加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!


This is Nicholas Keung, immigration reporter at the Toronto Star.Thank you so much for taking the time to email me your individual stories. I’m in the process of compiling the story about the outrage among the federal skilled workers program applicants toward the Canadian government’s plan to send back all your applications and fees.There’s one more thing that my editors have asked me: a family photo of you.In the Canadian media, it’s always important to show the human faces behind a story, the faces of the very people who are affected by our government policies, whether it’s domestic or foreign. I am of Chinese background and I understand some of you may not feel comfortable about having your photos published. I know you may be shy and private, but if you don’t stand up for yourselves, no one else will.I kindly hope that you would consider sending us a good-quality JPEG photo of your families, so our readers, our policy-makers can see the faces of the people whose lives are affected by their sudden change of policies, the dreams killed, and hopes dashed.Many of you have mentioned in your response to me that “we are not just numbers, we are human. Why being punished for following the law and waiting patiently for your turns?” They need to hear your voices and see your faces, the faces of people whose fate has now been changed by their arbitrary decisions.Please kindly let me know if you will be able to send me a family photo to go with the story. I need at least one family who can step forward with a photo. Given there’s at least a dozen of you who have written to me to express your disappointment and outrage, I hope one of you can help me out here.I need to know by the end of Friday. We’re looking at running the story in the paper early next week. We need your reply as soon as possible. Even if you can’t email me a photo, please still let me know. Thanks for your generous help. Hope to hear from you soon.By the way, I have also interviewed the Immigration Minister and a few other lawyers and immigration consultants for the story. The photos are the last thing I need to make the story complete. Cheers,Nicholas KeungIMMIGRATION REPORTERToronto Star[COLOR="Red"][B][email protected][/B][/COLOR]905-265-5206

信息收集贴 超赞 赏 反馈:永远的夏天 散 散步和起诉 0$(VIP 0) 1342012-04-13#2 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!请大家注意了,要在加东时间周五结束之前,也就是北京时间周六(4-14)中午12点之前发给记者。邮件地址:[email protected]

信息收集贴 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-04-13#3 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!早一已发,但肯定不合格,图中我家领导闭着眼睛. 工作电脑中只此一张

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 萨 萨达牧Guest 0$(VIP ) 2012-04-13#4 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!发到哪里?10年前的全家福行吗?不行就重新拍

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!邮件地址已贴出,之前没给过故事的可以顺便附上自己的血泪史了啦!10年前的估计也行吧,也可以晚上重新照吧,呵呵。

信息收集贴 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-04-13#6 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!有小孩的更好吧,老外喜欢小孩

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!年龄在10岁以下的最好吧。呵呵,我家儿子太大了,否则我肯定发一个。不就一张照片嘛,说不定还就此出名了哈。谢谢大家能发的已发的!

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!"I know you may be shy and private, but if you don’t stand up for yourselves, no one else will."

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!已发

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!中午发了,正好从网盘上下了发

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!如果故事感人,照片又可爱,说不定加拿大媒体要求特赦这个家庭,大家机会来了!

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!如果故事感人,照片又可爱,说不定加拿大媒体要求特赦这个家庭,大家机会来了!点击展开...对,照片要煽情。

信息收集贴已发点击展开... 想看

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!顶

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]想看点击展开...好奇心害人哪~那就追踪 Nicholas Keung 的文章,没准儿 early next week 某些照片能被 the story 作为配图发出来!

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!我发了两张:一张是我们三口的;一张是我们孩子骑马的;

老赵传奇 超赞 赏 fglzyfPIZZA 0$(VIP 0) 1,7922012-04-13#17 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!发了,孩子的,希望有帮助

All because of love! 超赞 赏 D dongchong 0$(VIP 0) 1642012-04-13#18 回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!顶

回复: 多伦多星报记者来信--请大家发全家福照片给他们报导。我们是活生生的人,不是数字!发了

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·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?



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