加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民看看Lorne Waldman做了什么
4/23,40人S2起诉团队提交起诉,每一份起诉文件中,都清楚地指出:In the event that leave is granted, the application for judicial review is to be based on the following grounds:1. Operation Bulletin 400- April 4, 2012 is ultra vires and of no force and effect.申请书递交法院,当天转交CIC4/27,CIC收回成命,审理继续进行4/28,邮件给Lorne,告知进展Dear Lorne/Naseem,With great excitement, I'm writing to you and update the latest news we got from the CIC website(you probably already know this as this is linked directly to the item 1 of our mandamus) - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob413.aspTo quote -Until the FSW proposal is enacted and comes into force, local managers are to continue with the processing ofFSW applications, including FSW applications made prior to February 27, 2008, whether a selection decision has been rendered or not prior to March 29, 2012. This means that processing of all cohorts of FSW cases should continue. Established priorities for MI cases remain in effect.Local communications and website changes that may have resulted from OB 400 and OB 404 should be discontinued.Further messaging on next steps with respect to FSWbacklog cases affected by the Budget announcement will be published as soon as they become available, including the process for how the return of fees will be implemented.I want to take this chance to thank you for your support so far and I'm looking forward to final success!4/28, Lorne回复of course this is because of our lawsuit. They know that what they are doing is illegal and now that we have challenged them they are continuing to apply the law. But we must continue to pressure them.Best regards Lorne WaldmanLW不说,但是不意味着不做。S2和未S2的同学,只有诉讼才是拯救自己的唯一途径。没有S2的同学,加油~
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.4 超赞 赏 反馈:散步和起诉 四有心人佛度有心人 0$(VIP 0) 6,6892012-05-15#2 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么好样的,相信LW,相信Ksun,
200711无语凝噎。。内牛满面。。蛋定依旧地等ME!有开的经过,花才更灿烂;有你有他有CANADA,我才更象活着。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 bobosong 0$(VIP 0) 2,5192012-05-15#3 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么感谢lw的努力! cic收回停止补料的通知,lw起到了很大的作用,使我们有机会继续被审理,感谢他!!
超赞 赏 雾霾和计划生育都害人 0$(VIP 0) 2,6442012-05-15#4 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么四有心人:你那个女孩是在祷告求上帝,明显不是在念经!不要张冠李戴了!
回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么David你要把这个也带到我的帖子里么?拜托~
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.44/23,40人S2起诉团队提交起诉,每一份起诉文件中,都清楚地指出:In the event that leave is granted, the application for judicial review is to be based on the following grounds: 1. Operation Bulletin 400- April 4, 2012 is ultra vires and of no force and effect. 申请书递交法院,当天转交CIC 4/27,CIC收回成命,审理继续进行 4/28,邮件给Lorne,告知进展 Dear Lorne/Naseem, With great excitement, I'm writing to you and update the latest news we got from the CIC website(you probably already know this as this is linked directly to the item 1 of our mandamus) - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob413.asp To quote -Until the FSW proposal is enacted and comes into force, local managers are to continue with the processing ofFSW applications, including FSW applications made prior to February 27, 2008, whether a selection decision has been rendered or not prior to March 29, 2012. This means that processing of all cohorts of FSW cases should continue. Established priorities for MI cases remain in effect. Local communications and website changes that may have resulted from OB 400 and OB 404 should be discontinued. Further messaging on next steps with respect to FSWbacklog cases affected by the Budget announcement will be published as soon as they become available, including the process for how the return of fees will be implemented. I want to take this chance to thank you for your support so far and I'm looking forward to final success! 4/28, Lorne回复 of course this is because of our lawsuit. They know that what they are doing is illegal and now that we have challenged them they are continuing to apply the law. But we must continue to pressure them. Best regards Lorne Waldman LW不说,但是不意味着不做。S2和未S2的同学,只有诉讼才是拯救自己的唯一途径。没有S2的同学,加油~点击展开...
回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么顶K姐!
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 超赞 赏 慢 慢慢来 0$(VIP 0) 7922012-05-15#8 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么没啥说的。顶。香港的应该能有一批上岸了。感谢!
别着急,一切都要慢慢来....Anyway, more haste, less speed. 超赞 赏 S suiyuanzhixin 0$(VIP 0) 1842012-05-15#9 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么顶我们的领头人!
四月初登陆爱城! 超赞 赏 Y YYMA 0$(VIP 0) 4952012-05-15#10 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么事实证明了是LW的起诉团队使香港的一批S2获得ME。 感谢KSUN的协调!
回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么事实证明了是LW的起诉团队使香港的一批S2获得ME。 感谢KSUN的协调!点击展开...别~不是那么回事儿。据我所知,现在4个人,一个参加LW诉讼,一个Tim,一个王,还一个未参加任何诉讼~。
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.4 超赞 赏 K ksun_1234 0$(VIP 0) 4642012-05-15#12 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么哦,看错了,我看成LW的团队第一批获得ME
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.4 超赞 赏 K ksun_1234 0$(VIP 0) 4642012-05-15#13 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么即便没看错,也不确定。这个只有CIC的律师知道。不过LW的确是出力了,这一点无庸置疑。当然还有其他同学的抗争~~
FN:2007.11S2:2009.1212:2010.4别~不是那么回事儿。 据我所知,现在4个人,一个参加LW诉讼,一个Tim,一个王,还一个未参加任何诉讼~。点击展开...姐姐居功而不自傲,更能明辨是非,真是女中豪杰啊
老赵传奇姐姐居功而不自傲,更能明辨是非,真是女中豪杰啊点击展开... 同感。 我还要补充一点,snoopy要么不说,说出来的都是有根据的
回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么支持有根据的说话和恰当的沉默
回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么顶!
Application Date (BJ): 2007/12/27; FN: 2008/01/11; S2: 2010/02/02; 12: 2010/05/05……… 超赞 赏 annieshenuk 0$(VIP 0) 9402012-05-15#18 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么顶
被切后于2014年1月2号递交萨省技术移民申请2014年2月6号AR,至今无IP继续等待中别~不是那么回事儿。 据我所知,现在4个人,一个参加LW诉讼,一个Tim,一个王,还一个未参加任何诉讼~。点击展开... 目前看这样的me,CIC 一定有策略,往后看就明白了;就像当年劝退信就预示有C38这样无耻的法案一样。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 Y YYMA 0$(VIP 0) 4952012-05-16#20 回复: 看看Lorne Waldman做了什么总而言之,抗争是对的.而LW也确实一直在为我们的起诉奔走,努力! 严重鄙视那些等着摘桃子的人! 喜欢占小便宜的人必定将来吃大亏!
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