加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog
http://www.workpermit.com/news/2012...ocess-federal-skilled-worker-visa-backlog.htm Earlier this year Canadian immigration announced their plans to stop the processing of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) visa applications submitted before 27 February 2008 and reject these applications in order to reduce the backlog of visa applications. However, more recently, the immigration department has reportedly instructed its visa officers not to return the applications and continue processing the visas. As part of Canadian immigration's plan to reduce the backlog of visa applications, the Canadian government announced in March they would be rejecting almost 300,000 Canadian visa applications made before 27 February 2008. Their applications were to be returned and $130 million worth of fees refunded to enable Canadian immigration to reduce the massive backlog they say has been standing in the way of major reform to the immigration system. At least for now, plans to reject and return the backlog of visa applications will be halted until the Canadian government announces further instructions on how to proceed. The government has already directed Canada embassies not to return the applications and the processing fee and continue processing the applications. Traditionally, Canada has had a first-in first-out system meaning that visa applicants wait in a queue to have their visa applications processed. Therefore, the decision to reject all of the applications in the backlog received before 27 February 2008 has proved detrimental to applicants who have been waiting for years for their applications to be processed. Other Canadian immigration options that may be worth considering include the Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW) program or one of the Provincial Nominee programs.
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlogthe decision to reject all of the applications in the backlog received before 27 February 2008 has proved detrimental to applicants who have been waiting for years for their applications to be processed.这句话是关键 加拿大意识到退掉28万人的后果是毁灭性的
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog真的像报道所说的这样就好了,但问题是C38马上就要3读了然后顺利通过了,然后就不是kenney切大家,而是法律切掉大家了。the decision to reject all of the applications in the backlog received before 27 February 2008 has proved detrimental to applicants who have been waiting for years for their applications to be processed.这句话是关键 加拿大意识到退掉28万人的后果是毁灭性的点击展开...
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlogC38肯定要通过的,但是C38不等于一刀切法案,C38是非常广泛的法案,最乐观的结果是,把一刀切法案87.4收回
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlogC50是移民法 C38不是移民法,而是包括移民法在内的众多法案,是个大杂侩!
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog觉得这一段红色字的话没有实际意义, 这是一段评述, 到目前为止, 貌似没有任何人和力量可以组织三读。 唯一的转机是官司打赢。 那都是后话了。
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog刚才有错字, 再发一遍: 觉得这一段红色字的话没有实际意义, 这是一段评述, 到目前为止, 貌似没有任何人和力量可以阻止三读。 唯一的转机是官司打赢。 那都是后话了。
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog这个有可能是重复413,但关键是:新闻的日期是5月30号,疑点多多。。。。 等进一步消息吧,看CIC官网的反应
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog若Kenney 切案通过, 除了法律诉违宪法,说明第三次香港抗议即将来临,实在必行,要求赔偿。没有办《港澳通行证》的赶快办,不要像我这样,后悔莫及,未证人家不让咱61过去。
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog以前的似乎没有“证实对申请人是不利的。。。”这样的意思,有点新意。
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog用"detrimental"这个词来形容一刀切对加拿大的影响,无论如何对91来说是一个positive信号。
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog用"detrimental"这个词来形容一刀切对加拿大的影响,无论如何对91来说是一个positive信号。点击展开... 是对申请人的影响,Bobby
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog不是对加拿大影响,是对申请人影响
2006.12.09 简表投HK2007.01.02 划款2007.06.01 FN(LI)报名7月烤鸭然后就是,等,等,等…… 超赞 赏 xzh6339 0$(VIP 0) 5462012-05-31#14 回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog正在机场百无聊赖等晚点航班,这个消息让我精神一振!香港我来了!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.正在机场百无聊赖等晚点航班,这个消息让我精神一振!香港我来了!点击展开... 用iPad上网吗?
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog正在机场百无聊赖等晚点航班,这个消息让我精神一振!香港我来了!点击展开... 我准备让加拿大媒体在6月1同时采访你们和印度的,报纸上同时登香港和新德里抗议的照片,向加拿大展示中印联合行动,华人的媒体也报道印度的,这样会更震撼。 还在等印度人邮件告知电话号码,电话号码给我后,我马上给记者!
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog真的像报道所说的这样就好了,但问题是C38马上就要3读了然后顺利通过了,然后就不是kenney切大家,而是法律切掉大家了。点击展开... 我觉得你的故事非常有价值,很有必要上媒体80后中国人,闯荡日本,移民加拿大,这个经历比较独特。你可以讲述移民的过程,还有你的梦想。向加拿大展示,你这样的人才被拒之门外,加拿大有眼无珠。还有你的案子从东京转到马尼拉,查CAIPS显示6月30以后处理,CIC有阴谋。此外,你还能代表这组诉讼,向记者讲述如何组织人马找王律师起诉移民局。。。。。。。这些都非常丰富有趣,能为报纸增添销量,得到广泛关注。QQ详谈!
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog哈哈,谢谢鼓励,QQ私聊。我觉得你的故事非常有价值,很有必要上媒体80后中国人,闯荡日本,移民加拿大,这个经历比较独特。你可以讲述移民的过程,还有你的梦想。向加拿大展示,你这样的人才被拒之门外,加拿大有眼无珠。还有你的案子从东京转到马尼拉,查CAIPS显示6月30以后处理,CIC有阴谋。此外,你还能代表这组诉讼,向记者讲述如何组织人马找王律师起诉移民局。。。。。。。这些都非常丰富有趣,能为报纸增添销量,得到广泛关注。QQ详谈!点击展开...
回复: 疑点多多 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlogtss的经历富有戏剧性,应该接受媒体采访。
回复: CIC似乎有点松动 5月30消息 Canada will continue to process FSW backlog哈哈,谢谢鼓励,QQ私聊。点击展开... 你等我给你要点,要把重点挖出来。记者如何采访,你如何回答,这些我都要事先做好功课。 不过我要等我们香港版的上海MM的故事出来后(明天)再来做这个。我还在准备北京见议员的事情。我六月马不停蹄做这些事,闲不下来
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