加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉
虽然认为向始作俑者申诉无用,但是好歹让他们给个解释吧。以下是ndp党议员的回信 Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns about the decision to return all Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications that were made prior to February 27, 2007. I agree that this approach is grossly unfair to people who have been planning to make a new home in Canada. The people who are affected have followed all the rules, done everything we have asked of them and waited patiently, for up to 8 years, for us to uphold our part of the bargain. Legislating away the backlog in this manner is an admission of failure on the part of the Government. Instead of addressing the backlog, the Government is simply pretending it does not exist. This policy essentially allows those who applied since early 2008 to queue jump ahead those who applied before. This is not fair. Recently, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration conducted a study and made several recommendations on how to reduce the backlog of applications. We proposed several prudent and sensible ways to address the massive backlog. The Minister has chosen to ignore all of these proposals and proceed with a scheme that will destroy the plans and dreams of thousands of people who have prepared make Canada their home. Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns. If you have not already, I strongly suggest you write to Minister Jason Kenney and the Prime Minister to let them know your objections. Warm regards,___下面为我写的信Dear xxx,I saw your excellent speach against the Conservative on the "parliament of Canada" website.As a Chinese applicant for the FSW before Feb 27, 2008, I thank you for your endeavor to raise a strong voice against the crazy Conservative party. Today, I am writing to you to reveal Kenney's big lie to the public. Kenney is not only a lier but a conspirator.Kenney charged the fault of the backlog on the Liberty party. But it is not the truth! The truth is that it is Kenney and it is C-50 Act causes the existing backlog. He deliberately delayed processing pre C-50 cases and made a huge backlog in the past four years. Then now he tries to mislead the public to believe its Liberty Party's policy fault. Here is the supporting evidence: Four years ago, just before the C-50 Act took effect, total worldwide FSW backlog before Feb 27,2008 was around 630,000. From 2008 to 2011, around 700,000 applications have been processed by CIC. Only less than half of 700,000 applications were from pre C-50 applicants. Obviously, if without so called C-50 Act, ALL the pre C-50 applications can be successfully and completely processed by CIC before the end of last year! Now you can clearly see the Kenney's conspiracy. So disgusting! He took use of all the 300,00 innocent applicants to achieve his insidious purpose. How dare he brazenly blame the backlog on the Liberty Party? What the Conservatives party plans to do is not simply to refuse the current backlog applicants, but to renege on the most basic previous contractual promises. CIC blatantly breaches the contracts signed more than 4 year ago with 300,000 applicants. Moreover, it is hard to imagine that such a brutal default will be undoubtedly legalized by the so-called democratic legislation system. What is democracy? Does the democracy give the majority party the power to implement the dictatorship?The most startling part of the proposed Bill-C38 is that it even deprives the persecuted applicants of the right of appeal. We can not tell the differences between your current Conservative government and the Fascist government who once refused to pay the War compensation. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Conservative government is a Rogue government.Please disclose the ugliness of the Conservative Party. Please save Canada, a great country always boasting of its democracy, justice and fairness. Please help us to forward this email to other House members who cherish the fairness and justice.
回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉顶~
回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉好,希望越来越多的议员都反对这个啃泥,希望他早日下台!
被切后于2014年1月2号递交萨省技术移民申请2014年2月6号AR,至今无IP继续等待中 超赞 赏 wanson 0$(VIP 0) 5992012-05-21#4 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉顶楼主,用实际行动在争取的人!
-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-21#5 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉好消息!
回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉写得好,赞楼主。
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 etczhqq 0$(VIP 0) 4182012-05-21#7 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉顶!
2007年10月22日FN(BJ); 2008年12月13日雅思 L6.5/R7/W6.5/S6,平均6.5; 2009年10月27日S2; 2010年1月6日补料投妥; 2010年1月18日变12. 2011年5月15日查CAIPS,40天后收到结果,72分. 2012年11月28日收到ME信。2013年2月13日DM。 超赞 赏 阿 阿施猫 0$(VIP 0) 1442012-05-21#8 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉顶。尽管他们的回信都是一模一样的。好几个议员给我回信。连一个字都不差。但还是感谢他们为我们争取。
回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉顶!
超赞 赏 Kerrigan静如瘫痪 动如癫痫 0$(VIP 0) 4,5882012-05-22#10 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉似曾相识。不过人家的议员真干事,不是咱么的人大,纯摆设。
你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~ 超赞 赏 M michael_s 0$(VIP 0) 2212012-05-22#11 回复: 又一位议员回信了,认为一刀切不公平,主张向minister申诉支持!
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