加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民啥时候给签证啊
2.18号体检4月份发现无法查询CIC web,然后让发信要CIC处理5.1号又可以查询了,一看DM了,大喜,后来证明是上次(去年)的DM5月下旬,实在等不上了,就问VO到底发大信封没,不发我就要改地址了,结果VO说你改吧,At this time all the documents that we require have been received, your application is in queue for Visa Officer final review. Please be patient. 5月底把新地址发给了北京大使馆 7月7号实在忍不住又发了一封信问:咋个回事?还不给大信封?且地址一直是老的呀?VO一副死猪不怕开水烫的口气:At this time all the documents that we require have been received, your application is in queue for Visa Officer final review. Please be patient.不过还BTW:we have received your updated mailing address.等吧。。。。。
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