加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Tim发布的声明
Federal Court clips Minister's wingsOn the eve passage of Bill C-38, the Federal Court issued a decision, declaring unlawful CIC's policy of warehousing indefinitely older federal skilled worker applications in favour of the current batch. The litigation, commenced 28 October 2011, pre-dates the Minister's March 30th announced that he would close all FSW files lodged before 27 February 2008 and not assessed as of 29 March 2012 and, thus, does not address s. 87.4 (hidden in Bill C-38). The decision applies directly only to the 900 applicants who participated in the litigation.The litigation included applicants who had applied either before 27 February 2008 or between that date and 25 June 2010. While the former group -- about 750 -- are subject to s. 87.4, CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases. If the Minister honours this promise, the Minister's closing of roughly 80,000 applications (affecting about 280,000) will have their files assessed and finalized within a specified time-frame. In the lead case, the Court ordered CIC to finalize the file by October 14th. However, because his file had been assessed in 2010, only medicals and up-dated police clearances are required. For the other litigants, the time-frame (which must still be negotiated) will likely be longer.For those not involved in the litigation, new litigation is currently being prepared to challenge the closing of the files and will be formally launched after Parliament passes Bill C-38.Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog thestar.comThe federal court ruled that Ottawa is obliged to process all immigration applications it accepted into the system.11 hours ago
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 反馈:lindsay B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-06-16#2 回复: Tim发布的声明s. 87.4, CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧s. 87.4, CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases. 点击展开...Does that mean the former group would be finalized before January of 2013?
回复: Tim发布的声明CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases原来还有这个书面协议啊,哈哈。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 C CADream001 0$(VIP 0) 2752012-06-16#5 回复: Tim发布的声明看来TIM的这组, 所有的诉讼人全部胜利是没有疑问的. 现在就等王律师那组的结果了. 如果王律师的也能全部胜利, 对于28万人的胜利就咫尺之间了.
回复: Tim发布的声明以下几点认识:1. 此次诉讼和判决并不涉及C38,因诉讼的提出在C38提出以前。2. 判决结果仅对参加诉讼的人有效。3. 所谓CIC的“GUIDED BY"的承诺是今年一月份作出的,而不是本次判决以 后作出的。因为当时900案子被分为三类,已审,未审和2.28日以后的, CIC会不会把liang的判决仅仅用于已审的案子,而不管其它两类,并按C38处理啊?4. If the Minister honours this promise, the Minister's closing of roughly 80,000 applications (affecting about 280,000) will have their files assessed and finalized within a specified time-frame. 这句话多难懂的,“如果部长履行这个承诺,部长的切掉大约80,000个申请(影响约280,000)将在一定时间内对他们的档案进行评估并作出最终决定。”5. 没参加诉讼的,将在C38以后提出诉讼。如果4成立了,5就没必要了,好像。感觉论坛里的许多理解过于乐观了。
FN: 2007.11.15; STAGE 2: 2009.11.24; 12: 2009.12.22; 北京能查之前一直的12,没有任何变化雅思:8.5,7.5,6.5,6. 各种考试:托福,GMAT,CFAFederal Court clips Minister's wingsOn the eve passage of Bill C-38, the Federal Court issued a decision, declaring unlawful CIC's policy of warehousing indefinitely older federal skilled worker applications in favour of the current batch. The litigation, commenced 28 October 2011, pre-dates the Minister's March 30th announced that he would close all FSW files lodged before 27 February 2008 and not assessed as of 29 March 2012 and, thus, does not address s. 87.4 (hidden in Bill C-38). The decision applies directly only to the 900 applicants who participated in the litigation.The litigation included applicants who had applied either before 27 February 2008 or between that date and 25 June 2010. While the former group -- about 750 -- are subject to s. 87.4, CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases. If the Minister honours this promise, the Minister's closing of roughly 80,000 applications (affecting about 280,000) will have their files assessed and finalized within a specified time-frame. In the lead case, the Court ordered CIC to finalize the file by October 14th. However, because his file had been assessed in 2010, only medicals and up-dated police clearances are required. For the other litigants, the time-frame (which must still be negotiated) will likely be longer.For those not involved in the litigation, new litigation is currently being prepared to challenge the closing of the files and will be formally launched after Parliament passes Bill C-38.Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog thestar.comThe federal court ruled that Ottawa is obliged to process all immigration applications it accepted into the system.11 hours ago点击展开...Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog thestar.comThe federal court ruled that Ottawa is obliged to process all immigration applications it accepted into the system.这些是哪里来的,google到的信息里面并不包含这些内容。http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Fede..._most_popular_guest-0-b-ttl&goback=.gmp_73790
回复: Tim发布的声明回楼上,本案按法庭分类,只有两类:其一,梁代表的227之前的(未分是否打分,未分何处递交,未分是否s2),其二,227之后的你可能奇怪Tim在同一案中还代理了C38不涉及的227之后,但我们去年起诉的是插队,227至71的同学也被插队了,不多解释我看了十四日判决书,认为律师总结的很严谨:Finally, for those who ask me to explain it in "simple terms", I have tried my best but when there is no certain answer, simple certainty is not possible. In simple terms the situation is: we have the momentum, but you will have to wait until we know how CIC will respond to this decision. When it has, I will let you know, but we simply have to wait a bit longer. But, be optimistic; I am.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-06-16#9 回复: Tim发布的声明1。 no certain answer2。 But, be optimistic; I am.所以别妄自推断,自寻烦恼,乐观地等
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-06-16#10 回复: Tim发布的声明For the other litigants, the time-frame (which must still be negotiated) will likely be longer.其它人是不是指后面加入的组员,要更长时间审理?
