加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到了香港使馆就61抗议的回信


还是些大而无用的套话,贴出来吧,哎! Dear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your petition presented to me during the protest outside our office from June 1 to 4, 2012 to express your personal dissatisfaction with Citizenship and Immigration Canada's (CIC) measures to eliminate the pre-2008 Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) backlog.We understand that these measures will be a disappointment for affected FSW applicants. However, CIC would return the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these individuals if and when these measures are enacted. As mentioned in answer to your questions during the protest on 04 June 2012, our office will continue to process cases in line with priorities set out by the Government of Canada. As pre-C50 Federal Skilled Worker cases have come forward for processing we have invited applicants to submit their supporting documentation, and at this time we continue to process these cases. Until such time as the FSW backlog elimination proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions. You may however choose to withdraw your application at any time before the proposal becomes law, if you think it is in your best interest to do so.Applicants whose files are closed by CIC are free to re-apply under the current FSW selection criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible. If applicants in these programs possess the skills Canada needs now, they are likely to receive much faster processing - new FSW applications are processed within 6-12 months. To be fair to all future FSW applicants by providing prompt service, this step is needed.Thank you, Angela Gawel Immigration Program Manager

FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5To be fair to all future FSW applicants by providing prompt service, this step is needed.Thank you, Angela Gawel Immigration Program Manager点击展开...那对我们这些受害者fair吗?我们一直都是插队受害者!

回复: 收到了香港使馆就61抗议的回信Until such time as the FSW backlog elimination proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions.BUT will still cut when became law? how shame on you.

...还是些大而无用的套话,贴出来吧,哎! Dear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your petition presented to me during the protest outside our office from June 1 to 4, 2012 to express your personal dissatisfaction with Citizenship and Immigration Canada's (CIC) measures to eliminate the pre-2008 Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) backlog.We understand that these measures will be a disappointment for affected FSW applicants. However, CIC would return the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these individuals if and when these measures are enacted. As mentioned in answer to your questions during the protest on 04 June 2012, our office will continue to process cases in line with priorities set out by the Government of Canada. As pre-C50 Federal Skilled Worker cases have come forward for processing we have invited applicants to submit their supporting documentation, and at this time we continue to process these cases. Until such time as the FSW backlog elimination proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions. You may however choose to withdraw your application at any time before the proposal becomes law, if you think it is in your best interest to do so.Applicants whose files are closed by CIC are free to re-apply under the current FSW selection criteria or other immigration programs for which they may be eligible. If applicants in these programs possess the skills Canada needs now, they are likely to receive much faster processing - new FSW applications are processed within 6-12 months. To be fair to all future FSW applicants by providing prompt service, this step is needed.Thank you, Angela Gawel Immigration Program Manager点击展开...还是冠冕堂皇的话,没有太实质的内容。意思是我们还在处理,符合新政的会得到及时处理。没有涉及select decision之外的人怎么办。 香港使馆会将抗议信转给加拿大政府吗?!

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