加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says


http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...o-more-immigrants-kenney-says/article2433975/ This is part of The Immigrant Answer The Globe's series on the future of immigration in Canada. Read the original story here. Canada is ready to open its doors to expanded immigration, but only if the immigrants already here do better. The government is under huge pressure to increase immigration levels, according to Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. It’s facing demands for more newcomers from business leaders and nearly every provincial premier. But before Mr. Kenney will comply, he says he wants to see more immigrants working and earning at rates close to those of Canadian-born people. That also happens to be the focus of a series of reforms he launched this spring, designed to improve economic outcomes for immigrants. 这与下面10%-15%的支持率似乎矛盾吧?如果是10-15%的人要求增加移民的数量,能叫巨大压力吗?? In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Kenney said he’s open to raising immigration levels as soon as he sees a turnaround in those outcomes. That is a major shift. For 20 years, Canada’s immigration levels have been stuck at around 250,000 new permanent residents a year. The Globe has called for Canada to double its level of economic migration, pushing its total immigration to 400,000 new permanent residents a year. Such a move would make the country’s population younger, more innovative and better placed to address future labour needs, many experts say. 这些专家都是好同志,环球邮报也是好报纸,赞一个! Mr. Kenney said he first needs to see a narrowing of the difference in earnings between immigrants and the Canadian-born. He also wants to see an unemployment rate close to that of the Canadian-born (it’s currently about 2.5 per cent higher for all immigrants, and 6 per cent higher for recent immigrants) and evidence that immigrants are filling job shortages. All of those are central to his proposed new selection process, which places more emphasis on language ability, youth and skilled trades. In expressing his reservations about raising immigration levels immediately, Mr. Kenney said recent immigrants have had higher rates of unemployment and lower incomes than the Canadian-born, a trend that has gradually worsened over the last three decades. He’s not willing to bring more people in to sink or swim, he said, when too many have been sinking. 老子还没去,你怎么就知道老子找不到工作呢? For 20 years it seems Canada has been stuck around 250,000 immigrants. Do immigration levels need to rise? While we believe that immigration is an important tool in addressing large and growing labour shortages, we also recognize that it’s not a silver bullet. I’m very conscious of our obligation to maintain the very broad public consensus in favour of immigration in Canada to avoid the kind of anti-immigration backlash we’ve seen in Western Europe. That kind of backlash happens when business and political elites become disconnected from popular opinion. When we look at all of the public opinion on the issue, we see that only 10 to 15 per cent of Canadians are in favour of raising immigration levels. 这个数据部知道从哪里得出的?? The Prime Minister said in his Davos speech that immigration is an important part of Canada’s economic strategy, yet at a time when the baby boomers are retiring, Canada isn’t increasing immigration levels. Why? We’re adding almost 0.8 per cent to our population per year through immigration, which is the highest per-capita level of immigration in the world. We did that even during a global economic downturn. This government has done something unprecedented and counterintuitive precisely because the Prime Minister understands that labour shortages will be our greatest economic challenge in the future. What signal do you need to see, specifically, that will tell you it’s time to consider increasing immigration levels? If the unemployment rate among newcomers is in the same range as that of the general population, if we see that incomes amongst newcomers are going up rather than down, and if we see that there’s tangible evidence that immigrants are filling many of the labour shortages in the economy, those are the three factors I’m most keen on. 看来什么时候我们能满足着三个条件,才有希望考虑移民的事了!

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-05-16#2 回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney saysShit,

When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 tss 0$(VIP 0) 2472012-05-16#3 回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says不要相信这个骗子政客嘴里出来的任何东西,哪怕是他的牙齿都可能是假的

回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says不要相信这个骗子政客嘴里出来的任何东西,哪怕是他的牙齿都可能是假的点击展开... TSS太逗了~笑死我了

回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says谎言说一次会有人信,天天在说谎,还有人相信吗?

回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says谎言说一次会有人信,天天在说谎,还有人相信吗?点击展开...有。并且所有人都会(被塑造得)这样去思考。谎言重复千遍,就会变成真理。

回复: Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says其实就是想让我把钱都带去给他们的国家。

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