrificed with a lot of effort and money and time in order to prepare our files, hoping to start a new life and future for us and for our children in Canada. But a few days ago[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced that all the applications in the skilled worker category which applied prior to February 28, 2007 will be returned. What an irresponsible decision! Although Minister Jason Kenney said that the application fees will be refunded, how can he refund our five years lives? After waiting for more than 5 years, Minister Jason Kenney’s decision to slash our files without the slightest sense of responsibility is destroying the lives of thousands of families by this unfair decision, which reflects definitely the absence of respecting our humanity and our rights of dealing with our files equally like others, and without respect to the agreement between us and the government. Can you imagine how much damage the physical and psychological effect on us and our families from the destruction of our lives and the loss of many opportunities and effort and years waiting for the start of our lives in Canada? What can make up all of that? The law may pass by the strong majority in the government, but how to pass from the punishment of God for the injustice and the destruction of the lives of these families. We, 300000 applicants who applied immigration before Feb. 28,2007, are totally victims of Government policies. Who made the backlogs? It is the government especially CIC. Prior to implementation of C50, all applications were assessed in queue. First in, First out. Although applications need to wait for 2 years to 5 years to get final decision, files proceed consecutively. Instead, after implementation of C50, all the files were thrown into backlog due to C50 applications jumping the queue. CIC is the maker of backlog and force us to undertake the consequence unfairly. I do hope everyone who has belief of justice, responsibility and humanity can help us in the delivery of our voices to give us respect for our human rights and fair treatments. I do believe Canada is a country with fairness and justice. Please don’t break our heart. I don't want to tell all my friends, my family’s friends[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]friends of friends and our offspring that Canada got yellow stain of perfidy and treachery.
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation. 超赞 赏 反馈:慢慢来 R ronaldo 0$(VIP 0) 692012-04-02#2 回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。写的很好。可以的话,加入一点内容,即加国一不定非用一刀切的方法,这样不利于加国的形象,不人道。可以用办法一。。。办法二。。。,这样更利于人们对文章的理解与同情。然后发所能找到的所社,议员的MAIL。
回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。微调修改了一下:This is a letter from one of 300000 applicants who applied immigration before February 28,2007, to complain being unfairly treated and to seek an answer that Canada is still a country dominated by the values of justice, fairness and responsibility or not. We applied immigration depending on the criteria of CIC. In these many years of waiting, we have sacrificed with a lot of effort and money and time in order to prepare our files, hoping to start a new life and future for us and for our children in Canada. But a few days ago[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced that all the applications in the skilled worker category which applied prior to February 28, 2007 will be returned. What an irresponsible decision! Although Minister Jason Kenney said that the application fees will be refunded, how can he refund best five years of our lives? After waiting for more than 5 years, Minister Jason Kenney’s decision to return our applications without the slightest sense of responsibility is destroying the lives of thousands of families by this unfair decision, which reflects definitely the absence of respecting our humanity and our rights of being treated equally like others, and without respect to the agreement between us and the government. Can you imagine how much damage the physical and psychological effect on us and our families from the destruction of our lives and the loss of many opportunities and effort and years waiting for the start of our lives in Canada? What can make up all of that? The law may pass in the near future, but how to pass from the punishment of God for the injustice and the destruction of the lives of these families. We, 300000 applicants who applied immigration before February 28,2007, are totally victims of government policies. Who made the backlogs? It is the government especially CIC. Prior to implementation of C50, all applications were assessed in queue. First in, First out. Although applicants need to wait for 2 years to 5 years to get final decision, files proceed consecutively. Instead, after implementation of C50, all the pre-c50 files were thrown into backlog without raising a finger due to C50 applications jumping the queue. CIC is the maker of backlog but force us to undertake the consequence unfairly. I do hope everyone who has belief of justice, fairness and responsibility can help us in the delivery of our voices to give us respect for our human rights and fair treatments. I do believe Canada is a country with justice, fairness and responsibility. Please don’t break our heart. I don't want to tell all my friends, my family’s friends[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]friends of friends and my offspring that Canada got yellow stain of perfidy and treachery. In that case, I will warn everyone I know especially my children to stay away from everything of Canada, because an unjust, unfair and irresponsible country is very dangerous to them.
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation. 超赞 赏 渴 渴望慢节奏 0$(VIP 0) 242012-04-12#4 回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。一、先高调赞扬加国是一个…………的国家。二、提出现在出现的一刀切问题,并分析可能是什么原因,造成这样的结果。 1、……2、……3、……。这些原因的责任方是……。三、一刀切政策出现后,对加国造成什么样的国际影响,及对我们造成什么样的影响。四、不一定非要用一刀切这个方法,可以通过其它方法:1、……2、……3、……五、总结。
回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。我也自不量力地提些建议,呵
回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。一、先高调赞扬加国是一个…………的国家。二、提出现在出现的一刀切问题,并分析可能是什么原因,造成这样的结果。1、……2、……3、……。这些原因的责任方是……。三、一刀切政策出现后,对加国造成什么样的国际影响,及对我们造成什么样的影响。四、不一定非要用一刀切这个方法,可以通过其它方法:1、……2、……3、……五、总结。点击展开... 这些建议很好. 同时非常感谢和敬佩楼住. 我的建议是增加一些内容, 站在国会议员的角度考虑的内容: 1, 国会也许关心钱, 我们也许应该暗示1.3M可能不够, 因为申请者可能会提出赔偿要求. 如果用这1.3M来增加人手, 说不定可以处理完这些申请. 2, 国会可能关心加拿大的声誉及未来, 我们也许应该强调这30万人才是真正向往加拿大的(所以坚持多年), 在过去多年的等待中也不断为将来的生活打好了基础. 废掉我们, 好比"放弃一个真正爱你的女友"- 不恰当的比喻. 3, 不公平, 他们说很可能还要等6年, 不见得, 可能有人下月就会被批准. 也就是说6年是最坏的情况, 在这个队列中, 有人已经马上排到了.... (我不是搞分化, 是想说明"一刀切" 是多么不公平). 4, 就跟你们建议的, 我们也可以提一些方案, 看如何能加速. 5, 我人为康尼对大的问题: 有多少Backlog并不是最重要的, 他的工作不是要把Backlog变为0, 而是要高效率处理, 并且出台新政处理新申请的案子. 而不是为了将Backlog减少而"一刀切". 好比咱们去银行, 发现排队的人多了, 保安怕领导来了看见, 所以就说"今天提前关门了, 明天再来排吧, 明天只有存款满100万的人才能参加排队". 更何况造成那么多Backlog不是backlog里的申请者的错. 减少Backlog是考核指标之一, 用"一刀切" 是舍本逐末, 好比谁的头痛(好久了), 那就把头砍了. 建议多站在国会议员的角度思考, 引导他们认识到这样做对加拿大不利. 而康尼的说话及方式很容易误导别人, 不仔细思考还真的觉得他有道理. 长期看绝对是害了加拿大.
回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。我的建议是: 每个不希望被切掉的人都写一封类似的信, 就当是不料多补了一份... 要发给每个议员, 记得要单独发, 每次发给一个议员, 抬头就是他/她的名字(这样表达对对方的尊重, 也更有可能得到回复). 我把S2的其他资料准备完了, 就会这样做. 做了不一定成, 不做就一定不会成. 再次感谢楼主. 除了媒体, 议员们很重要.
回复: 自不量力,写了篇投诉信,欢迎修改提意见,然后发送各媒体。应该是Feb 27, 2008吧?
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