加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我收到的一封信。
Dear Friend: Thank you for going on line and signing the petition against the unfair handling of your immigration application. I have read very carefully your comments and as an immigrant to Canada I agree with you fully. I am writing to ask that you please ask your friends and relatives in Canada to also sign the electronic petition that will help immensely. Also please ask other applicants around the world to also sign on. We will do what ever we can to stop this ill thought legislation. However we need your help to do this. We in the Liberal Party have been working hard to bring this wrong decision to justice. I had an opportunity to questions Minister Jason Kenney on this matter. Read the press release issued by my office on this injustice for my comments: Karygiannis questions Conservatives’ commitment to fairnessThursday 17th May 2012. http://karygiannismp.com/spip/article.php3?id_article=1839 Please forward the message below to as many people as you know. It is time to tell Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper that this decision is unfair. Please visit http://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlog and sign the on-line Petition. Please get your friends and family in Canada to sign the petition as well. Please also ask them to circulate the petition to their email lists. Sincerely, Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.Scarborough-AgincourtLiberal Critic for MulticulturalismConstituency Office3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206Scarborough OntarioM1T 3T6Tel: (416) 321 5454fax: (416) 321 [email protected]
07.2 FNIELTS 6.5 2.13 S2 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-05-29#2 回复: 我收到的一封信。坚决支持
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 红豆儿 0$(VIP 0) 8552012-05-29#3 回复: 我收到的一封信。请看这个置顶的帖子并给出你的支持:加拿大反对党议员Jim号召大家网上请愿签名,请各位同学支持http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=563955
回复: 我收到的一封信。请看这个置顶的帖子并给出你的支持:加拿大反对党议员Jim号召大家网上请愿签名,请各位同学支持http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=563955点击展开...每个已在网上电子签名的同学都会收到1楼的回复邮件.
回复: 我收到的一封信。楼主, 你的字还可以再写小点。 呵呵呵, 玩笑吧, 谢谢楼主。
回复: 我收到的一封信。up.
回复: 我收到的一封信。signed!
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