加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing
非常荣幸地给大家转发Novelle收到的北京使馆邮件答复:(对一部分同学算是个好消息,包括我。)0707Novelle 21:05:37 Please be advised that on April 4, 2012, an Operation Bulletin was published whereby officers were asked not to, for the time being, commence or continue processing any FSW application received before February 27, 2008 for which a Selection Decision had not been made before March 29, 2012. Upon review of your file, I note that a Selection decision was made before March 29, 2012, and therefore processing of your Application is continuing. Yours sincerely, Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaNovelle:问的什么时候给我ME。在此我代表北京S2打分的筒子们谢谢Novelle。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 反馈:olivert, africatwin, lazykid125 和 5 其他人 voiletflower 0$(VIP 0) 2,4582012-04-24#2 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing好消息,我也要去问问,希望大家都是同样的答案。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 lucky lucy 0$(VIP 0) 2432012-04-24#4 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing谢谢楼主
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing悲摧咧,我们不在此列
FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 Y yinkaizz 0$(VIP 0) 1502012-04-24#6 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing这几乎是一个月来唯一正面的消息,北京大使馆也终于开始正面回答问题了,我也要马上发信去问问,我们91的太不容易了
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing谢谢楼主!这是这段时间最积极的消息了!
FN2007/11,S22009/11,ME2012/11,DM2013/02,visa2013/02,landing2013/03 超赞 赏 C chriswwbb 0$(VIP 0) 1,8682012-04-24#8 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing有点激动,有点忐忑。我19号收到的回复还面目全非呢。
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing好消息! 送花了!
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing激动了。
2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 R rengo 0$(VIP 0) 2,0762012-04-24#11 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing谨慎地高兴一下下!
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuingprocessing of our Application is continuing, but when?
1111111 超赞 赏 一 一直潜水 0$(VIP 0) 5862012-04-24#13 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuingwhen and how?
2013年加拿大,我来了。非常荣幸地给大家转发一个北京使馆的邮件:(对一部分同学算是个好消息,包括我。) 0707Novelle 21:05:37 Please be advised that on April 4, 2012, an Operation Bulletin was published whereby officers were asked not to, for the time being, commence or continue processing any FSW application received before February 27, 2008 for which a Selection Decision had not been made before March 29, 2012. Upon review of your file, I note that a Selection decision was made before March 29, 2012, and therefore processing of your Application is continuing. Yours sincerely, Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China Novelle:问的什么时候给我ME。 在此我代表北京S2打分的筒子们谢谢Novelle。点击展开... 请问使馆的联系方式是什么啊,我也想问问,看他们怎么回复,谢谢啦~
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing虽然Selection Decision做了,现在我担心他们按照新的标准重审我们的案子,也担心会被放入一个pool里面。
...请问使馆的联系方式是什么啊,我也想问问,看他们怎么回复,谢谢啦~点击展开... [email protected]
回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing有问询的模板吗 我也问问 谢谢
fn:2007.12.7北京――2009.1.15,考雅思了,分数没够,准备再考――2009.11.21 二次烤鸭 分数够了――2009.12.18 S2――2010.4.13妥投――2010.4.23 变12――2011.1.8听力有突破,能听清了――2011.4.15拖朋友查询caips――2011.6.2caips没打分 超赞 赏 Brouklin 0$(VIP 0) 4462012-04-24#18 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing送花,popiston辛苦,消息很重要,
Fn:2007-9-26 BJ, S2:2009-9-25 ,2012-11-29 me, Dm,2013 1103, 超赞 赏 godream 2$(VIP 0,#281) 9182012-04-24#19 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuing希望这是“we are not actively processing your application"的改变吧。
... 超赞 赏 B besidesea 0$(VIP 0) 1442012-04-24#20 回复: 最新的北京使馆正面回复 processing of your Application is continuinggood news!
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