加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 hours
Mr. Mike Sullivan (York SouthWeston, NDP): Mr. Speaker, on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 hours. The bill is enormous. It touches on more than just how much money we are going to tax Canadians, which is what a budget is about. It touches on the environment, fisheries, pensions and so many things that are not supposed to be part of a budget, but they are. 康尼以为自己是谁?以为一个多数党就可以不讲民主的独裁统治吗?多行不义必自毙。加拿大公民来看看你们执政党的嘴脸吧。引用tengfei的话Power makes human a Monster Dictator, Conservative will eat this apple in the near future!
回复: on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 顶
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-05-06#3 回复: on the issue of the assault on democracy, one could not even read this bill in 28.5 Good point. [FONT=宋体]所以要用我们的行动,把[/FONT]C38[FONT=宋体]中这部分放大,让反对党关注我们,在这一点上给反对党找反对的理由[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]网上签名,起诉,还有去[/FONT]HK[FONT=宋体]排排坐呀[/FONT]
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