回复: Tim发布的声明For the other litigants, the time-frame (which must still be negotiated) will likely be longer.其它人是不是指后面加入的组员,要更长时间审理?点击展开...个人理解是35个打分人之外的Tim已提议2月内补料,9个月内审结,还需与CIC谈判
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧以下几点认识:1. 此次诉讼和判决并不涉及C38,因诉讼的提出在C38提出以前。2. 判决结果仅对参加诉讼的人有效。3. 所谓CIC的“GUIDED BY"的承诺是今年一月份作出的,而不是本次判决以 后作出的。因为当时900案子被分为三类,已审,未审和2.28日以后的, CIC会不会把liang的判决仅仅用于已审的案子,而不管其它两类,并按C38处理啊?4. If the Minister honours this promise, the Minister's closing of roughly 80,000 applications (affecting about 280,000) will have their files assessed and finalized within a specified time-frame. 这句话多难懂的,“如果部长履行这个承诺,部长的切掉大约80,000个申请(影响约280,000)将在一定时间内对他们的档案进行评估并作出最终决定。”5. 没参加诉讼的,将在C38以后提出诉讼。如果4成立了,5就没必要了,好像。感觉论坛里的许多理解过于乐观了。点击展开...法官的判决理由是这个判决的核心,既:谁应该对拖延负责? 是否已经评估不是法官判决胜负的依据,梁120天结案的120天是考虑到已经评估。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-06-16#13 回复: Tim发布的声明这几天大家一直讨论这个guidedby的出处,本帖是为了说明这个其实一月时律师说了,已就代表案子与Cic达成一致,并将其结果应用于本案其他人,所以梁先生是一位测评81分的高人,这里要感谢律师和法庭,因为81分可不是我们的平均程度,CIC居然也赞成,大家应特别感谢!!至于我将之忘得一干二净,而律师记的一清二楚,自己汗一下吧这几天论坛上,群里都有人提出,律师的代表人不该选梁,而应选个未打分同学我感觉不值一驳,自己看看一月的时候有C38吗,有的话你为什么三月后才匆匆加入最幸运的是我们通过李森找到了Tim,最幸运的是还有Tim这样的律师,在未闻C38前就为被插队的九一抗争最幸运的,是最后一批加入Tim组的同学
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 K kevintiger 0$(VIP 0) 1,1912012-06-16#14 回复: Tim发布的声明我的理解,不对的地方请指正:[1]TIM的诉讼直接受益人是参加诉讼的人;也就是他们受到了插队伤害,但是CIC promise要在合理的时间内完成审理; [2]这些案子中,像梁瑟这些个已经在2010年体检的,可能会在极快的时间内完成审理;没有s2的,完成审理的时间,再进一步的协商中。可以肯定的是他们都是安全的; [3]没有参加诉讼的人,可以参加新的诉讼,这些诉讼在c38通提起,目前在准备中。 我不明白的地方: [1]While the former group -- about 750 -- are subject to s. 87.4, CIC agreed in writing in January that it would be "guided by" the decision in the lead cases. 北风姐姐已经解答了这个问题了,我是3月份参加诉讼的,不知道1月份的约定。感谢李森和那些先行的人。虽然我们大家都很饿,但你们是最先cry的人。
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 美 美好中国 0$(VIP 0) 122012-06-16#15 回复: Tim发布的声明请问各位大侠:本人是否通过初审?感谢。本人:07.12递交北京,2010.02来S2, 2010.05.02补交材料。在2011.08找在加拿大的朋友查分,那朋友至今没有收到回信。
回复: Tim发布的声明请问各位大侠:本人是否通过初审?感谢。本人:07.12递交北京,2010.02来S2, 2010.05.02补交材料。在2011.08找在加拿大的朋友查分,那朋友至今没有收到回信。点击展开...S2有两类,打分和未打分的不确认你已打分
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 加 加拿大老熊 0$(VIP 0) 5,3662012-06-16#17 回复: Tim发布的声明是否已经评估不是本案的关键,本案胜负的关键是“谁要对拖延负责”,到现在怎么还有人没明白啊,我晕,我倒!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 美 美好中国 0$(VIP 0) 122012-06-16#18 回复: Tim发布的声明谢谢告知。前几天,在康尼败诉的案子里,提到的“通过移民部初审”是指通过S2的,还是指通过S2并且打出分的?
回复: Tim发布的声明是否已经评估不是本案的关键,本案胜负的关键是“谁要对拖延负责”,到现在怎么还有人没明白啊,我晕,我倒!点击展开... 谢谢指点迷津。
回复: Tim发布的声明4-6月份参加的人也可以随着2011年开始起诉的人一起将判决效果回溯到3.29之前吗?
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